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The Quantum Librarian by Themagicpen
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
884.38/5 (8)01

The Central Archive towered over Novus City, a vast monolith of glass and steel, embodying both the city’s technological advancements and its rigid control over its citizens. Within its fortified walls, the collective memories of every citizen were meticulously stored, indexed, and accessed through a network of quantum computers. The mind files, as they were called, allowed for perfect recall of personal experiences, serving as both a personal repository and a tool for societal harmony.

The Tiger-Driven Generators by MarieDJones

On a distant dying planet, a young woman fights to retain the old ways amidst pressure to give in to a tempting new form of power, one that she knows will destroy them in the end.

Who Will Hold the Universe by kelefox

You only get one Year 12 School Ball. For Gabby, that's a blessing; for Zenna, it's a waste; and for Jairo, an ageless god who's forgotten who he is, it's a chance to save the world.


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