Strange flashes have been seen on the Moon for weeks, generating great questions, fears and theories of all kinds.

In fact, the news was on the front page in large letters in every newspaper in the world.

What was it about?

Maybe an alien ship on a mission?

Perhaps a space base hidden from everyone's eyes for a long time?

Maybe a defense weapon?

On planet Earth the year is 3010 AD, electrical energy is generated from renewable resources and ninth generation nuclear fusion; the major deadly and incurable diseases of the past have been eradicated but in this era man has dismantled the project of colonizing space: the enormous costs in research, the energy and material resources were exhausted and furthermore the spirit and the urge to search for other forms of extraterrestrial life.

In addition to this, the human race had changed and planned many activities: births were controlled with an approved lifespan of up to eighty years; after that biological number you drank a concoction to fall asleep forever, a type of euthanasia but ethically respectful and sweet in its implementation decided by the United Nations to limit the number of inhabitants to the available resources.

The skyscrapers, the pride of architects and designers in previous centuries, are now incorporated and built within a single structure called "the biological skyscraper": three thousand meters high, with a light but at the same time resistant, elegant and bright infrastructure, cost many billions of dollars and with the commitment of millions of men, in twenty years of construction.

And what about aerospace vehicles and their technologies?

They were all stored in museums, on display in memory of the exploits of many centuries ago.

The "strange" flashes on the Moon, reported in the news by the major mass media on Earth, had an extraordinary effect on the world population: curiosity, which had been missing for centuries, was reawakened and the apathy that hovered and pervaded individuals from birth to death disappeared. scheduled for eighty years.

From every corner of the globe, spontaneous demonstrations began to arise, during which people clamored to reveal the mystery of the lunar glows.

At this point the directorate of the United Nations, the only government on Earth, decided to send a team of astronauts on a reconnaissance mission but there were no longer the suitable means; we were at an impasse until a young archaeologist specialized in the old technologies of the old space companies proposed the solution: recover the space shuttles and the LEM lunar modules from museums and prepare them for the mission.

A press conference was called where NASA, with the leading experts in the aerospace sector and the young archaeologist explained their progress and the next steps.

In fact, he was put in charge of the project and in a short time, under his guidance, a shuttle was prepared, the Discovery and the LEM Eagle which brought the first man to the Moon.

Finally the day of departure came; the young archaeologist led the crew and all the mass media followed the important event live, broadcast to every part of the planet via specially mounted screens.

The journey was uneventful but the crew and the archaeologist had a thousand doubts and questions in their heads about what they would find once they reached their destination.

Naturally, it was the young archaeologist who went down to the point on the Moon where the flashes were, with a webcam installed on his helmet so they could follow all the events from Earth.

Once he landed on the moon, he headed towards the flashes and what he (and all the Earthlings) saw left him stunned:

the flashes were emitted by an automatic probe, launched in 1972, containing a golden disk on which it was written that earthlings come in peace, information about the Earth and information about the solar system.

Near the golden disc, there was a non-terrestrial device, the archaeologist pressed a button and saw that it was transmitting a video.

The recording showed an alien hominid with the similar race to that of Earth and he also came in peace.

From here the space race resumed again…