A-01 was a unique being in another reality, the very target he had been sent to eliminate. The most skilled human soldier found himself powerless to complete his mission. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he fell in love with everything about her : her curious eyes, her porcelain skin dotted with gray freckles, her silvery hair. He fell for her soul, realizing she had one. He didn’t want to destroy her; he wanted to protect her. A-01 , as his superiors had coldly labeled her in the world he knew. A-01? No. Her name was Mika. Tom after they met understood that her and most of her kind were innocent. That she was a victim and that his own team from his reality manipulated him and used him. His only and new goal was to forge a way back to her and to unveil the truth about the Purpose. The truth that they were mere assassins. Danger lurked everywhere, in every reality- whether back in the real world or in the realm of her kind. Yet, the emotion between them was stronger, breaking every rule and interwinning their realities. Love transcended all boundaries. Even if it meant it had to die, love would be reborn.

<< I don’t want to die, Tom..>> she whispered devastated.

Tom approached her, gently touching her face. By choosing to kill her, he risked losing her.. but if he did nothing, he was sure he would lose her forever.

<< Let my love for you be the seal that I will find you again in any other life but this one. I came to save you from this one >> he also whispered softly, pressing his bloodied lips gently against hers. The kiss of goodbye. A goodbye that was either temporary or eternal. They looked at each other with hope for a brief reunion burning within them. They gazed with a heavy desire to stay there forever. Still. Embraced. In love. But the danger intruded effortlessly, shattering their idyllic moment. Their enemies spotted them and charged toward them, shouting in fury. Soldiers in wired uniforms with faceless masks. Chaos. Fear. Hope? Mika smiled and Tom nodded in agreement.

 A silent pact was made.

Tom grasped his knife, tightening his grip as hesitation washed over him. Emotion flooded him, but reason had to prevail. He slipped behind her and pulled her into his embrace as the knife pierced her body. A scream of pain. Loud for Mika. Silent for him. She fell back with Tom’s legs buckled beneath him. Still holding her tightly in his arms, he found himself sitting on the white tiles, watching their enemies approach. Time was pressing him.

Deep within, he questioned his choices. He wondered if surrendering would be better than facing death, but that would mean an eternity of imprisonment. No one would come to rescue them. Their bodies would continue living in the real world while their souls will suffer for years at this one… or what ever fate awaited by Mika’s’ kind. In a flash, he concluded that the risk he took for both of them was the right choice. Death here would awaken Mika’s body in her true reality, while his own demise would send him back to his.

<< No matter where you are, I will find you >> he promised softly next to her ear and kissed her forehead with pure love. “ Even if I have to confront those who once considered family” he also thought and within seconds he gripped the barrel of his weapon. He needed a swift death, and bullet would provide just that.

A loud clack. Indescribable pain. Warmth enveloped him within seconds, and his vision blurred.

Death hugged him slowly. He commanded his soul to leave his body immediately but something was stopping him. He felt the enemies hands all over him.. Why didn’t he die?  He needed a second bullet? But he was so well trained that he didn’t missed his aim: the heart. Being ensnared in this reality would be a fatal mistake for him. An then… a weird feeling overwhelmed him.. A feeling of freedom.. He was leaving…

The alarm was the last thing he heard and Mika’s body freezing was the last thing he felt.