
It was the day of the ward picnic. I'd see the missionaries play catch for a while. I'd see families play together with the toys they brought. I'd see Bishop and Sister Montgomery set up the tables so that there is room for the buns, condiments, chips, dips, and salads.

Meanwhile, Brent Callahan, president of the Elders Quorum, and Pete Donovan, his counselor, were cooking the wieners and burgers on the grille.

Bishop Montgomery welcomed us to this activity once more people showed up. After that, he asked me to bless the food. I did.

Naturally, we all helped ourselves with the food. I had one burger, one hot dog, and I'd put the potato salad smack in the middle.

Suddenly, I see the Tillmans. “Mr. Pennington, I want to thank for giving us closure regarding our son Chuck.”

I smiled and said, “I also let you have the $100,000 to do whatever you want.” They'd smile and then they helped themselves to the food.

Jessica was there wearing a T-shirt and short-shorts. “Thanks for inviting me, boss.”

“Hey, come on, Jessica. Don't call me boss in front of my Church friends”

She smiled as she helped herself to food.

“Hey, Paul, Are you having fun?” it was Sheryl Hewitt.

“Hey, Sheryl. Good to see you. Enjoying the activity?”

“Now that you're hear, my darling.” She kissed me on the cheek. I never expected that.

The biggest surprise was Alyson Mills. I had no idea she was coming.

“Mr. Pennington--”

“Call me Paul and I'll call you Alyson”, I said with a smile.

“Okay, Paul. Can you tell me about this?” She showed me a Book of Mormon.

Naturally I said, “It'll be a pleasure.”

Soon Elder Peck and Elder Ross would help me teach her. I don't know how it will turn out, but at least I get to share my testimony with her.