The alarm wasn’t supposed to go off yet. It was 3:33 a.m., and this had been going since after about a month had passed that Jeannie and her family had moved into the new house. It was okay for now because she wouldn’t be going to her new job for at least another two weeks. Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with the alarm, which had been her wake-up buddy for the last fifteen years and had never even skipped a beat, much less gone off at the wrong time every morning. “It was a wind-up for goodness’ sake”, she thought to herself. Jamie and Jack slept peacefully. Nothing could wake those two. Jeannie peeked into Jenny’s room and she, too, was in a deep sleep. Jeannie, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep, so she closed the bedroom door. At least John could get a full night’s sleep.
chapter 1
About Author
Hi, I'm Demetra S. Gerontakis. I was Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Since childhood, I have been interested in unexplained events and fascinated by the paranormal. For this reason, after raising my four children, I finally settled down to make my dream come true and published my first non-fiction book, "The Reality of the Supernatural" on Oct 16, 2012, on the subject of paranormal phenomena and life after death; true stories that I had compiled over many years just as they were told by those they had occurred to. Ghosts, poltergeists, and hauntings are my favorite subjects but I can not ignore vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and other creatures of urban legends. As a result of the latter, my latest work came along. A paranormal fantasy trilogy, "Secret of The Crest".
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