It was just a dream.

I gasped, waking up in a pool of my own tears and sweat, my hair clinging to my face.

I groggily rubbed my eyes, and realized that couldn’t recognize my surroundings, nor place how I had arrived.

Plain white walls, white bed sheets, and a small window decorated the room I was in. 

I couldn’t recall anything, other than falling asleep inside the comfort of my own home.

Just a few minutes ago, I was standing over a girl, my knife plunging repeatedly into her body, her once blonde hair now a beautiful shade of maroon. I could still see the blurry flashes of red and blue in the background, as police called for backup. 

But thank god, it was just a fidget of my twisted imagination, and soon faded into my memories as just another one of my nightmares.

As my vision slowly cleared, I soon realized I was tied down to the bed, thick ropes strapped against my legs. No matter how hard I pulled, I remained confined to the bed, like a hostage. Hostage. Someone had abducted me directly from my bed and tied me up, like some kind of animal.. I was unsure of their intentions, though there was no way it could be positive. I had to escape, no matter the consequences.

Forcing myself to salivate was the last resort to escaping the bonds. I spat out my saliva onto the ropes, hoping the moisture would make it slightly easier for me to slip out. My throat had been reduced to sandpaper, and even swallowing had been an uncomfortable task after not consuming any liquids for long periods. Fortunately, my saliva had acted as an lubricant and allowed me to slip out the ropes without many complications. 

I rushed over to the door and another barrier had awaited me as I attempted to jiggle open the lock. I pressed my ears against the door, leaning in to listen.

At first, dead silence seemed to fill the other side of the void. I slumped down against the door, disappointed that I didn’t hear anything useful. 

But my body immediately jerked up, as gurgling screams rang from the other side. The voices were extremely faint, but I heard a voice usher, “Hurry up and  grab the sedatives!”

Just a few seconds later, it went quiet again.   It dawned on me that there was likely multiple kidnappers, and one thing was for sure now. 

Even if I somehow escaped through the door, I would be caught, sedated, and brought back, just like the screams I had just heard.

Frustrated, I ran over to the small window, no bigger than a feet. The sky was now a dim shade of blue, the sun nearly out of sight. As I struggled to raise up the window, I realized it was bolted shut. A nearby chair caught my eye, and I threw it against the window, watching it completely shatter. 

The world around me started turning red, as alarms blared into my ears. They must have used glass break alarms to prevent any hostages from escaping.

Thankfully, I couldn’t have been more than 2 floors above ground though I nearly fell out the window. I carefully grabbed the edge and lowered myself down, before hitting the ground running. 

I only got about 10 feet away before a guy in a white coat came running towards me.

“There she is, don’t let her escape, she’s dangerous!”

Me? Dangerous? They were the ones who kidnapped me.

My head whipped back as I saw numerous kidnappers run from the building towards me. I raised my head, and saw the bright white sign on the building glaring down, “Suki’s Psyche Ward.”

Crazy, wasn’t it? They kidnapped me and p it me in a psych ward..

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I kept running, further and further away as I head people screaming behind me.

“We cannot let her escape, she brutally stabbed a girl to death, she’s psychotic!” I heard another yell.

I paused, the story sounding a little too familiar.

I guess it wasn’t a dream, after all.