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Last Hope by Wade.A.Green

Fully 9 feet tall, the bipedal humanoid was grotesque, its blue mottled flesh covered head to toe in a strange carapace armour, 4 huge bulging arms wielding a baroque weapon that spat blue death at the soldiers outside the wall.

Searching For A Guardian by JakeDC86

Growing up is one thing, but knowing you are being trained for the purpose of war is not something you would want as a teenager, and when you know you're not good enough unless the prophesied legendary Guardian Of Sorcery is found to win the war for you it really adds to the pressure.

Oh and when people see you as a villain because the only magic you possess was banished a thousand years before your birth, you find you just have to try that little bit harder to prove your worth...


BULLETS AND BANDAGE: Bond of Brothers by RJS_Writing

We flew to Vietnam on January 10, 1968.

I was going to be part of Bravo Company, 21st Light Infantry. I thought about Vietnam, what it would be like, wondered how the men in country would treat their new Medic. The plane was full of excited troops chattering about the adventures which could be in store for us. The man in the seat next to me didn’t have much to say, though. I could see that he was a Marine sergeant; he looked to be much older than the rest of us.


The Second Pass  by Smudge_Writes
1.48K5/5 (2)00

On the 13th of June 1944, just one week following the successful invasion of the Normandy beach landings, the Third Reich unleashes the first of their terrifying Vengeance weapons. The V1 flying a bomb.

These early cruise missiles travel across the channel too fast for Allied fighters to intercept where they deliver their massive payloads straight into British cities packed with civilians. Casualties are horrendous. The terror of the blitz once again ensnares the British people.


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