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Hello there. I'm an amateur at writing but I enjoy it nonetheless. I also draw my story covers. (I attempt to, haha)
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Part of November Challenge - "The frozen lake cracked beneath his feet." challenge
954.25/5 (4)00
Depression was the third wheel in their relationship and one of the primary dangers they had to face together. That was until an "unexpected" wrong turn leaves the couple in danger that medicine can not bring them out of.
Part of October Challenge - "The alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet." challenge
1124/5 (2)00
I could see her, I could ACTUALLY SEE HER! What I have wanted all- what I deserved! All of that washed away by the tsunami of sound. That wretched beeping silenced my Katy. She was going to speak to me again. What would she have said? Will I ever know?
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