That night I decided to sneak out again. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back into the forest otherwise. My mom was working so I could walk out the front door. I brought my backpack, a flashlight, my phone and a knife. The first snow had fallen. When I turned the corner of my street I saw a shape standing. I walked over to the other side and kept my head down.

“Ryan.” Someone yelled. I heard quick footsteps and then Owen was standing in front of me. “What are you doing?” He asked.

“Uhm, just out for a walk.” I said.

“Then you won’t mind some company.”

“I was hoping to just take a walk by myself tonight.”

“Come on. We’re friends aren't we?”


Owen took hold of my arm and started walking. We walked in silence and Owen had a big smile on his face the whole time. When we got closer to the forest, Owen started pulling me the other way.

“Wait a moment,” I said shackly. “You don’t have a smoke on you?” That made him stop. He let go of me to grab the pack out of his pocket and I ran.

“Ryan!” Owen yelled. I could hear his footsteps behind me. Once I had made my way into the forest, I hid in a ditch. I heard Owen run past me, I held my breath and layed there for a few more minutes. The ground was wet and slippery, I took each step carefully and hid behind trees as I made my way towards the glade. The glade was empty. I sat down on a stone and bared my head in my hands. “Maybe I’m just going crazy. Owen was just trying to help me, I need help.”

A smell made it through my thoughts, baked bread. I looked around the glade once more and saw the desired path. “I’m not going crazy.” I walked until I got to the garden. It looked different then I remembered. The garden grass was trampled down. I took a deep breath and walked into the house. It was a lot less cobwebs and dust. I took out the knife and turned on the flashlight, shadows were moving on the walls. I wanted to run away again, but I pulled myself together and took a step forward. Owen and Levi would have done this for me.

The living room was empty this time and I knew I had to walk upstairs. The stairs creaked as I stepped on them. The door to the room on the left stood open. I scanned the hallway, nothing. The bread smell came from a pile of clothes in the corner of the room. I shined the flashlight on it and puked. It wasn't fabric, it was skin. I remember how Owen had thrown up and realised it hadn’t just been blood and teeths. On top of the pile the skin of my mom was laying.

“Ryan,” a soft voice spoke. I turned around and saw my mom standing in the doorway. “Owen called me. He said you were not doing well.” She looked just like her, even the scar on her left cheek. She reached out a hand towards me. “Let me help you Ryan.” I looked down at the pile and knew this wasn’t her. I couldn’t cut her, so I just pushed her out of the way and ran out of the house. Outside Owen and Levi were standing. I pointed the knife at them.

“Get back!” I screamed. They put up their hands and took a few steps back.

“Ryan, we just want to help,” Levi said.

“Shut up! You’re not Levi, stop pretending.” I turned and ran into the forest.

I don’t know where to go or what to do, if there is anything I can do. I’m losing my breath, hearing them getting closer. It’s just a matter of time before they catch me.