In the heart of Missouri lies a town called Peculiar, where reality wears thin and the extraordinary bleeds into the mundane. These stories are fragments of its history, shards of strange tales that reflect different facets of fear – from cosmic horror that shatters our understanding of reality to intimate terrors that strike at the core of human nature.
Here you'll find a vampire hunter in her twilight years facing one last confrontation in a retirement home. A grocery store clerk discovers the deadly consequences of touching another man's sandwich. A small-town furniture sale that descends into a bloodbath worthy of the presidents whose faces adorn the walls. A prison where reality itself becomes the ultimate security breach. An alien corpse on a lakeshore forces four teenagers to confront truths too vast for their young minds. And a background character who suddenly becomes aware of his role in everyone else's stories.
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About Author
Joe King has been making readers scream with laughter for over two decades through his unique blend of horror and humor. Known as the "Crown Prince of Comedic Horror," Joe masterfully balances spooky thrills with uproarious punchlines in his bestselling books. His gallows humor and witty observations on the absurdity of life enrich his tales of zombies, ghosts, vampires, and other creepy creatures. Though the horrors in Joe's stories are very real, the true monster is human nature itself. Hailing from Peculiar, MO the self-described "funny farm" of entertainers, Joe learned the art of comedy writing by honing his craft at local comedy clubs. But his passion for horror drove him to put his spin on the genre. When he's not writing, you can find Joe King voraciously reading classic horror, watching cheesy B-movies, and sipping coffee at the local comedy club where he occasionally tests out jokes. Like the greatest masters of horror-comedy before him, Joe King understands the thin line between horror and humor, proving that laughs can arrive hand-in-hand with gasps and shrieks!