Chapter One

It was a hot day in the city. It was a good thing the apartments are air conditioned, otherwise I'd be sweating like crazy.

My name is Theodore Schultz, and I'm considered a computer geek. Some people tell me I look like Clark Kent or Superman, without the glasses.. It might have to do with my thick glasses or my attire. At least they like my looks.

Currently I work at a computer retail store, Byte By Byte, as a multimedia consultant. I help customers set up their system and how to set up their computers.

Although we sell IBM-PCs and Macintosh computers (and I know all about their operating systems), my specialty is how to set up audio and video software for a specialized operating system called the Omega 520, which is compatible with the aforementioned other operating systems.

Anyway, I happened to be a member of a user group. So I would share how I created a few multimedia presentations. I create music, art, and even done some low-level programming.

One day in one of our meetings, I would create a program that would use a computer that controls the opening and closing of a safe. Basically, the computer software uses facial recognition and a special code to open the safe.

“This program was created using the software called Digital Pro Maker, which makes creating a kiosk or animation with music very easy. Just following the step-by-step easy process and it's so easy. You won't need to know anything about low-level programming to use it, although if you know it, this program is very helpful, too.”

My audience was so impressed that I got an ovation. I would remain humble about it.

After the meeting, I was approached by a woman with long red hair. She looked very slender in her purple sleeveless mini-dress.

When she came to me, I couldn't help but smile. “Hello, ma'am. Did you enjoy the presentations?”

She smiled at me, and then she spoke to me in a very sexy voice. “My name is Joanna Harris.”

“Oh, please to meet you, Ms. Harris. What brings you here to our user group?”

She smiled again, saying, “Before I answer your question, you must call me Joanna.”

After shaking my head in affirmation, I would say, “All right, Joanna. What brings you hear to our user group?”

“Well, Theodore, my manager has heard of you, so she sent me over here to see your demonstration.”

This surprised me, as I don't get visited by managers of companies before. “Oh, I see. Who is your manager?”

“She's Madeline Baker, the branch manager of Northwestern Savings and Loan. Her boyfriend is Jeremy Quinn.”

Now that names rings a bell. He's a member of our user group. Jeremy was a curly-haired guy, slim and trim. Not a bodybuilder, but just a very thin guy.

In fact, Jeremy started walking towards me. “Hey, Ted!”

So I turned to him and said hello. “Hey, Jeremy. I taketh you know Ms. Joanna Harris.”

“Oh, yeah, Joanna. I'm glad you made it.”

“Thank you, Jeremy. I know that Ms. Baker will be pleased when we tell her about this”

“Yeah, I wish Madeline was here to see this demonstration. She would be impressed.”

This conversation would get me curious. “Let me make sure I'm hearing you correctly, Jeremy. Your girlfriend is a bank manager, right?”

Jeremy smiled. “Yes, she is.

“So you plan to tell her about my newly-created software program, right?”

Jeremy grinned and answered, “Well, we might be able to do better than that. We were hoping to invite you to come the Northwestern Savings & Loan to do your demonstration for Madeline.”

Now I thought to myself, what a great opportunity to show off my new software program. However I had to ask, “Just out of curiosity, what computer systems are you currently using?”

Joanna would answer, “”Oh, all of our computers are running Windows 11. I'm not very knowledgeable about computer systems.”

Smiling, I responded, “Well, that helps. I can bring the PC version of my program with me. When do you want me to show up?”

Jeremy started to laugh as he nodded his head., and then he answered, “I tell you what, Ted. I'll talk to Madeline and then we'll give you a call Okay?”

“Fair enough”, I said as I shook his hand.. “Guess I'll see you in the next meeting two weeks from now.”

Of course, I would shake Joanna's hand and tell her, “Joanna, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

She smiled and then she kissed me on my cheek before she left. I didn't expect that.

Suddenly a voice shouted, “Hey, Ted, did you find a girlfriend?”

When I turned around, it was Marlin Sterling. Marlin was a 50-year-old man, bald on the top, portly, wearing a blue-collar shirt, white pants and tennis shoes.

“Hey, Marlin. You enjoy today's meeting?”

“Oh, it was fascinating. I knew computers are great for creating art, music, and kiosks, but man, I never knew it could do something like that.”

“Of course, Marlin. You'd be surprised to know what you can do with a PC when you know about low-level programming.”

Marlin smiled and said, “I know nothing about low-level programming. All that if, then, else, x equals y or all that. I'm too damn old to learn all that.”

That would make me laugh a little bit. “You believe in leaving the programming to the young folks, right.”

He'd laugh, too, saying “You know what I'm thinking. I'd rather just buy the software. Besides, I only use my PC for writing letters to my friends.”

“Come on,, Marlin. You play some games with it, too, don't you?”

He paused for a moment, and then said, “Okay, I play the sports games, like MLB, NFL, NHL,.... Yeah, I admit it.”

“That's okay, Marlin. Not everyone can be into low-level programming. Anyway, thanks for coming, dude.”

He did a fist-pump shake, and then said, “Okay. Oh, by the way, who was that hot babe that kissed you on the cheek?”

“Oh, she works for Jeremy's girlfriend at Northwestern Savings & Loan. Can you believe she and Jeremy wanted me to demonstrate this setup?”

“I'm not surprised. You're a genius. See you later.”

Once I waved goodbye to him as he was leaving, I would take apart my stuff and then pack it inside my car. I happen to drive a red Volkswagen Jetta.

Before I left, I felt someone put her arms around me. I could tell it was a her because the fingernails have polish and I can smell her perfume.

It was Faye Quest, a former classmate of me when we were in high school. She was a blonde woman, and she loves to wear the same perfume, Lilac. She was wearing a tank top and denim short shorts. Faye was a popular gal in high school, who formerly dated the star high school quarterback, Kent Storm.

Suffice to say I was surprised that she would even get touchy-feel y with me, since I was not in her league.

Anyway, she was there behind me, and she said to me, “Hello, Teddy-poo---”

Smiling, I turned around and looked at her. “Oh, Hello, Faye. This is a surprise.”

She started to giggle and then she said, “Ah, I was such a fool not recognizing you as an intelligent guy. I want to make it up to you.”

A puzzled look came to my face. “Really? Whatever happened to Kent Storm?”

She looked down, and then she looked at me, sighing, and she finally said, “Kent dumped me for some other gal. He said I only like him for the money. Well, he was going to make money now that he's the star quarterback at the University of Mount Harbor, but he got tired of buying expensive things for me and I do nothing for him”

She started to cry a little as she said, “I am such a fool for not realizing material wealth is not that important and--- I guess you've heard the old saying that it's better to give than to receive.”

It sounded as if she learned a valuable lesson. “Yes, Faye. I know about that saying. Giving gives\ us a warm feeling, especially if we give to the poor, the homeless, and the less fortunate. I'm glad you realize that, Fay. “

She was still in tears when she continued, “After Kent dumped me, a few people told me that I deserved it for how I treated him, and for the way I treated others who weren't well-to-do like I was.”

It was a good thing I had a handkerchief with me, so I let use it to wipe her tears. “Faye, do you still have all those expensive stuff that Kent bought for you?”

She nodded her head. “No, I was forced to sell them because I had no money. I even gave away some of my expensive dresses to the local thrift store. Mom told me that I need to learn how to be financially independent so she tore up my credit cards. It was a hard lesson for me to learn.”

Well, I had to show empathy, so I would say, “Have you been able to find work since then?”

She would manage a smile, saying “I started working at the Wimpy's Burgers last week. I'm trying to get used to working, cleaning the floors, throwing the trash, and smiling while helping customers.”

Naturally I would be happy for her on that. “That's a start. Once you start saving up more and more, you'll be able to get your own car and your own place.”

She sighed and said, “Yeah, for now I'll live with my parents for a while until that happens----”

“That's not a bad thing. At least you have a place to stay, right?”

“Now that you mentioned that, I am grateful to mom and dad for not letting me live off the streets. You are great, Ted.”

“Thank you, Faye.”

She ended up hugging me, and didn't let go of me for at least two minutes. After that, she said, “See you around, Teddy”. Then she walked away.

With that, I would drive back to my upstairs apartment. Fortunately the place is air conditioned, so I wouldn't feel so hot.

The landlord allowed pets, so I had a gray cat with black stripes on his face and black spots on the rest of the fur. “Come here, Tigger” I'd feed her dry cat food and water.

With that done, I'd have one of those frozen dinners to eat.