At least, in Zhou Qi's tears, Wang Qizhi should be her prince charming, or pure white and flawless kind.

Zhou Qi smoked a fine cigarette and sighed, as if her growth began from a dream when she was a child.

 Zhou Qi's situation is very different from ordinary people. Her father Zhou Qin is a cleaning worker, and her mother Tan Hui is a freelancer. Since childhood, Zhou Qi always envy the children of other people's family, although are the only child, but how did her Zhou Qi live so unsatisfactory? Living in the same community, the quality of life is a world of difference. Zhou Qi her family is a demolition household, if it were not for the tight work in the province, how can her family be taken care of by the local government, assigned to such a relatively good house. After the shunt moved into here of the uprooted households, also only her home a. The neighbors all looked at them strangely. Zhou Qi remembers clearly, when moved in, her father and her mother dusty appearance, although he gave birth to a good appearance, but her father let her a person to carry such a heavy thing, but also make her dusty, which makes her feel very wronged. She turned her mouth up and was just glimpsed by her father. The princess disease is not her mother used, her father with vicious eyes to her mother, her mother was timid, had to lower her head and smiled. Zhou Qi wanted to defend her mother a few words, but she immediately heard the neighbor whispered laugh: " This female doll has the princess's face, no princess's life oh, you see her father and her mother that bear."This is the first time Zhou Qi's self-esteem was greatly hurt, but she just smiled, but in the heart of blood. In fact, they want to move things is not much, there is nothing valuable in the home, but Zhou Qi's father insisted on moving those miscellaneous things, leading to her also want to mention so much. Now once Zhou Qi said so, naturally can not bear it. So when she moved to her new home and fell asleep, she held back her tears and had a dream:

 She dreamed that she had become a white swan, playing in the pond. But at the same time, the shore unexpectedly someone said she is a grey swan, or short and black, Zhou Qi busy want to explain I'm not, I am a whole body white swan, no color, just to show their beauty, whole body immediately turned black, even finally the whole pond was her black, and next to the ridicule is more and more big, big to she began to doubt that he is a grey swan.

"I can't stand it, I stand it anymore!"Zhou Qi blocked his ears and shouted. Her father and her mother are cooking, but they will not use the city pot stove is busy, and did not hear Zhou Qi's cry. Zhou Qi woke up, her ears or circling the laughter of the people around her, she touched her cheek in the mirror, but some white through red. Zhou Qi knew that she just shouted out, she thought mom and dad even a concern about her words, mouth could not help but turn up, according to her father's words, can hang a bucket. She heard her mother call her to eat and got up from the wooden bed. She had a mouthful of food in her mouth, the taste buds directly fried, really bitter! Her mother hurriedly asked her how delicious she was, she did not hear, just whispered: " It is really a humble gray swan."Her father and her mother did not hear, busy asked her what she was saying, she had to helplessly smile.

 It is in one unit of this community that Zhou Qi met Wang Qizhi.

 In Zhou Qi's impression, Wang Qizhi does not love to talk, the head than the average boy is a head, looks careless, but he can not speak ambiguous. Zhou Qi met him several times in the corridor. The first time I met him, he passed like a prism by the roadside, and the sun was strong, dragging his shadow long. Zhou Qi did not see him, just feel that there is something like a plane overhead, in short can say in a word: the boy who lives upstairs is very tall. The second time I met him, I was going downstairs to play. At that time, Zhou Qi's family had just moved into this community, and her parents were still preparing for her plan to enter the school, asking nearby which primary school had a good education environment and charged lower fees. Therefore, during that time, Zhou Qi has been in a state of liberation, a time, ran downstairs, her mother has been used to her. This time she met Wang Qizhi, ran into the face, his appearance gave her a kind of close feeling, not as handsome as the movie star, but have a natural sense of beauty. This time, they still did not say hello, but like the last time, each other in a strange way through. The third time in the door of the door, she opened the door ran into Wang Qizhi, do not know what to happen, she is not too ashamed to smile, cheeks slightly red, low head, whispered hello. The boy with her head and half her neck also smiled and asked her name. Zhou Qi lowered his head and said his name was Zhou Qi, he hurriedly asked which qi qi? Zhou Qi said it was Shaqima Qi, which her mother taught her. He said that he didn't know, that he had never heard of it, and then he left. Zhou Qi smiled as he went upstairs, but she forgot to ask him for his name and didn't know it until the day school began.

 That day her parents were gloomy and discussing something, and she had a premonition that something was wrong. Before she opened her mouth, her mother Tan Hui said to her: " Xiaoqi, you have to enter junior high school to study, it's time to settle down. You also know that our family is not easy, we must study hard, strive to test for a good university in the future."Zhou Qi felt that something was dragging her down, she heard that she could not play, and thought of the six years of primary school, she began to cry. Father Zhou Qin's face is more gloomy, the mouth read all her mother used to her words. Tan Hui in order to take out when the mother's demeanor, cruel dumped Zhou Qi must give Lao Tzu good study, which makes Zhou Qi more afraid of the school life, but she endured tears, back to the room to sleep. Based on the current situation, her princess disease was also relieved by the sobbing in the quilt at night.

the school starts! This was Zhou Qi's first admission to junior high school. She never attended kindergarten, only primary school. Her family was poor, and she also looked for a nearby public school. Zhou Qi and his mother Tan Hui came to the school gate together, and went to the door of the classroom together. Zhou Qi's keen eyes suddenly caught the name of the classroom: class two, grade one of junior high school. This name in the eyes of Zhou Qi's eyes is so ordinary, but let her nervous not to speak. She began to stare at the words carved on the steel plate until her mother told her to go in.

 After going in, Zhou Qi could not think of is that she met the boy living in their upstairs, face brush red, her mother noticed this, but did not say anything, think should be the daughter face so many people, inevitably do not feel shy. The head teacher, surnamed Chen, asked the students to introduce themselves and let the parents leave.

 Mr.Chen called several students to make a speech, and soon drew Wang Qizhi."Wang Qizhi, you come up to make an introduction."Chen smiled, but Zhou Qi always felt Chen's smile is not so natural. The boy soon stood up. What, his name is Wang Qizhi, is really a good name, read up catchy, Zhou Qi thought.

 Wang Qizhi's self-introduction is very clear, it seems that he is a sunshine boy, Zhou Qi to his goodwill instantly improved a lot, she is still low head, seems to be thinking about something. It was not until the teacher read her name several times that she responded, which made the class laugh.

She saw teacher Chen's eyes, this is a kind of contemptuous look.

 Zhou Qi stood up with a red face. She bravely raised her head and said, " My name is Zhou Qi. I am very glad to know everyone.”

 Zhou Qi then heard the applause of the whole class, one after another, especially the boys in the class, her face became even more red. She is very pure and thinks that the class is all good students like her.

After the opening ceremony, everyone was happy and harmonious. Zhou Qi sat alone. To her surprise, Wang Qizhi also sat quietly. She had an indescribable feeling then that she and he would be entangled later, but without a clear concept.


 Zhou Qi shook her cigarette mouth, and her mouth shook. Zhou Qi smiled, she smiled very stiff, like a tightly hanging puppet. She saw herself through the silver cross her new boyfriend around her neck. Still so moving. She smiled famously, not as she had always been. Thinking of this, she will think of the middle school Li Li class Li Li, she has been paranoid that these old problems are thanks to Li Li, and now Li Li and Wang Qizhi walk together, which makes Zhou Qi more teeth to her.

 Zhou Qi had always felt that Li Li, sitting behind her, was always making some small moves behind her back. Li Li and Zhou Qi are the same community, before Zhou Qi always met Li Li, to take the initiative to say hello, Li Li will return to her a good, but never take the initiative to call her. Zhou Qi always felt that Li Li likes to stare at her face and clothes, and will change color. When she saw her face is jealous, to see her clothes is contempt, which makes Zhou Qi at a loss. Once a class activity, let each student show. When Zhou Qi stepped off the platform, Li Li pointed to Zhou Qi's clothes and laughed, saying that she was wearing miscellaneous clothes and that their family had no job, which greatly hurt Zhou Qi's self-esteem. That day she went home and cried. When her parents asked her, she said nothing. She just cried hard and took half a roll of paper to stop her tears. This matter is at most in zhou Qi's heart pulled a small hole, and really make this hole big, is that hateful thing.

That day, Zhou Qi's backpack more than 800 yuan, but Zhou Qi did not know that this money is Li Li yesterday while she did not pay attention, secretly put in Zhou Qi's backpack. Zhou Qi is a good student with both character and learning. Her grades have always been ranked top in the class, which makes her parents believe that she is a good material for reading. The relationship between Zhou Qi and Li Li is very delicate, this subtlety is that Zhou Qi and Wang Qizhi are neighbors, she and he always walk together after school, although not hand in hand, but also added Li Li heart many jealousy, so Li Li ready to fix her Zhou Qi.

Li Li put the accommodation fee from her parents into Zhou Qi's backpack. And in the eyes of the whole class will take out the 800 yuan, shouted that Zhou Qi did a good thing. Zhou Qi happened to go to the toilet. When she came back, Miss Chen stood at her table with a serious face and said: " Zhou Qi, it seems that I saw you by mistake, say, why do you want to steal Li Li's 800 yuan?”

"Teacher, I did not steal it!”

"Then how to explain this 800 yuan, this is the family Li Li paid half the day study fee, not you can arbitrarily waste! Come on to the office and call your parents.”

 Zhou Qi wronged, her tears instantly down the cheek flow down, drop by drop to beat on the ground, with the concrete layout of the devour and silently disappeared, she could not argue.

"Not fast to go!"Teacher Chen dragged Zhou Qi's small arm, pulling her in pain.

 When Zhou Qi went to the office, he looked back at Wang Qizhi. He did not speak, as if he no longer believed her.

 Zhou Qi's father, Zhou Qin, is still walking around the streets under the scorching sun, picking up garbage, and he makes a living like a beggar. When teacher Chen contacted him, he cried, tore heart to cry, he did not believe that his daughter would do such a thing, he hurried to the school.

 Zhou Qi originally wanted to explain what, but there was no room for it, she was directly father Zhou Qin severely slapped, said how she could do this, although our family is poor, but also not steal people's money.

 Zhou Qi cried again, she felt that everything in front of her was like a dream, she cried, until the eyes only pale in the tears.

 Miss Chen's office was full of students, all blocked in the door, trying to see Zhou Qi make a fool of himself. Zhou Qi felt that behind the long countless eyes like, she was most afraid of this crazy feeling. She grabbed her clothes by the collar, forming a dry and wet ring of tears.

"Zhou Qi, although you usually do well, but the nature of this time is very serious, it is likely to be recorded in the student file."Miss Chen said seriously.

"Teacher, give Zhou Qi another chance, we only have such a daughter, give her a chance to turn over a new leaf, ok?"Zhou Qi's father almost knelt down to Mr.Chen.

 But Mr.Chen refused. Chen teacher and Li Li her father relationship is good, two people were former colleagues, in the same tutoring institution teaching, later Teacher Chen left the business, Li Li her father is still working in that tutoring institution, later became a manager, high power. Li Li and Miss Chen are naturally in a group.

 Li Li's father came hurriedly with a briefcase, wearing a pair of small glasses, looking very gentle, his face is a Chinese face. As soon as he came in, he did enough of the image of a good father, busy took Li Li's little hand and said that Zhou Qi didn't bully you, right? Also said to let her put a hundred heart, let the father to deal with this little matter. Li Li pretended to be pretentious, dropping a few raw tears.

 Li Li's father don't talk much. Zhou Qi remember very clearly, he sold a few words in Chen teacher's ear, said there is an emergency, go first, its careless Zhou Qi also guess a few minutes, is to let Chen teacher put her "case" sit real, the benefits are not you. Then when he left, he put his tie in front of her father to show his power.

"Teacher Chen, you see in the child usually good grades on the member, spare her once, go back after I must be a good lesson to her."Zhou Qin's words turned into pleading.

"Zhou father, I will deal with this matter, don't bother you."Teacher Chen face out of a smile, in Zhou Qi's eyes, is a big face pimple. Mr.Chen waved his hand, saying that this is it today, she would react to the principal, and then walked out without looking back. Zhou Qi looked at Li Li in despair. She was smiling happily, just like an old fox.

 Her father Zhou Qinzhen knelt down to teacher Chen, kneeling while crawling a hug teacher Chen's leg. Teacher Chen from is not to be outdone, mercilessly kicked her father a, also scolded a sentence: " the son of a dog, have so take advantage of Lao Tzu?”

 Zhou Qi hugged his father, said dad, don't cry, let's go home, school is over. Zhou Qin began to spread the fire on Zhou Qi. He picked up a broom and beat Zhou Qi and said, " I do not have a daughter like you!"Zhou Qi cried thoroughly, she sobbed, said I will go!

 Zhou Qi almost ran out, covered her eyes with her hands, and could not believe all this, but also dare not look at other people's eyes. She ran to the school playground, the playground is empty, just in line with the loneliness at this time. She found a more remote place and cried aloud.

"Don't cry, Zhou Qi, I believe in you."This sentence seems to be a meteor cut through the dark, hit Zhou Qi's fragile heart.

"Wang Qizhi, it is you! I thought you wouldn't believe me, either."Zhou Qi fell into Wang Qizhi's arms, unable to let go.

 The relationship between Zhou Qi and Wang Qizhi was not so deep before, but since this incident, she began to have some affection for Wang Qizhi. In his arms, for the first time, she enjoyed the pleasure of the loneliness gradually leaving her body.

"Go, I will take you to a mysterious place."Wang Qizhi said with a smile.

"where?"Zhou Qi was somewhat worried, and she pushed him away.

"Don't believe me, I won't do anything to you.”

"Oh, oh, come on.”

 She and he came to a bodhi tree, he said: " Zhou Qi, you see, there are a lot of bodhi fruit!"Wang Qizhi seems to have discovered a new continent.

"Wow, really, a lot!"Zhou Qi was surprised, her eyes emit light, the original there is this full of spiritual existence like the dream of the fruit. She stared at the green fruit after another, her heart surging.

"How, didn't cheat you, here only one such a tree!”

"It's so beautiful!”

Zhou Qi and he stayed quietly under the tree for a while, and then facing the bodhi tree, she and him coincidentally said: " It's time to go back.”


"Yes, it is time to go back."Zhou Qi recalled that the wood came to the bodhi tree without feeling. After so many years, it still stands, so straight, so strong, but the purple fruit, is different from the taste of childhood.

 She smiled, this new boyfriend, should be her sixth boyfriend, memories are bitter, like a flower light open. She gradually thought of her first boyfriend, not Wang Qizhi, but Long Ningfei.

 From a certain truth, Long Ningfei is a more terrible person than Li Li.

 In that school, there are a lot of sports from other schools, they are in a state in school, have a dog sensitive sense of smell, as to which class which sister good, they are know, so there are many parents let their daughter to them, and Long Ningfei is leading the PE teacher.

 Zhou Qi met Long Ningfei, is that day.

 That day, she walked with Wang Qizhi on the way away from school as usual. This is a remote path, except for the students walking, most of them are some social unemployed people, or very few, some drug addicts. Every time Zhou Qi walked this way, she was afraid that suddenly, she would be caught by a stranger. Therefore, every night when she came home from school, she had to go with Wang Qizhi. When her parents stayed at home, they would not come to pick her up, because her father insisted on not letting her mother pick her up home, saying not to spoil her.

 Long Ningfei appeared. In her first impression, he is a young and very inside show man, very handsome, very can give people a sense of security, she seems to believe in love at first sight, and Wang Qizhi is different, Long Ningfei is instantly heated in her heart. In this junior high school, once who mentioned Long Ningfei in front of which girl, the heart will beat faster. Long Ningfei is the big man in reality, even in many boys know his name. She seems to hear the man in front of her calling her name, approached a look, is long Ningfei.

"Hello, Mr.Long!"She and Wang Qizhi said in unison.

"Hello, Xiao Wang, you take a walk with Zhou Qi every day.”

"Not for a walk, back back, back home. Zhou Qi and I are neighbors, and she did not dare to walk alone at night.”

"So, the teacher asked Zhou Qi some things, to tell her.”

"Is it about Li Li in that thing?"Wang Qizhi asked.

"Well, xiao Wang, your brain is very clever, it is this matter, I want to talk to Zhou Qi alone.”

"Will not let Zhou Qi difficult, you can rest assured.”

"Well, that I go first, just have a request, is to trouble the teacher you to send Zhou Qi later.”

"Well, you can't worry, I will.”

 Wang Qizhi left, leaving only Zhou Qi and Long Ningfei two people.

 She moved with his figure in the wind, until she reached an unknown place. Zhou Qi even asked innocently on the road, saying how long the teacher Long had to go. Let's talk about Li Li here.

 Zhou Qi remembers very clearly, at this time Long Ningfei's eyes, is gradually ferocious up, like a different person.

 Long Ningfei hugged Zhou Qi from behind, moving her hand up from her crotch, until she reached her fragile chest, and began to rub it. Zhou Qi was startled, quickly with the hand to stop the dragon Ningfei shameful action.

"What are you doing? Do you also want to refuse the teacher? The teacher's muscles are thicker than the bowl."Long Ning fly a smile, appearance unusual terror.

"Teacher, you can't do that!"Zhou Qi began to struggle, her heart is about to break into glass slag, he as a teacher, how can he do this kind of thing?

"Don't worry, the teacher knows you hate Li Li, the teacher can help you. Just, you have to do something."Long Ningfei solemnly said solemnly.

 Zhou Qi know longNing fly vast, there are dozens of foreign school sports students to his tube, said the school, in fact, is to catch the results of the school, she hated Li Li, wish to Li Li broken body ten thousand sections, is Li Li to her life trajectory on a dark brush! At the same time, she felt that the teacher from behind her body is more ambiguous, actually some warm, so that she can not refuse.

"Teacher, can it be lighter?"Zhou Qi pleaded.

"The teacher is very excited, you also just learned biology class, the second section, should know the structure of the human body."Long Ningfei actually said boldly.

 Zhou Qi felt that she was being dragged down and falling into a bottomless black hole. She wanted to struggle, want to free, but can only watch themselves sink, as if become a puppet at the mercy of others.

 Zhou Qi felt that her pants did not know when to drop, and then felt a thick and big pole moving in the shadow, a moment filled her there. She murmured, her eyes flying thousands of miles away.

"Teacher, ah, don't do this, I am good pain!"Zhou Qi left a drop of tears higher than the number of alcohol, she put her legs slightly split, just want to make herself feel better.

"Ah, you actually gave the leg fork off, you let the teacher how to do good?"Long Ning fly pumping action more fierce, like a prey beast. Zhou Qi cried, she and the crow has no different.


"It's over. He's done at last."Zhou Qi covered her eyes, walking in the dark woods, behind it is the real. It was where she first had sex, with someone she had never met. She did not know how many times it was repeated, and the memory began to sing the fragments.

 That day is also the first time she took birth control pills, she even asked the beast, said what is this? Dragon teacher touched her head, shameless said that the contraceptive pill, can prevent your belly swelling of that kind. She felt uneasy, she cried, but the dragon teacher comforted her and said that she would not be pregnant, the medicine is what he bought today, rest assured. She on the dragon teacher drink left ice tea, a stuffy down. Dragon teacher touched her head, with spoil the eyes said Qiqi really good, also said afraid you get lost, send you once. He always sent her to the gate of the community.

 When leaving, the dragon teacher repeatedly told her not to tell her parents, otherwise there would be no one to help her deal with Li Li. Zhou Qi ruthless down, said the dragon teacher, you take time to hit Li Li a meal, as today's reward. Did not expect this beast also laughed to her, said today let you cool a, took advantage of me, how are you ashamed to say? Asked Zhou Qi lowered his red head.

 When Zhou Qi returned home, it was already very late, and her mother opened the door. After coming back, her mother Tan Hui hurriedly asked her how to come back so late, but just come back. Zhou Qi busy said that the teacher today on the evening self-study, then confused in the past.

 She went into the bedroom hesitantly, collapsed on the bed, and began to whisper sobbing. She was thinking, how can the dragon teacher so slag, how can use this way to treat a girl's body? When she thought of the dragon teacher that indescribable things, there is a sense of distance, an unrealistic fantasy, she fell down.

 In the dream, she seemed to hear the dragon teacher call her name, she looked back, and found that he was smiling at her, the smile is very kind, she also followed him to laugh. But his smile is more ferocious, Zhou Qi began to run, began to avoid, and then is a thick and long thing into his own body, that is the biology teacher said the girl the most fragile place, she began to cry. Days began to rain black rain, she walked in the unconscious boundary, a loss.

 Then she woke up and felt the wet place, her fingers slightly red. Mom came in and said why she cried last night. She was surprised, then pretended she didn't know anything, and said, Mom, I had a nightmare.

 Her mother saw the blood on the sheets, said how she was so careless, and said that her aunt should wear sanitary napkins when she came, nagging, while putting away the sheets.

 Zhou Qi smiled in horror, because there was the dirty liquid left by teacher Long.

"It's time to go to school, baby."Mother said softly, but her father looked at her with disgust.

 Zhou Qi smiled awkwardly and could not speak.

 After coming to the school, Zhou Qi saw Li Li looked at her with contempt, she thought, Li Li, you show off in an off in an ostentatious manner is not long, I as long as the dragon teacher to find sports pain flat you, let you also taste the taste of being bullied. Zhou Qi looked at her with all her teeth.

 After school in the evening, Zhou Qi was wondering whether to go back with Wang Qizhi, she did not want to hurt his heart, or did not want him to find himself and the dragon teacher things, so he called her to go together, she told a lie that her mother came to pick me up today, you go first. Wang Qizhi knew that her mother loved her, so he did not ask anything more, so he left.

 Zhou Qi knew that Miss Long was waiting for her outside the door, and she put on her clothes and walked alone on the cold path. Sure enough, when she turned a corner at the same time, found that the dragon teacher has been waiting for this time, Zhou Qi want to die the heart have.

"Dragon teacher, today a little smaller, ok?"Zhou Qi whispered to ask Long Ningfei, Long Ningfei did not answer.

She followed him to the woods, took off his clothes, and tasted the bitter sex again, but this time, Miss Dragon became more skilled, and even kissed her.

"Dragon teacher, our things can not be exposed, we want to at noon, noon, I find a chance to go out of the school gate, you waiting for me.”

"The little girl thinks a lot, and teacher Long appreciates you very much," Long Ningfei said patiently, touching Zhou Qi's head, and said, " However, you can get it.”

"Well, Mr.Long, how often do you beat Li Li up?”

"Don't worry, I have found a classmate tonight, beat her on her way, her father and mother are busy, still working overtime. This you rest assured, the dragon teacher promised things can not be finished?”

 Zhou Qi showed an evil smile on her face and said, " Thank you, Miss Long."When she thought of Lili, she was not angry.

 Dragon teacher suddenly took out what from the bag, the original is a fine smoke.

"Well, this is the dragon teacher reward you, take a few roots, don't let the dragon teacher down."Long Ningfei is actually want to use smoke addiction control Zhou Qi, let her firmly in his hand, it can be said is deliberate.

 Zhou Qi felt that she was falling into the abyss, falling into the endless nasal hell. She trembled and took the lit cigarette, looking at the dragon teacher ferocious and terrible appearance, she took a breath.

 At first, Zhou Qi only had a little itchy throat, so she did not take smoking seriously. But when she repeated the action of smoking, the heart seems to come out of a snuff worm, said to her from now on, parasitic in her body, we are good sisters. Zhou Qi was startled, meng, the smoke on the hand fell on the ground.

 Dragon teacher began to smile again, said how she is so not careful, so timid, come, the teacher and give you a burning root.

 Zhou Qi had to take the cigarette, a mouthful to suction, she felt that this moment, seems to have grown up.

 Dragon teacher and untied the crotch, said Zhou Qi, the dragon teacher there when a cigarette, she will fall in love with his second brother. Zhou Qi nodded weakly, she did not know whether the smoke force is too large.

 She took the dragon teacher's there, suddenly, her mouth seemed to be sprayed into something, a disgusting smell, she thought. However, the process made her enjoy, not as painful. She said to herself, and she nodded.

"OK, today reach the standard, the dragon teacher allowed you to go back."Long Ningfei touched her head again.

 Zhou Qi smiled a wry smile, do not know whether it is smoke, let her say such words: " dragon teacher you are today how handsome, otherwise I eat more you there."The whole dragon Ningfei this kind of veteran are embarrassed to smile.

"It's time to go back."Zhou Qi said, crying aloud.


"Should I go back?"At this time, Zhou Qi thought, she did not know whether they should step into their own door.

 Do not know when, Li Li from her side, holding Wang Qizhi's hand through. Li Li and Wang Qizhi did not seem to see her, she just wanted to say: " My wisdom."But reason let her shut up, she knew, Wang Qizhi has been Li Li's person, from her and Long Ningfei things on the show began.

 She remembers that Li Li did not come to school that day, saying that her leg was broken by a sports student, and that she had not yet found who the man was.

 Her heart had no sympathy, but successfully smiled a smile, thought the dragon teacher did well, later must be hard rewarded him. She even admired Mr.Long.

 But she surface appearance is very sufficient, when a classmate asked her about this view, test her, she said with a wry smile, do not know what she spread on things, she is quite sympathetic to her.

 At noon Zhou Qi very early out of school, said dragon teacher, really thank you, can do so many things for me, come on, mercilessly love me, although he is love and hate her.

 Dragon teacher smiled at Zhou Qi said that she had no ability, spread on my dragon Ningfei, but we have been a rope on the grasshopper, don't say so many, quickly with the teacher fusion.

Zhou Qi nodded with a pale head.

 Soon in the evening, she and Wang Qizhi walked on the dark path. Wang Qizhi said anxiously, " Zhou Qi, you don't really beat Li Li, do you?”

"not have."Zhou Qi learned to lie, and she was very calm.

"That's good. Zhou Qi, I have always believed in you. Weekend, Do you have time for this weekend? Let's go to the art exhibition."Wang Qizhi sincerely invited her to say.

 Zhou Qi originally wanted to refuse, because she has a dragon teacher, but see Wang Qizhi sincere appearance, she bowed her head, embarrassed to agree down.

 When it came to the exhibition, Zhou Qi remembered it very clearly. Wang Qizhi patiently explained the scene and the implication behind each painting for her. Wang Qizhi is a painting student, and he has some insight on the delicacy of the painting, which makes Zhou Qi look at him very well.

"Wang Qizhi, you don't talk. When you speak, you talk."Zhou Qi smiled, and her eyes narrowed.

"That is, I'll be a great painter."Wang Qizhi said without shame.

"Yes, praise you, you can still go to heaven."Zhou Qi said, with a smile.

 She was somewhat confused when he introduced her to a painting. Zhou Qi is still very clear that it is a watercolor painting, only a colorful cloud, and below there is a running teenager and a running girl, the painting gradually abstract, the road extended to the horizon.

When Wang Qizhi talked about this painting, his eyes kept looking at her, as if to suggest that Zhou Qi was the girl, and Wang Qizhi was the boy, and they were running in the painting, how ideal, how moving. However, Zhou Qi knew that she could not bring anything to Wang Qizhi, because they had already gone their separate ways.

 Zhou Qi's eyes broke like glass. He didn't want Wang Qizhi to see her big eyes crying. She leaned over and said to Wang Qizhi, " I'll go to the bathroom.”

 In the toilet, Zhou Qi cried tore heart crack lung, endless, she scolded himself why so Wolf heart dog lung, how to want the dragon teacher, but also will Wang Qizhi into the abyss, or, is the dragon teacher brought her and he into the abyss, into a bottomless black hole.

 Zhou Qi came to Wang Qizhi, almost smiling, which was the only smile she felt real. She looked at him, and the road extended to the horizon.

But she and he never had the courage to hold hands.

 After seeing the exhibition, Wang Qizhi said to her, " Come to my home next week, I will give you a make-up lesson. Are you too affected by Li Li. Your result in the last exam have dropped a lot.”

 Zhou Qi did not dare to look at Wang Qizhi's face, she was afraid that she could not help crying out, she said to him: " ok, with you is my happiest time."Warm words have made Wang Qizhi at a loss.

 Originally she could do and the dragon teacher, and Wang Qizhi pure love, at least she is so think. She walked together with Wang Qizhi every day, and was also said a lot of gossip by her classmates, but she thought it was nothing, because she had endured the most painful. She would go to Wang Qizhi every week to learn her lessons, she said, that was her happiest time. During that time, her grades gradually rose again.

 Until Wang Qizhi found her and Miss Long embrace that day.

 That day, Zhou Qi walked out of the school gate as usual and saw the dragon teacher waving to her, she walked past. Miss Long said he would take her to a mysterious place. She followed the past and found that it was the bodhi tree. She thought of Wang Qizhi, which made her feel guilty.

 The bodhi tree did not speak, it looked at her coldly and the dragon teacher fell into neither fish and nonfish love, when the dragon teacher put the thick and big things into her most fragile place, behind came a scream, followed by fast away from the cry. Zhou Qi vaguely heard, it is Wang Qizhi.

"Damuck, who snointo us?"Dragon teacher was surprised, under a burst of weakness, he stood up, just to chase, Zhou Qi behind a hug him, said dragon teacher don't chase, let's continue, don't care about those flies and mosquitoes. She doesn't want to involve Wang Qizhi.

 Dragon teacher paused, and began to go into crazy convulsions.

 Since that day, Zhou Qi did not dare to see Wang Qizhi, her eyes drifted, she knew, she completely lost him, he would not wait for her after class.

 Wang Qizhi's grades also declined badly, he was called to the office, as for Zhou Qi, a student who has committed things, Chen teacher naturally will not care too much.

 Zhou Qi is afraid that Wang Qizhi will break her relationship with the dragon teacher, but she believes that he is not such a person, she looks pale.

When Wang Qizhi came back, Zhou Qi could not help himself and asked him concerned, are you ok? Wang Qizhi is still smiling and said to her, nothing. She and he knew it. She also knew that Wang Qizhi did not betray her.

 When Zhou Qi left, Wang Qizhi stopped her from behind and said, " This weekend, at the same time?”

 Zhou Qi smiled and nodded. She has some doubts, Wang Qizhi did so is why, does he also want to impose atrocities on himself? No, no, Wang Qizhi is not such a person, another voice in her heart said to her.

 When she went there as promised, she saw Wang Qizhi sitting in a chair, crying aloud.

Zhou Qi tried to hug Wang Qizhi from behind, but was thrown away by Wang Qizhi. She heard Wang Qizhi's sobbing, driving away like a train.

"I love you. I have always loved you, Wang Qizhi."She touched his forehead with her cold lips. For some reason, she untied her pants, too, and said to Wang Qizhi," Come and fall in love with me hard.”

 Wang Qizhi pushed her hard, but said nothing, but cried and rushed out. Leaving Zhou Qi standing alone in place.

"I don't need you to love me in this way."She heard Wang Qizhi say so when he went downstairs.

 The next day, she heard the news that Wang Qizhi violently beat the dragon teacher, but Wang Qizhi was also beaten to the leg slight fracture.

 This matter alerted the school, it happened that Li Li came back, she looked at Zhou Qi with disdain, meaning that she is not far from the calf. Her father also had long secretly sent people to observe this matter, now is the opportunity to break her romantic relationship with the dragon teacher.

 Zhou Qi was Li Li her father told the school, the school soon also confirmed the authenticity of this matter, but the powerful PE teacher insisted that Zhou Qi seduce him, let him have to use the relationship to work for her, just had the thing that injured Li Li.

 Zhou Qi could not argue, she bowed her head in the school and parents, and even the public opinion, admitted that she is to beat Li Li, the dragon teacher.

 Her father and mother also came that day, and their family was openly criticized, and Zhou Qi never dared to raise his head in front of the alumni. She seemed to see Wang Qizhi dragging her feet and looking at her contempdisdain. She also knows that some time ago, Li Li took the initiative to pursue Wang Qizhi, Wang Qizhi and Li Li are good on. Li Li often asked Wang Qizhi questions about Zhou Qi's study. The two studied at night together until they arrived at the school gate. She also went to the exhibition with him, and the young girl in the painting was not her.

 She came home, was hanged by her father Zhou Qin, her mother has been crying, can not insert half a sentence, can only watch her be beaten skin open.

Zhou Qi even heard his father sobbing, saying that he would never have a good daughter. Zhou Qi tears splashed, said I can't see the sun tomorrow.


"My father hit me that day, and my mother could not do anything. No one would understand me anymore."Zhou Qi a face of sad. She remembered that Li Li and Wang Qizhi were later admitted to a university, which should be his fate with her, thought about it, she had some self-mockery, after all, she dropped out of school, become the scum of mixed society.

"Where else can I go? When I came back, I didn't seem to know where I went."Zhou Qi began to say something to herself, she is now in the eyes of the local people, it is garbage.

 She remembered, it was the bodden tree, seems to have been waiting for her wind and rain.

She began to turn back to the old tree, beside the bodhi tree, which could never insert a word, and sat down like a Bodhisattva.