“If god placed wicked men in a prosperous land where they merely had to reach out the window to gather the food they needed to live; they would still make life misery with their wicked deeds” One Priest argued.

“Indeed. But if god placed good men in a land where there was never enough, they would be forced to deprive the weak of food so they and their children would be able to eat, and over time they’d cease feeling guilt about it. Perhaps even learn to enjoy it and in that moment become wicked” another replied.

“We live in a world of limited resources and bad men. Since neither of us has a clue how to raise the output of the farms, I think the bad men are the problem we should focus on trying to fix for now” the first Priest concluded.

Yeshua knew of no one who had such conversations in Nazareth. He knew he’d need to spend more time in the temple. He needed to learn from people who thought of the big picture!

Father had no interest in the temple except as an architectural wonder and place one could pray for help with his carpentry buisness. He couldn’t blame Father for that. One of  Father’s better traits was always being happy to listen to him talk about his desires and difficulties. God was sort of a father to all life. So it must be pious to treat him as the best sort of human father. But he could and did resent that it limited the time he could spend there. His mother felt men were wiser than women on every subject except cooking; and so was only willing to disagree with father on food related subjects. Given that most of life revolved around food she was willing to stand her ground fairly often, but not on this issue.

The next day he left his parents while they were distracted and made his way to the temple on his own.

God's power was absolute.

It was without limits.

But what truly did it mean for anything to be absolute and without limits?

God’s power was limitless so if he split himself in 2 equal parts, both parts would also have limitless power and so would theoretically be equal to the original. But then they could oppose each other and cause the others Will to not be done…. So that meant that if a limitless god divided himself into parts with any sort of proportionality it’s power would no longer be absolute?

These and other questions Yeshua demanded of the  priests, and he grew dissatisfied with their answers.Eternal peace and happiness was impossible as long as there were limits on the resources available; If people could feed and look after all the children they had they’d they’d have many children that would grow to adulthood and have many children, until eventually all the good land was full and people were reduced to stealing from their neighbors to sustain themselves and their famlies. If man ever was to access infinite resources… first they’d need to understand what infinity meant!

By the time his parents found him to take him home Yeshua had a pretty good idea of what needed to be done.

“Bastard! Bastard!” John and the other apprentices were chanting at Yeshua. At first John tried to protect him as they were cousins, but for months Yeshua had been acting as though he was better than everyone else so John let slip that he was only born 4 months after his parents were married, and explained to some of the more innocent exactly what that implied.

“Either my parents were so in love they couldn’t wait for the rabbi to book a wedding ceremony; or I am the product of a virgin woman who was impregnated by the almighty god. Either way I am not a disgrace like John. He was only conceived decades after his parents were married. Implying either his mom clearly sees his dads ugliness, or his dad is secretly gay, and either way they only forced themselves to copulate because they were afraid of dying with no children at all” Yeshua shot back.

John jumped to Yeshua and swung a fist at him. He taught Yeshua about fighting. He was pretty confident he’d be able to beat him.

Yeshua ducked under that fist and Jabbed John’s solarplex, before calmly walking on.

He taught Yeshua but Yeshua surpassed him.

That would happen a number of times over their lives. John died before finding out if that was because he was an excellent teacher or Yeshua was an excellent student.

“Walking on water” was a simple application of the Archimedian principle. On the dead sea the amount of water that needed to be displaced in order to support his body was relatively small, enough that it could be provided by a small board that was easily hidden by the surf. A Surf board so to speak. It was however enough to get people who desperately  needed to believe their god hadn’t forgotten them, to see him as a holy prophet.

Praise God! The wind was finally blowing towards shore! He could stretch his robes and sail the board in!

“Heal me Messiah!”

“Holy prophet Help my child!”

“I am a good woman! Help me!”

…. Ok the man is clearly suffering from an infected wound. Yeshua had an uncle that learned how to make wine out of grain from the Egyptians in the south. No self respecting Jew enjoyed drinking it… but the wine Yeshua brewed from moldy bread was extremely good at curing infections. The child was  dying of starvation, as the mother was clearly getting enough to eat and clearly cared enough about the child to bring him to a famous healer, he was almost certainly getting enough food but had something wrong with his digestive system. Yeshua truly did do his best to pray on all the problems of the human condition, but if god ever had answered his prayers asking for a cure to digestive problems Yeshua had not understood the response. The woman…

“Sister, what do you require help with?” Yeshua asked to which the woman immediately looked uncomfortable… when she whispered the issue in his ear he was glad she just required a ritual purification to feel clean. Hymen repair stitches were labor intensive!

“Brother, for 2 Denarius Peter will give you consecrated wine, wash your wounds with it  and then cover them with bandages soaked in it. God willing you will make a full and rapid recovery!”

“I could not work in weeks and have no remaining money. Can you not help me for free as you helped her?”

“The consecrated wine takes much work to make. If I work too much healing people for free then I will starve to death and not be able to help anymore people. Someone has to pay.” Yeshua replied sadly.

“Teacher! I can spare but 5 loaves and 2 small fishes, for I am not particularly rich. But as I am not rich it is safe to assume there are at least five score people here who can spare as much as me! If we all contribute, could we not pay for the consecrated wine?” a youth asked.

“This would truly be a miracle if you can organize it”

Praise god, everyone was paying attention to the youth with his collection attempts, so they wouldn’t notice his failure.

“Woman. God’s will with regard to your child is a mystery to me. All I can tell you is he is not acting with injustice or malice. Blessed are you and your son if you suffer now, for it is to prepare you for a greater role on earth or in heaven”

Hrrrmmm. Blessed are people who suffer now… someday he would need to make a sermon on that theme.

But today he would just stick with the basics. God is infinite, and love your neighbor. As long as those are pounded into people the long term plan can succeed.

“The high priest wants me to get clear cut evidence that you are a rebel or criminal so he can have you executed. Obviously I can fail to notice a few things here and there, but I might not be the only spy he has in our movement” Judas explained.

“If I walk on eggshells for years and go over the top with political correctness I’d basically kill our movement. People will only listen to blatant lies if the lies are interesting, and blandly insisting the Romans make no mistakes isn’t.” Yeshua said

Judas was silent for a few minutes, as they both thought over the remaining options

“ We have friends in the roman legion, and you look enough like me to pass for me from a distance or in poor light. If we handle my death right we can fake a resurection after…” Yeshua suggested.

“That is why you're the boss sir”

I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black;

It's hard to dance with the devil on your back.

They buried my body and they thought I'd gone;

But I am the dance, and I still go on:

Dance, then, wherever you may be,

I am the Lord of the dance, said he,

And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,

And I'll lead you all in the dance, said he.

They cut me down and I leapt up high;

I am the life that'll never, never die.

I'll live in you if you'll live in me:

I am the Lord of the dance, said he.