Gambling Queen was shown for the first time to a large audience in a pompous premiere in LA under big expectations after the wonderful first reviews the film had from an early press prescreening.

In the final climax of the film, Gina played by Meg, gambles in a poker´s game against the evil gambler who had murdered her father and her lover.

The villain of the film was an elegant old man who wears slicked-back grey hair, with a white long white moustache under his nose.

In the scene, after Meg as Gina wins the game ruining the evil gambler, the situation escalates into a bloodshed violence action sequence.

Meg as Gina, gets on her feet carrying two guns in her both of her hands, firing bullets against the bunch of gangsters that run towards her to kill her, in that moment, she shows to the audience her big womb, displaying her pregnancy.

The action sequences were that violent and bloody that some assistants in the cinema needed to look away from the screen.

 In the big screen, the actress, Wounded and covered in blood, had finally ended with the opposition, finding herself face to face in the gambling room against her foe.

They both fired their guns at the same time, finding out that both were out of ammunition.

“The world is going to lose an irresponsible mother.” -He said with a malicious smile. - “I´m not going to hit a pregnant woman, leave before my men come to kill you.”

“They are all dead.” -She said dropping her gun.

“Beat it and I´ll forgive you.” -The villain suggested.

But Meg as Gina, didn´t come that far to step back from her mission, and furiously started to throw a series of punches to the villain until harming her knuckles to the point of made them bleed.

However, the villain was not going to give her an easy fight and answered the attack with a brutal reversal punch that made her mouth bleed. She was weak and pregnant, but her blinding rage was on point sedating her pain. She insisted on attacking the villain who defended himself hitting her with chair that opened a scar in the top of her head that covered her face in blood.


The audience in the cinema screamed at every brutal blow shown on the screen.

In the screen, the violence was escalating, the villain found a knife in one of the tables and stabbed her in the womb twisting the knife inside while she was holding his hands.

“I´m going to end with four generations of losers. Your father, your husband, and your son!!” -He yelled while contemplating how the woman was struggling with her agony. – “There won´t be no more paybacks.” -He added.

She fell into an anger outburst, Meg as Gina, bit his lips ripping out from his mouth, to then, dig her thumbs into his eyes blinding him, consequently taking the knife out of her womb stabbing it into the villain´s heart.

“My father, my husband and my child, gave me the strength to kill you!” -She told to him.

“You´re a crazy bitch!” -The villain screamed in agony.

“I killed you with the blood of my son.” -Meg as Gina yelled, saying a sentence that would become a popular sentence in movie history.


 After all the violence, Meg as Gina, felt in the ground caressing her womb. Hearing the ambulances from afar. Shedding tears from her pale blue eyes.

“You´ll survive, you´ll survive, my baby.”

She said before passing out, right before the ending credits rolled.


Before the lights were on in the screening room, the crowd was on their feet applauding the film.

Holding her lover´s hand, Meg was overwhelmed and pleased by the reception.

She got in her feet, thanking the support, until she couldn´t hold the emotion and found a way out from the screening room.

As in that day in which she ran away from the church, she needed to escape from that honest affection.

She left the screening room and found shelter in the bathroom. She was emotionally unstable. The making of the film was a roller coaster of emotions. Two weeks into the shooting she heard the devastating news of the murdering of Gina in gambling joint in New York City. She travelled to Davenport to the funeral where she met her mother.

Gina had started a new life with her boyfriend and was expecting a child, unfortunately, they were experiencing  economic difficulties and Gina found in the gambling world a chance of earning some cash. Her hand was injured but she thought she could pull it out one more time. She tried to train Steve, but he lacked ofalejas natural talent, so she decided to do it by herself.

They went to New York to an infamous gambling joint where they beat the wrong guy, that same night someone broke into their hotel and put a bullet between their eyes. The killers weren´t found yet. Probably they´ll never get caught, and that saddened Meg. She had died just like her father, in the meaningless and dumbest way possible.

She couldn´t believe that what she had previously written in her script could had been sadly replicated in real life.

She thought on changing the ending of the film, but Mike convinced her that the ending should remain the same, change it wouldn´t bring her back, and at least in the fiction, Gina could have her revenge.


She locked the bathroom and stared at the reflection in the window. She wished to be able of talking with Gina again, at least one more time, and while her pale blue eyes were reflecting in the mirror, she could felt how Gina was embracing her from the back, she could felt her arms surrounding her hips and her head laying in her back.

She recognized the warm and soft touch of Gina, there was no doubt that she was there with her sharing that moment, sharing her success.


              THE END