It was just a dream…. Perhaps… there is the possibility that I abused imagination and saw beyond the veil of reality. 

But I felt awake; so awake.. when I touched the moon. Or you.

 I can’t make the difference between the natural satellite and you; I see you both luminous in the dark; you make my nights bright, almost daytime.  You make it all so poignant and vivid..reality is confused with an out of this word aspect. I taste something unearthly, I smell an asteroid rain. 

I have been lingering earth for so long; and I only felt this way in dreams. That’s the reason that I keep wondering if I have my eyes open or closed. 

But my suspicion is; it is only now that my eyes are truly open to emotions; intense ones. And to what truly matters.

I have lived my life quivering between what is to be picked out of everything. What is most important; a bouquet that will wither on my night table every new week. Everything I picked; would end up dead and dry. 

when all the noise around gives no place for clarity..

I have been mute to it; I had no word; I just thought most of things to be true; and I have been blind to my own aspects.. my own wild existence.

You have opened my eyes; and if it was just a dream; if I was just making up all of this new soul and life; why can I sense you, with all five senses of mine? You have created a 6th; which is the sight of truth. 

And I speak of no particular type of love; I speak of guidance, of freedom, of truth. 

i saw in the eyes of yours, a door to space. I space traveled in our glances; I understood the words “soul” “spatial object” “infinity” and “love”

in your hands I have been a great poet; I have been a passionate, everyday was to be lived and devoured. I was greedy for life. Is that a sin or a virtue ?

i couldn’t think of myself less that a virtuous when I was around you. It all felt like I was doing good and right. I was on a right direction.

Words are almost running with no right amount of sense; it is the fog of the dream with open eyes?