It was just a dream…

Myriam tossed and turned in her sleep, images of a bad birthday flashing behind her eyelids. Anyone watching her would know what she was dreaming, because the dreams happened once a year, without fail, for the past 15 years. The night before her birthday, March 30, Myriam dreamed of a bad birthday. She dreamed of no one having plans, of no cake and no presents. She dreamed of a miserable day. For the past 15 years, those dreams had turned into her reality when she woke in the morning. 

Myriam and her husband, Matthew, raised three beautiful daughters. Sasha, the oldest, was kindhearted, loved to learn, could bring a smile to anyone’s face. Mary, the youngest, was angel faced, sassy, and truly their miracle child. Cathyrn, the middle, was the moody one, sarcastic and oh so smart. The first to bring them a grandchild, a handsome little boy named Matthew after his grandfather. Cathryn was also the first to bring them a granddaughter, to be named Casey Myriam Lily. They didn’t know it yet, but Casey would be born in the early hours of April 4, just 5 days after her grandmothers birthday. 

Unfortunately, for the last 15 years, Miriam’s daughters were often at school on her birthday, and Matthew usually had to work. She also had to work almost every year. So her birthday was pushed to the coming weekend, with usual very little done to celebrate. At some point she stopped trying to hide that it bothered her, it caused her more pain to deny the hurt. 


It was only a dream. When Myriam woke that beautiful Friday, she could smell eggs being cooked. When she walked into the kitchen, all 3 of her girls were there, chatting and laughing with each other. Her loving Matthew was cooking eggs, and on the counter she could see a Dunkin Donuts bag. A quick peek would reveal he picked up the pumpkin muffin donuts she requested. A small stack of freshly made French toast sat on one of the blue plates, looking golden brown and delicious. 

“Happy birthday YaYa!” Little Matthew was the first to notice she was watching them all, and he greeted her with a big hug. Her smile lit up her beautiful face, a face that looks ten years younger than she is. A chorus of happy birthdays quickly ensued as everyone turned to face her. Matthew placed a quick kiss on her cheek, before returning to the eggs, earning an ew from their grandson, and giggles from their daughters. 

Myriam sat on the couch, and little Matthew quickly crawled up next to her, handing her a piece of paper with colorful scribbles. He had written his name in big blue letters, and someone had clearly helped him write happy birthday in purple. He gave her another hug, exclaiming that he had made her a card. 

“Thank you, baby, I love it!” His smile was proof enough that her words were heard, as he got distracted by his police toys. After a filling breakfast of eggs, French toast, and pumpkin muffins, Matthew and Myriam went for a long drive. They went to the zoo, then to her favorite place to get purses. She was in need of a white one… sort of. On the drive to the zoo, they passed a sunflower farm, where you can pick your own. She hoped to drive past it on the way at home, so she could get some for the house. 

Unfortunately, they didn’t pass the sunflower farm, but when they got home her two oldest daughters were waiting with little Matthew. Little Matthew was all set to go to his grandpas, and the girls were ready for the ride to the beach. On the way, they sang to music, their voices blending like a sunset in the sky. With little jars in their hands, they walked the cool wet sand, the sun kissed water lapping at their feet. They gathered shells, Cathryn pocketing a rock for her father and Sasha a shell for Mary. 

When they each had enough, the trio scooped some damn sand into the jar, added some salty beach water and let the shells come to rest where the water and sand met. Sasha drew a heart in the sand, writing an M for mom, S for herself and C for her sister, marking the year in the bottom. 

On the drive home, Myriam played more music. She thanked Cathryn for the idea with the jars, and she silently thanked God for giving her another year. Matthew ordered pizza in anticipation of their arrival back home, and Mary picked up a gallon of ice cream on her way home from work. 

Sitting in the living room for the second time that day, Myriam was surrounded by a family that she once thought was just a dream to have. They ate pizza, laughed and talked. They each enjoyed a piece of decadent chocolate cake with homemade white frosting and cold vanilla ice cream. Each of her daughters took their turns handing her a present. 

Sasha handed her a purple bag, with white tissue paper tucked inside. When Myriam opened it, she discovered a Stanley ice mold, which was perfect for her water on the drive to work. Sasha handed her a small basket, housing a four pack of owl topped gel pens, a small owl figurine, a book mark, and an owl little hug card. Her card was filled with birthday wishes and sweet words. 

Cathryn gave her a small blue bag, telling her it’s from her and little Matthew. Inside was a card, with more kind words and a good year wished. There was also a journal, a blueberry scented face mask, and a mixed berries and sweet vanilla lotion. 

Mary went last, handing her a white bag with purple tissue paper. Inside was a glass heart from Things Remembered, a picture of the whole family printed onto it. The card with it was simple, but enough to bring tears to Myriam’s eyes. 

That night, Myriam dreamed of Prince, their precious dog who was put down a year and a half prior. It felt like he was wishing her a happy birthday from beyond the grave, and she smiled in her sleep. Every year after, Myriam dreamed of the beach, shell hunting with her daughters, and long drives with her love. She slept peacefully, hearing the laughter of her children and grandchildren in her dreams on the night before her birthday, March 30th.