“Are you going to meet her?” asked John as he sat down on the bench in the playground and munched on his pre-prepared ham and cheese sandwich, making loud chewing noises which caused Forrest to tut and frown.

“I don’t think so, we’ve only sent two letters and she lives in Manchester,” replied Forrest, blushing a little. 

“Forrest, I’ve known you for ten years now, and I’ve not seen you like this, are you in love with her?” said John. He gave Forrest a pat on the back.

“You’re not so hot with the ladies either,” said Forrest as he swotted John’s hand.

“Well I was going to offer you some money to get there,” said John, first with a tut which turned into a grin. “But now you hurt my feelings.”

“Our finances are fine, we can put enough food on the plate, although it was better before Henry conscripted,” said Forrest.

John glanced back and forth at Forrest, feeling a little uncomfortable and not knowing what to say next or whether to say anything at all. Forrest looked around him, trying to get his mind off his brother, when he spotted one of the teachers holding a newspaper. “Communist Delegates meet in Moscow,” read the headline. John followed Forrest’s eyes onto the headline before half-heartedly smiling.

“You still have about three weeks to go until you have to conscript,” said John, his half-smile turning into an awkward cackle. “The war will be over by then.”

Forrest stared at him, unmoved by his untimely attempt at humour, his mind going back over his last moments with his brother.

“Don’t go!” shouted Forrest, grabbing his big brother’s arm at the front door in an attempt to change his mind.

“Don’t do this Forrest, you’re going to make mum cry,” replied Henry as he turned to face his brother who was unable to look him in his eyes. Forrest, who was half a foot shorter, opened his arms as if he wanted a hug, but unable to give one. Henry obliged, wrapping himself around him. He looked up when the kitchen door opened and noticed his mother’s teary red eyes.

“Be strong mum, I’ll be back, I promise,” said Henry as he handed his mother a tissue and turned around to face Forrest. He put his hand on his shoulder. “Take care of mum while I’m gone, okay?”

Forrest nodded, still unable to look his brother in the eyes. He and his mother stood silent until Henry left the house and closed the door.

“Forrest?” said John, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him a little. “Snap out of it, lunch break is over.”

“Huh? How long was I out?” asked Forrest as his mind returned to the present.

“A few minutes,” replied John, motioning Forrest back inside. As they were about to go inside, Forrest heard the familiar cooing above him which prompted him to look up. It was Henry! Forrest smiled at him and went back inside.