It has been 5 months since that day, that moment, that call to wake up and it has been good even with the ups

and the down because God has been good to me. Every morning, I wake up I remember those memories, but now I

I am not afraid, only grateful that I have had a chance to truly see what I have ignored. Isaiah 26:3 continues to run

through my mind day after day, " You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts

in You.". Over and over, I close my eyes to feel beautiful tears of joy, falling down my face like rain drops falling in

the midst of a sun shower, my cheeks red and flushed, all because of the overwhelming joy flooding in my heart,

through my mind, carried out of the debts of my soul. How beautiful it is to know that Gods love for me has never

left me, nor forsaken me, nor let me die, and now I can freely live to serve Him in all He gives for me to do. But I

want to show you the first time this Scripture consumed my thoughts in an amazing way, it started from when I woke


"Ms. Malone, Ms. Malone I need you to answer some question for us, we are trying to get a better understanding of

what brought you into the hospital and if you remember what you were doing prior to arriving here," spoke the lead

doctor. " "Do you remember anything? What did you watch on TV? What brought you here?" confused from

both the questioning of the doctor and why she was in the hospital, she answered, "Doctor I don't know what

happened I can't remember anything." "Do you know todays date? " It took her a minute to answer because she

did not know the date or day. She spotted a board on the wall with the date and the name Virginia it said, November

22, 2023 on a Wednesday. Quickly she gave a response only to the realization of a tube going down her throat, and

how she could not shut her mouth after speaking. Soon after, the doctor had gathered enough information from her

to figure out who she was, then he explained to her why she was lying in the bed and the state she came

through the doors in.

The doctor began speaking " 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) ago the ambulance brought you in, you had no clothes on, you were

unresponsive, and you were not able to breathe on your own. You were already intubated before arriving, while here

we took the tube out once, but we had to re-intubate you do your oxygen levels decreasing rapidly. You were not

responsive to light as well, the machine at this time is what was keeping you alive due to the fact all your organs

are dying one by one. Today we were initially going to remove the machines and declare you brain dead. We were

donate your organs for Scientific study, but we are glad you are awake Ma'am."

Imagine hearing these words, what would be your response, because I had none at that moment, I was in complete

shock, afraid but grateful. To wake up with no knowledge of what happened to me, no understanding of what was

going on, and no one around to hold my hand because no one knew I was here. For me words could not explain what

I was feeling on the inside and so I cried and said, "Thank you God." How could you not say God I am thankful, God I

I am grateful. Now comes the part where I must face reality, find my family, make wiser choices, but as I am doing

this I will forever know I am never alone.