The next morning May awoke to Doug opening the door to her room. "It's moving day" he sang as if this was truly great news. She quickly asked about the items missing from her personal items. She quickly became enraged when he told her they would not be returned until the day she leaves. First shed told she can't leave, next she's told she can't have her survival kit. No after no making her anger grow. Why would they bring her here. Leaving her to be alone and brainwashed by these strange people.

She followed orders as told unsure of what punishment they may come up with next if she didn't obey. Up two flights of stairs to a room very similar to the one they had just left. Only difference is their is a bathroom in this room along with another girl. Quickly with a smile painted from ear to ear she introduced herself. "Hi I'm Lizzy I've been here 6 months. I'm 28 and my DOC was powder." Saying this with such glee that it overwhelmed May. The only question she could think to ask was "what's a DOC?"

Quickly Lizzy filled May in on what this academy true purpose was. DOC stood for Drug of Choice. This was a school for addicts to learn to become productive members of society. Quickly May became enraged when the puzzle pieces fell into place. Her family had left her behind because the didn't see any value left to her life if she stayed on the path she was on. How dare they turn their backs in the time when she needed them most. She quickly shut down and started planning her escape from behind the walls of Hourglass Academy.