He hesitated to open his eyes, not wanting to confirm his fears.

<< I know you are awake, Mr. Waltts >> a thin voice pierced the silence, accompanied by a spontaneous, malicious laugh. << Come on, open your eyes. Don’t be shy..>>

Tom had no choice. He opened his hazel- green eyes to meet the vacant, white gaze of his enemy. A small nose and nearly nonexistent lips - which were surrounded by a white, long mustache- adorned a round face that belonged to Griff, Mika’s loyal follower who have turned to a traitor. Motivated by unknown drives, he had seized Mika’s headquarters and turned her entire army against her, leading to a chase which they had to escape. Griff activated the danger alarm in the building branding them as criminals. Against the whole alien species. Against the world of peace. ‘’ The man has come to exterminate us all, and Mika sold us to him. She sold us to the humans! They will come to kill us, to wipe us out! So we must react and fight! “ he shouted to the soldiers, attempting to mislead them with fear so that every command of his would be strictly followed. And he succeeded.

<< I’d like to thank you for Mika’s death. They sent you to kill her and that’s exactly what you did. I admit you’ve saved me from a tight spot>> Griff explained, laughing.

Mika! Her image filled his mind and a sudden confusion washed over him. “ They don’t know that Mika was also a time traveler” he thought and a little smirk formed on his lips. The time before Griff’s uprising, Tom had shared a lovely moment with Mika, who had entrusted him with her little secret. Her superiors had sent her to that reality to embody the roles of leader and guardian. Tom knew that the risk he took paid off for Mika and wished with all his soul that she was safe now that she escaped from the chaos created by Griff’s betrayal.

<< You seem to be in a good mood for someone injured >> Griff commented sarcastically.

<< I had a nice dream >> Tom replied mirroring the irony.

<< Mmmm… >>  he murmured between his teeth <<Smile while you can, because soon I don’t think you’ll be able to. You see, Mr. Waltts, from the very first moment I wanted to kill you. I detest your kind.. but to succeed my plans unfortunately I have to deal with you.. with humans. I have studied you for years. Greedy beings, slaves to your own emotions. Always wanting more instead of savoring the beauty of nothingness and because you can't have what you want to decide to destroy everything! Mika was a good leader, I admit that. But I started to grow bored with her. She didn’t use the power she had properly! That role should belong to someone more capable.. someone like.. me! When I saw you shared human feelings at the top of the building the other day, I thought it was a sign.. It was time to emerge, to take place!! Our kind is gullible, no matter how intelligent we are.. so here we are now… You are talking with the new leader! I will lead our kind to a new era and slowly we will expand.. to your cities.. to your earth ! We deserve to live a human life without the fear to go extinct by you at any time! >> he finished his monologue by wiping the drool from his mouth.

Lying on that steel medical bed, immobilized and alive with machines monitoring his physical integrity, Tom took a deep breath. He accepted his fate and deep down resolved to endure as it was.

<< You hate humans but you want to live a human life ? That’s absurd! >>

<< I want to live a free life! Free!! I don’t want to hide anymore! >> Griff yelled twirling the small slits of his eyes.

During his time there, Tom had realized that Mika and her kind were tools of peace, while his own race was made for war. Thus, the suspicion that Griff had been manipulated by some human, whether intentionally or not, flooded his mind. But as he listened to Griff speak, he realized that he had moved cunningly due to his own treacherous and selfish desires.

<< I would very much like to continue our conversation, but I must leave. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ll be meeting your beloved...Captain Lancer Harris…>>

 Tom froze at the mention of his supervisor’s name from his military life, the trusted advisor, the man who represented the father figure that he had never known. Tom narrowed his eyes, reacting to the treacherous words of his enemy as they confirmed the web of lies the Purpose had spun regarding this mission. Ready to loathe himself, he instinctively snarled trying to release the tension, feeling the wound in his chest send electric pain coursing through his body. He jolted at the insane thought that he could break free with a single move, yet faced with the harsh reality, he remained like a wild injured animal thrashing in a cage, awaiting its inevitable despair.

Griff took a few steps back smiling at the sight of Tom. He lifted his chin with pride, reveling in the power that surged through his white eyes. He was the victor, and he knew it.

<< Your people want the weapon Mika guarded for years. A weapon that could annihilate an entire planet. I think you already know this..>>

 Tom didn’t know this when he begun the mission. It was information Mika had revealed to him on the very day of the uprising. That’s why he felt betrayed by Lancer and his entire team. The Purpose moved with sinister motives. His people wanted the power that this kind possessed, completely, with no remnants of them left. And their weakening would begin with the disappearance of their leader. Tom had willingly allowed himself to be used as a powerful weapon to help them succeed their evil plan.<< But this weapon is OURS!>> Griff shouted and Tom with eyes shining from rage over the entire turn of events and the horrifying realization of the truth, he spat at Griff’s feet.

A powerful laugh filled the space. A sinister laugh from Griff, giving the image of a mad rival who had managed to exact his bloody revenge.

<<However, to keep it brief, my purpose is to exchange you for a new piece of land. If I return and don’t free you, know that Lancer don’t give a damn about you, and therefore a new unprecedented war will begin >> Griff stated blankly and wiped the human saliva from his white shinny shoes, before vanishing into the darkness.

Tom was left alone in the medical lab, powerless to do anything but wait…