The Gaylord Hotel's secret meeting room hosted a round table of mafias. In front of each member, along with snacks, a bottle of sweet red wine, and a glass. Cigars and lighters were also provided. The men displayed their power by keeping their pistols in front. Tony Lucas, the most important Don of this city and country, had two unchained, black leopards beside him. No one cared. They often held meetings with Tony Lucas.

A foreign mafia member, the powerful Don Mario, said while looking at Tony Lucas, “Tony! Don't think we have any other option! We have plenty of options, including your city. They are ready to give us an equal share of the profit. But I will not accept it unless you send me the stock I need, along with hashish, ganja, opium, and brown sugar. They are ready to become partners in their gambling dens and brothels. So consider this meeting as the last meeting in this regard. Either send the stock or increase our share. Otherwise, we get our additional requirements from somewhere else. Yes, I promise, we will not buy anything from you anymore! If you fall short, then your rival and partner of the past years, Goga Hunter, will do business with us.”

Hearing this, Tony's son, Alberto, who sat beside Tony, quickly picked up his pistol and pointed it at Mario. Tony intervened and stopped the conversation right there. Then, looking at Mario, said, “Mario! Such a situation will not arise! We are buying a big farm. Once the deal is done, we will give you more goods. We will also increase your commission from our drugs business.”

Mario stared at Tony, narrowing his eyes. “My friend, you have been saying this for the last year, but it seems that you have not made any deal. How do you expect to make one now, my brother?” Mario laughed.

Tony Lucas called off his meeting. One by one, the mafia members left Hotel Gaylord.

After having tea and breakfast in the morning, Tony Lucas told his son, “My Son, you should not create any trouble. I have a religious image among people, and we must maintain it at any cost! Please handle Frank gently, he is a brave man.

“Okay, Dad!” Albert promised.

The day went on. The clock hanging on the wall showed 10 a.m. Albert, sitting on the sofa in his room and reading the newspaper, looked at the watch tied on his wrist. He put the newspaper aside and slipped into his shoes. He then got up, went to the cupboard in the room, took out the pistol, loaded it with cartridges, and kept it in his pants pocket. He grabbed the keys of the jeep and left the room.

He jumped into the jeep, standing in the courtyard, and headed towards Alfonso's hideout. Once there, Albert parked the jeep on one side and went inside. He saw Alfonso talking to his men. On seeing Albert, Alfonso responded immediately.

“Albert! What's the matter? Why are you here so early in the morning? You should have called me!” “Alfonso, come with me right now, and take some of your men with you!”

“Why? Is there a problem?”

“I will tell you everything on the way,” Albert responded.

Alfonso kept his pistol in his pocket and left with Albert, along with four of his men. Everyone sat in the jeep. Albert turned the jeep back onto the road. Then, looking at Alfonso he said: “Alfonso, Dad said we have to go to Frank Fernando's farm.”

After about half an hour, they reached Frank Fernando's farmhouse. The CCTV warned Frank Fernando that people had come to the door.

Albert pushed a button at the gate and said: “Can we meet Frank Fernando?”

“Of course!” Frank himself answered. He opened the door of the farm with the remote control. Albert drove the jeep through the gate and parked the jeep in the courtyard, which was some distance from the house.

Meanwhile, Frank came out of the house. “I am Frank Fernando. Come with me.”

He took the guys to the guest room. Everyone took a seat.

“Tell me, brother! What do you want to talk to me about?” Frank asked.

Room service placed cups of water. Frank asked him to bring coffee and he went away.

Albert looked at Frank and said: “Uncle Frank, my father, Tony Lucas has sent a message for you.” He paused and stared at Frank.

“Yes, I know Tony quite well.”

“Father wishes to farm in this area and wants to buy your fields. He will pay you double the price and you will keep getting a share of the crop income.”

Frank kept silent and gazed at everyone. Meanwhile, room service brought coffee and placed it in front of them. “Please, let us drink coffee.”

After he finished his coffee, Albert said: “Tell me, uncle, what do you say?”

“You go and tell your father that Frank cannot even think of selling the fields in his dreams!” Frank responded in a cold voice.

“Uncle, think about it! You will get so much money that your future generations will not have to do anything.”

“Listen, boy! Frank does not think, he ends stories!”

Albert took out a pistol from his pocket and waved it in the air.

Albert took out a pistol from his pocket and waved it in the air. “So, you are not going to agree, Frank? We will come back in two days with an agreement! Then we shall see if you still do not agree!”

“This time, I leave alive the enemy who came to our house. Next time, you will not be spared!” Frank warned in return. “Go to the police commissioner's office and check the history of Frank Fernando! And now, get out of here!”

Albert and his henchmen rushed out of the house, waving their pistols in the air.

They got into the jeep and took off. After dropping Alfonso and his men at their hideout, Albert went home. Tony Lucas waited impatiently for his son. As soon as Albert arrived, he sat on the chair next to his father and told him a fabricated story. “Dad, the work is done! Let's get the land purchase documents ready within two days, and the land will be ours.”

“It is surprising, how Frank agreed to our proposal so easily,” Tony responded.

“Dad, it took a lot of convincing, but Uncle Frank finally agreed.”

“What price did you agree on?”

“Two Lakh dollars, Dad! I did the right thing, right?”

“You did the right thing, son. The amount and the documents will be ready!”

That same evening, Goga Hunter received an anonymous call. He put the phone to his ear. As soon as he heard a cracked male voice at the other end of the phone, Goga said: “Who is this?” “Goga Hunter, listen to me carefully! Tony Lucas' son Albert has gone to Frank Fernando’s farm and threatened him to sell the land to him in two days or be ready to die!”

Hearing this, Goga Hunter's head started spinning. “Who are you, my brother?”

“I am your well-wisher, that is all you need to know.”

“If what you say turns out to be wrong, I will find you even in the netherworld and kill you, you worthless bastard!” Goga barked.

After receiving the anonymous call, Goga Hunter called his right-hand man, Bill Lawrence.

"Bill, gather everyone and come to my secret house within an hour!”

“Okay, Goga!”

As soon as the call ended, Goga left his place in his car. He had built his headquarters in a deserted place so that the city people could be kept away from there. When he reached his headquarters, Bill and the others had already arrived before him, and sat in the waiting room, chatting among themselves. Hearing the sound of Goga's car stopping, they left the room.

Goga Hunter eyed them one by one. “Bill, today you come before me to accept a reward.”

Goga laughed while walking away, followed by the others. Through a corridor, they reached the secret meeting room. They sat around a big table. After a brief silence, Goga spoke to his men. “I just received an anonymous call. The person on the other end has given me such news, that I consider our luxuries are over. We will have to fight a long battle with our arch-enemy Tony Lucas. All of you have to get into active mode from this moment onward.”

“We are ready, Boss!” The men confirmed.

“Goga, our men will pounce on everyone,” Bill Lawrence vowed. “The thing is, though, this is the first time you sound worried.”

“Bill, I am not worried! But the matter is serious for us. Tony Lucas wants to buy Frank Fernando's farm, to grow opium, hashish, and marijuana on a large scale expand his business, and challenge us.”

“Goga, why does he need to challenge us? He is a big mafia Don here.”

“Bill, I thought the same at first. Then I recalled Tony had grown old. His son is not capable enough to take care of his father and their enterprise. That is why he probably wants to increase his power and business.”

Bill collected his thoughts and said: “Goga, what you say is true. What do you want?”

“I want Frank Fernando cannot sell the farm.”

One of the gangsters reacted. “Boss, this is easy. We do not have to fight, and Frank Fernando will be unable to sell his farm.”

“Joseph! Do you even know who this Frank Fernando is?” Bill laughed.

Then he turned to Goga. “Goga, I think Frank will sell his farm under any kind of pressure. There is no point. Yes, if he has to sell the farm, then it will be difficult to stop him. In that case, we will have to fight not one, but two big battles!” Bill warned Goga.

Goga supported Bill. “This morning Tony Lucas's son threatened Frank by going to his farm with Alfonso and some of his men. And he will go there again in two days! As Bill said, the matter is clear. There will be a big uproar. Two or four men will die!” He sighed. “Bill, whatever happens, we have to stop Tony Lucas's son. Make a plan! I need it, right now!”

Bill pondered over the situation and suggested: “Goga, we will deploy our men around Frank's farm in disguise. We will take up our position once we are fully prepared. I will take care of him. Let's see what happens later.”

Goga looked at him with appreciative eyes. “Everyone will get a reward, a big one! I want success! I consider death a failure.”

“We will succeed, boss!” Everyone present agreed.

Goga ended the meeting, spoke through his intercom and ordered snacks and drinks for everyone. Immediately, two-room service men arrived and served drinks and food. This went on for some time. At last, the mafia gangsters left Goga Hunter's headquarters in their vehicles. They returned to their respective places.

That evening, Frank Fernando called his son, Roger Fernando. As soon as the phone rang, Roger answered. “Dad! How are you and Mom?”

“We both are fine, my son. I called you, because this morning, Tony Lucas's son came to the farm with some of his men. Tony Lucas wants to buy our farm. I have refused outright. His son has threatened me that he will come again after two days with the documents, and if I do not sign, the consequences will be bad. Roger, I do not get scared. I will kill him!” Frank sounded furious.

“Dad, you and Mom stay in our shelter room, no matter how much damage happens, do not come out of the room, face it from there if needed. I think it will be a small fight. I will try to come there but I will hardly be able to get leave. Take police protection, Dad!” Roger worked as a police officer in another city.

“Roger, you are right, I will go to the police commissioner's office today myself and make arrangements. Don't worry!”

“Dad, I am concerned! I will apply for leave today.” Roger switched off the phone.

On the same night of the attack, Bill and his selected men came to Frank's farm in a jeep stolen from a police station, dressed as policemen. The security guard posted at the door informed Frank about their arrival over the intercom. Frank opened the farm's door using the remote control. The jeep went inside. The door closed.

Frank and the real police officer saw how the visiting police officer deployed his men at different places and walked towards the house taking two policemen with him. After a few steps, the three of them reached the door of the shelter room of the house. Bill rang the doorbell.

Frank Fernando's wife opened the door and let the three of them in, closed the door behind them, and sat back in her chair. The real police officer was about to ask Bill something when the three visitors took out their guns and fired at them. In no time, they killed Frank Fernando, his wife, and the police officer. Next, they destroyed the CCTV camera.

In the end, Bill killed the security guard posted at the farm gate. He took his position, and posted his men there, waiting for Tony Lucas' son Albert and his men.

The next morning, Albert, along with Alfonso and his special men, reached Frank Fernando's farm. They drove a jeep with ultra-modern weapons. Seeing the farm's gate open, they went inside, without thinking. Bill and his companions allowed Albert and his men to come, then surrounded them all.

“Albert, Frank has betrayed us!” Alfonso yelled. “Look, there are dead bodies!”

They became vigilant.

Bill shouted to his men. “Fight, attack! No one should be able to escape!”

A gang war started between the two mafia groups. Men from both sides died. Meanwhile, Albert somehow saved himself and reached the shelter room in Frank's house with his auto revolver in his hand. He saw Frank, his wife, and a police officer lying dead. He immediately ran out of there towards the farm. The scene outside terrified even him. There were dead bodies everywhere. Alfonso and one or two of his men lay wounded, no one else was alive. Bill was the only one who survived and escaped.

People gathered around the farm. Albert put Alfonso and the wounded men in the jeep, and turning the jeep, he reached the farm gate and fled towards the city. Everyone gathered there and ran towards their homes in fear.

Frank Fernando's farm and house were at a deserted place some distance away from the Residential area. Except for a few farms, the jungle also began from there. Many people had been killed in this dreadful mafia gang war, and there was no one to see to them. By evening, a person called the nearest police station. As soon as the call was answered, that unknown person said: “I need to speak to the Inspector!”

An authoritative voice bellowed at the other side. “That is me, speaking. Tell me what you want to say!”

“Sir! There has been a big bloodshed at Frank Fernando's farm! You better come over here!”

“Okay, we will. Stay there!”

In about half an hour, the police arrived at the scene. The caller followed them inside the farm. The police inspector first put the policemen to work, then started questioning the man.

“So, you called us?”

“Yes, Sir! I thought it necessary to call and I called.

“Tell me whatever you have seen on this farm.”

The inspector called the head constable and said: “Take the statement of this gentleman. And call some people from the village to start the whole process.”

The stranger got scared. “Sir, I did not go inside the farm. I was going towards my farm on my motorcycle. Seeing the broken door of this farm, I went near it and had a look. Then I was stunned to see this horrifying massacre. I thought of running away at first but then called the police station. I know Frank Fernando well. He was a decent and lively person. I also remembered my duty as a citizen, Sir. I did not run away!”

“Don't be afraid. Get to write down what you saw. Go to your village with a policeman to call several people and cooperate with the law!” The police inspector said with softness in his voice. The man was reassured and aided the police. As the evening set in, the police action was completed.

The same evening, the city's police commissioner called a press conference. He narrated the entire exaggerated account of the police administration's handling of the entire massacre to the journalists. He praised the courage of a villager, without naming him. He called Frank Fernando a great warrior. Tributes were paid, and a twenty-one-gun salute was given. And an appeal was made to journalists and newspapers to make it national news.

The next morning, it was published as front page news in all the newspapers of the country, with heartfelt condolences to Frank Fernando's family.

Roger had not even woken up from his sleep when there was a loud knock on the door of his house. So loud that even the doors of the house shook. Roger panicked. He rushed to the door and opened it. Two of his friends who work with him in the police force were standing in front of him. Both of them looked disturbed.

“What's the matter my friends? Has there been an earthquake in the city? Why are you here?”

A friend, who was holding today's newspaper, said: “My friend, my brother! There has been no earthquake in the city, but a devastating earthquake has come into your life and has left you in a maze of lifelong destruction.”

Roger's voice cracked with terror when he read the news. “This is a lie!”

“No, it is true, Roger. Your great warrior and father, Frank Fernando, is no more in this world. You have lost your parents forever in the mafia gang war that took place on your farm.”

Roger collapsed and his friends took care of him. They stayed with Roger.

The whole day, from the city's police commissioner to the police fleet. From friends to the common people and state leaders, everyone came to Roger's house to express their condolences. That very evening, Roger went to the police commissioner's office, wrote an application for a few day's leave, and handed it over to his senior officer. The police commissioner granted him two days' leave. Roger pleaded for more, but the commissioner did not agree. Along with Roger, his two friends resigned from their duties. Without stopping there for a single moment, that very night, Roger and his two friends left for Roger's city.

Detailed news of the fierce mafia gang war was continuously shown on television, ever since the fierce mafia gang war broke out on Frank Fernando's farm. Both the mafia Dons got into a lot of trouble and went underground with their families and men. Tony Lucas was worried because his son Albert and Alfonso had fled with their remaining men.

Goga Hunter had fled fearing the gang war in the coming days. He felt that now Tony Lucas would not leave him. Tony Lucas somehow convinced his family, especially his daughter Margarita, and went to the distant hill. On the other hand, Roger's relatives and friends came to console him and tried to handle him. He came to his city with his friends, on the same day Frank Fernando and his wife were cremated in the city's St. Xavier's cemetery. In all, twenty-two people lost their lives in this heinous massacre. The repercussions of this massacre had a deep impact on the country from the Parliament to the state governments.

The state's Home Minister could not withstand the pressure from above! He called an emergency meeting of all the police commissioners of the state, and instructed everyone to arrest those who were involved in this murder, dead or alive! This should happen soon. No kind of negligence would be tolerated. “And especially, I request the police commissioner of the city where this murder was committed, to meet me today at six in the evening!”

The Home Minister dismissed the meeting! The police commissioners left the Home Ministry office one by one and went back to their respective cities. At six in the evening of the same day, the Police Commissioner and the Home Minister had a meeting in a closed room.

In this secret meeting, the Police Commissioner informed the Home Minister about how the murder took place.

“Sir, this incident happened because of a farm. There are two big mafia Dons in the city, Tony Lucas and Goga Hunter. Tony Lucas is the greatest Don among them, and his drug circuit is spread internationally. Goga, along with drugs, owns all the casinos, gambling dens, and brothels in the city. He also extorts ransom and gets professional murders done. We get a lot of money from these two. Their henchmen have been convicted in some cases, ever since these two Dons absconded with their families. All the illegal businesses in the city are closing down. Our income is on the verge of stopping, sir. You must act!”

“You find these two mafia Dons and hold a meeting with them. Tell them to restart their businesses.” The Home Minister said smiling after listening to his Police Commissioner.

“Yes Sir!”

The Home Minister offered a drink. The corrupt men kept drinking for some time, after which the Police Commissioner left to go back to his city.

The next day, the first thing the Police Commissioner did, was to meet with his special informers at four in the evening. He then got on with his routine work. Before he knew it, it was time for the encounter.

“Sir, your visitors arrived,” an officer announced.

“Send them in and bring us water and coffee,” Commissioner Sahab said.

After a few moments, two people came to the police commissioner's office and sat on the chairs in front of him.

“Tell me, how much do you know about the mafia gang war that took place recently on Frank Fernando's farm?” The Police Commissioner inquired.

“Sir, we are in great danger. If those two come to know we informed you, they will kill us as well as our families.”

“Don't worry. I will make sure you are safe. Where are they right now?”

Meanwhile, an officer came into the office with coffee and water and left again.

The Police Commissioner gave them some money and sent them off after giving them coffee.

They say that people who do wrong things, do not have peace of mind. The cunning has a criminal mind.

Days keep turning into weeks. One morning Albert told Alfonso at the coffee table, “Alfonso! The excitement is now subsiding. The scary scene is no longer on our minds. You people go back to the city, keep an eye on the situation and, when everything is fine, start business as usual. I am going to Dad.”

“Okay Albert, I will.” They left after dinner the same day. Albert called his dad after a couple of days. Margarita answered the phone. She saw it was Albert calling.

“Albert, where have you been for so many days? We are all very worried!”

“I have been in hiding. I am coming home now. I will leave today.”

“Good, you know the address.”

“Yes.” Albert switched off his phone and prepared for his journey. After about an hour or two, he left the city where he was staying. Changing taxis twice during the journey, he reached the address of the hill station where his family was staying, at 10 p.m. He got out of the taxi with his luggage and approached the house. He knocked on the door. After a few moments, Margarita opened the door and Albert entered.

Margarita closed the door again and they went to see their parents. Seeing his son, Tony Lucas got up from his chair and hugged him. Albert hugged his mother too and then went and sat on a chair.

Margarita brought water and coffee for Albert and took a seat. Albert took out the bag containing money from his luggage and handed it to Tony Lucas.

“Dad, when I got there, it seemed Frank Fernando deceived us. A police officer was already at the scene, and there were other people. They got into a fight and there was a big ruckus.

I somehow managed to save myself and ran away. I thought it would not be right to go home. The next day the news of the massacre came and I fled. A mafia gang was involved, it seemed.”

He paused, then continued. “Mom, I am hungry. Can you cook me something?”

Albert sent them away to have an opportunity to talk to his Dad, alone.

Margarita and her mother went to the kitchen of the house.

As soon as they had left the room, Albert said, “Dad, Frank did not betray us. Someone close to us is a traitor, otherwise the farm would have been ours today. Dad, Goga Hunter's men committed a big massacre, and killed many of our men! I have sent Alfonso to the city today. We should go back to the city, it will be better. And I will deal with Goga Hunter, Dad.”

“Let's wait for a few days, then we will go,” Tony Lucas suggested.

Margarita listened while coming back to the room. She walked up to her father and brother.

“So, this is the real matter! Dad, you keep pretending to be a pious man! This is your true trait! And Albert, I already didn't trust you. The city's biggest mafia Don, Tony Lucas! I feel disgusted, calling you my dad. I cannot be the daughter of a disgusting murderer.”

Tony Lucas and his family spent the night arguing.

On the other hand, Roger Fernando gazed into nothing. He imagined himself with his friends, roaming around the city looking for the people who brutally killed his parents. Roger's only motive was revenge! Until he killed his enemies one by one, life would not let him live in peace. He woke up from his trance and said to his friends sitting in front of him, “My friends, my brothers! Don't ruin your life for me. You have done a lot for me already. No more! Go back to your homes! Do me this favor my friends!”

“Roger, we will never part ways. Because we too have been tormented by crime.”

Both of them told the truth of their lives. Their families too were ruined at the hands of goons. One of them had two sisters, gang-raped and then killed. The other friend's father was killed. He was a big lawyer. Both of them could not do anything. Later, they joined the police force thinking that if they had power in their hands, they would uproot crime. However, due to corrupt officials, they were left disappointed.

Roger apologized. “Forgive me, my friends. I understand that your sorrow is big, but I also have plenty of sorrow and pain. Come let us swear together. As soon as we destroy this world of crime, we will say goodbye to this world! We will die after fulfilling our purpose. We do not want to live in this selfish world!”

Today the friends were not human but flames of fire. All three embraced each other. They shed a lot of tears, so much so that their eyes became balls of fire! Roger sold all his ancestral property and by buying a mansion in the city, all three friends started living their new life.

One evening Tony Lucas sat with his family in the living room of his house, talking about going back to the city, when Albert received a phone call. He looked at his phone and saw it was Alfonso. “Alfonso! Tell me, what's the news?”

“Frank Fernando's son is staying in the city with his two companions. And he roams all over the town. It seems he is looking for someone. Albert, call your father.”

“Dad! Alfonso wants to talk to you.” Tony took the phone in his hand and said putting it to his ear: “Speak Alfonso.”

“Sir! There doesn't seem to be any other danger! Frank Fernando's son, who was in the police force, has started living in the city with two men! You come back to the city as soon as possible, with the whole family, so that we can start our business again. I have seen Goga's men in the city.” “We are leaving tomorrow,” Tony Lucas said after hearing Alfonso's words. He hung up the phone. Margarita, who had been listening to their conversation attentively till now, understood what was happening. After hearing about Frank Fernando's son, she decided in her heart that she would be his shadow throughout her life.

The next day, early in the morning, she left the house saying that she had to do some shopping. After driving her sports car for about an hour, she reached Roger's house, introduced herself as a social worker to the security guard, and reached Roger's living room. Roger and his friends were having their morning coffee and breakfast at that time. Roger got irritated by an unknown girl entering his house like this, and said, “Miss, who are you, and how did you get here?”

Seeing Roger irritated like this, she laughed out loud.

“Roger, you don't know me, but I know you very well! I am Tony Lucas' daughter, and I have come to live with you forever. I have broken all relations with my mafia father and murdering brother, and have come to stay here forever. I have come to give love and happiness in your hot and lonely life." Roger and his two friends kept staring at her in surprise.

“Aren’t you going to ask your life partner to sit, Roger?” she stared at Roger with her sweet voice and loving eyes.

“Yes, yes, sit down,” Roger hurried to say.

All three of them had not yet come to their senses. Margarita grabbed a chair and sat in front of Roger. “Roger, come to your senses. I am not a dream! I am the reality of your life!”

After a few moments, Roger said. “Miss, the fire of revenge is burning in my soul and mind. You have dealt a great blow to that fire in the way you have spoken to me! You have done a very wrong thing, Miss! Go back to your home. We have completely dedicated ourselves to our purpose. Now our life is not our own! We have been sacrificed on the altar for our deeds. Death may embrace us, from which directions, we do not know! You are extremely beautiful and worthy of love. We cannot play with your life like this.

Tears appeared in Margarita's eyes.

“And I will not let you die like this,” she said while placing her hand on Roger's hand. “What do you think, Roger? That the souls of our dad and mom will be happy to see you wandering from door to door and surrender to a painful death one day? Answer me, Roger, answer me right now! Tell me Dad’s, Frank’s, and Mom's desire has changed, then I will leave.”

Roger could not speak, he remained speechless. Margarita put her hand on Roger's shoulder and said lovingly. “Roger, now you are not three, we have become four. This war will continue. It will not be for revenge, it will be a holy war to end the evil world of crime and torture. And even if we lose our lives while fighting this war, we will sacrifice ourselves smilingly. I will not let you die with the burden of sin and revenge like this, Roger. We both will live together with love.”

Roger started sobbing. Margarita held him in her arms and gave him the first kiss of her life on his forehead. Within moments, he regained his composure and said, “Miss, you have taught us the definition of love!” Not Miss, Margarita! Your Margie!" They had become four from three. Tony Lucas's daughter had gone away from his family like sand slips from the palm.

Time kept passing and days turned into weeks. Margarita brought change in the lives of Roger and his friends. First of all, with Margarita's presence, their lives became stable. They formed a family. Roger and his friends gave commando training to Margarita, preparing for a long war in their own home. On the other hand, some of Goga Hunter's mafia gangsters came to the city and started their business. One day, one of Bill Lorence's man saw Albert with Alfonso in the city. He immediately called Bill.

“Why did you call me?” Bill barked.

“Bill! Tony Lucas has come to the city, and brought his gang together! I just saw Albert and Alfonso in the city. Tell the boss to come to the city!”

“Okay, I will call.”

Bill went to meet Goga Hunter at his hideout. Things were settled between the two. One by one, the gangsters of Goga Hunter arrived in the city. In no time, Goga Hunter set off his illegal activities in the city! Not only this, both the mafia Dons now openly came face to face. From gang wars to smuggling, everything had become a big issue in the city.

The world raised its head, murders happened in broad daylight. The police system failed, and the mafia got out of control.

Roger and Margarita got closer by living together. One day, both of them sat in their training center, when Margarita gazed into Roger's eyes and said, “Roger, let's get married today!”

“Why? What is your intention?” Roger laughed.

“We have fallen in love, but that is not enough,” Margarita answered. “I want complete love!”

“Margie, we cannot start a family. Have you gone mad? What is the matter with you today?”

“We won’t have children until we succeed. Yet, our marriage will give us more strength. Think about it, Roger! When we become complete, our souls and lives will get solace. Then we have to live and die together. The same emotions that trouble me, will trouble you too! We have to complete our life, and we will complete our death together.

Margarita won Roger over with her arguments. They got married in just one week.

Once again, both informers reached the office of the city's police commissioner with their information. They asked for a meeting through the peon. The Police Commissioner called them immediately. Both of them went and sat in front of the commissioner. Then both of them told in turn that both the Dons were going to create a lot of havoc in the city along with all their illegal business.

The Police Commissioner asked them to write down their whereabouts. Both wrote down several locations. The Police Commissioner gave them money and they left. After a few days, Goga Hunter and Tony Lucas sat in front of the Police Commissioner. He warned them. “Look, do whatever it is you want to do while being cautious. I am not going to give you any permit. Both of you settle the matter among yourselves. The police department will not let you both create trouble and a gang war. You give me money, earned through illegal means. This time, send three-week installments, in two days.”

“Okay, Commissioner, Sir. I got it.” Both mafia dons came out of the police commissioner's office and fought with each other on the road. Tony Lucas said, “Goga! You kept doing your work. We let you do it. But, you have caused us a lot of harm. Our enmity will remain. If you can save yourself then save yourself.”

Goga took out a pistol from his pocket. “How do you think you can harm me, Tony Lucas? You have become old and weak.”

Tony pulled his pistol.

“Don't be afraid, I will not kill you here,” Goga grinned. “I will kill you in a gang war!” Goga left in his car. Tony Lucas kept watching him go for a few moments, then he too went on his way. As a result, petty crimes took place in the city. Sometimes, murders were committed in broad daylight. The peace of the city began to crumble.

Roger and his companions, who were now four in number, set up a secret operation. In disguise, at night, they roamed around the business places of both the mafia dons in different parts of the city and first of all investigated their activities. They came to know how these people ran their rackets. They also hired some informers. In a short time, they became masters in where and how to attack their enemies. Next, they began carrying out their religious war.

When the time came to attack from their side, Roger said to his companions, “We have to remember at all costs that our war is against evil. Yet, we will not kill anyone.”

“What will we do if someone kills us, Roger?” Margarita wondered.

“They will be a casualty of the war. Whoever fights the war will have to die. These murders are not counted, Margie. Still, I want to say one thing. I do not have any animosity towards Dad and Albert, rather, they are our own. Okay, we do not have any relation with them, but we cannot deny the relation given by our God. Even if Dad wants to kill us, we will happily die at his hands. Even if Dad raises his hand on us, we will not resist him in any way. And we will not kill Albert, but if he misbehaves, I will beat him badly. I will not kill him, though.

“No, Roger, they are nobody to me. I will kill them. If any of them attacks you, I will end their life right there.”

“My dear Margie. You have said that we will not die with any sin. We will die that death, my Margie. People of every age will remember our stories.”

Margarita kept looking at her Roger lovingly. She included her informers in both the mafia gangs. Whenever Roger got any news, it was sent to the city's police commissioner's office. The result was that police action increased, and the police seized the smuggled goods of Tony Lucas and Goga Hunter. Some gangsters were also killed.

Both mafia dons suspected each other. The atmosphere of the city deteriorated. Murder after murder occurred. The matter of the gang war in this city was not resolved, and again the events became news on a national level.

The central government of the country came into action. The Union Home Minister sent the most capable officer of the National Security Force, Nick Sergeant, to the city with full authority. The first thing Nick Sergeant did was to meet the Chief Minister of the State and hand over his authority letter to him.

“Mr. Nick, do your work without any hindrance,” the Chief Minister said. “The state government is with you.”

Nick immediately recommended the transfer of the current Home Minister and Police Commissioner. He got his office set up as a separate cell in the city Police Commissioner's Office.

Nick Sergeant got on with his work immediately.

The state government also took away the Home Ministry authority from its Home Minister and handed over the reins of the state's Home Ministry to another minister with a clean character. A hotline telecommunication exchange was arranged between Nick Sergeant and the state Home Ministry. The two men, Nick Sergeant and the Home Minister showed their attitude.

The current Police Commissioner of the city and some Inspectors, from Sub-Inspectors to Police Constables were transferred in just two weeks. They made their new colleagues well acquainted with their working system. They caused a stir in the mafia world of the state.

When there was no one in the local police administration to save them, Goga Hunter and Tony Lucas were enraged with the strictness of the police administration. Within two months, all their illegal activities were stopped. Both of them sent secret messages to the mafia gangs of the state informing them about their malicious intentions and declared war against the police administration in the entire state. At the same time, both the fanatical heroes incited Tony Lucas’s and Goga Hunter's henchmen to attack their enemies from all sides. For the state police administration, a full-fledged war began to look like a possibility. Here, tensions between the police and the mafia began to grow in the city. Mafias began to fight among themselves everywhere, and in their gang wars, even common people began to fall prey to the mafia.

Roger and his associates began to target local gambling dens, liquor dens, bars, and brothels. Fighting this three-way war, both mafia dons went bankrupt. Their war with the police was very deadly. Nick Sergeant attacked the mafia-like lightning, but due to the number and strength of the mafia being many times greater, he also had to struggle. Taking advantage of this situation, Roger began to carry out his work in the city in turns, at night in disguise, doing illegal business with his associates.

One day, Albert and Alfonso were sitting in a bar in the city, drinking alcohol. While the gossip was going on, they were teasing the bar dancer. Due to their excessive drinking, they got intoxicated. Right then, four masked men in black clothes entered the bar with auto machine guns in their hands. Three men stood at different places with their guns pointed towards the people. One masked man approached the counter. “Call your boss here,” he ordered the bar manager.

“He is not here!” The manager feared for his life. The gangster immediately put his gun on the chest of the bar manager. “Silly dog. Do you want to die?”

The bar manager signaled a waiter who ran to the back of the bar counter. In a few moments, the owner of the bar appeared at the open door next to the counter. Fearless, he came forward.

“Who are you people? Why have you come here?”

The masked man, Roger, replied. “All the illegal business going on in this bar has to stop, right now, or get ready to die!”

The bar owner shouted, “Look up! Death is waiting for you!”

At that very moment, a man from above fired a bullet in a hurry. That bullet became the death of his master. A smaller masked man shouted: “Now you are in trouble!” And he killed the bar owner.

Albert and Alfonso, who were sitting there, were startled when they heard a feminine voice, and after removing the mask, they saw it was a girl. Albert immediately recognized his sister. Margarita. In the meantime, leaving five corpses in the bar, those four masked people left the bar! Albert and Alfonso ran after them.

“Let's chase them,” Alfonso yelled. Stopping him, Albert said, “Fool! That girl was Margarita! Let's go home.”

Both of them left the bar and went towards their jeep. They quickly got in and sped home. Albert rang the doorbell of the house. After some time, Tony Lucas opened the door and without saying anything, he went back to the living room of the house. An uncomfortable Albert and Alfonso followed him and sat in front of Tony Lucas.

Albert got excited seeing his father in front of him and said, “Dad, we both were sitting in a bar and talking to each other. After some time masked people entered and killed the bar owner along with others. There was a girl among them too! She removed her mask and killed the bar owner while screaming. Dad! That girl was Margarita! She is alive and has been seen in this city. She has joined a gang. If she is seen again, I will kill her. She has become very dangerous!”

Tony Lucas lost control and shouted. “Beware! If you two even touch her!”

“Dad, I suspect Frank Fernando's son was with her. He is already living in this city with his two companions. He is our enemy and Margarita joined them!”

“We have only one enemy, Goga Hunter. He was also our own, once,” Tony Lucas said in pain. “Do you both know about it? Frank Fernando was my good friend. Because of you two, his entire family was destroyed. I tell you both again. Stay away from those two and their companions!”

Albert and Alfonso fell silent. Alfonso took his motorbike and went home. Tony Lucas's wife served food to Albert. Albert ate and Tony Lucas and his wife went to their bedroom and slept.

Someone informed the city's police commissioner's office over the phone. Nick Sergeant immediately went to the bar with his policemen and started his investigation. When the formalities were completed, he sent the bodies to the government hospital for post-mortem and started questioning the bar employees. At the end of all the proceedings, he discovered that Goga Hunter was behind the reopening of bars in the city. Nick Sergeant returned to his office with his policemen.

Whatever these four did for the society in the bar, I have to save them and keep them under control. I have to force them to stay within the limits of the law. Whatever it may be, the incident in the bar made Nick Sergeant more aggressive with renewed energy, new enthusiasm, and new thinking. Inspired by those four masked men, he became determined to adopt their tactics. He formed a separate army of his police personnel, and in disguise, he got all of them infiltrated in small squads into the gangs of both the mafia dons as his informers.

The result of this trickery showed. Slowly, the local police administration kept succeeding against the mafia world. Roger's men kept getting the big godowns and consignments of smuggled goods of both gangs seized by the police. One of his big men kept giving secret information about Tony Lucas to Nick Sergeant invisibly. Mixed reactions were seen in the city for a few days.

On the one hand, criminals and gangsters were being eliminated day by day, while on the other hand, people's perceptions of the police administration began to change. In the eyes of the people, those four masked men emerged as protectors of society.

In local and state newspapers, news and other stories of this city made headlines every day. One morning, Nick Sergeant read the newspaper, sitting in his comfortable chair, drinking his favorite coffee. His eyes fell on an article printed on the weekly column page of the newspaper.

The title of the article was, “The wonder of alliance between the police administration and the masked warrior of the society. Bad days have begun for the mafia world!”

In this article, along with the exploits of Nick Sergeant, those four masked men were praised a lot. Nick Sergeant read the entire article.

Whoever has written this article, has written a balanced article, he thought. The journalistic work of the writer should be appreciated. Nick read the name of the writer, his name was Darrell Smith. The clock hanging on the wall showed the time of 10 am. Nick came out of his room with his briefcase in his left hand and came into the living room. Looking at the clock, he said with a smile, “Friend, you keep on making me run all the time!”

He came out of the house, locked the door, went to his car, and got into it. He drove towards the city police commissioner's office. On reaching the office, he set his work for the whole day, took out today's newspaper from his briefcase, and then went to the police commissioner's cabin. Seeing Nick at the door of his office, the Police Commissioner said with a smile on his face, “Come in, Nick! Sit down.”

Nick Sergeant sat in front of him and then gave the newspaper to the Police Commissioner. “Sir, there is an article printed on the weekly page, I want you to read it.”

“Sure, Nick.” The commissioner folded the page containing the article and read.

He read the article in a few minutes and responded. “Nick, this is a great article. Think of inviting the writer here one day.”

“Sir, what is your opinion about what has been written in this article?”

“It is written neutrally, and what has been written about the masked men is fine, but calling them protectors of society and warriors of society is a bit of an exaggeration.”

Hearing this, Nick said, “Thank you, Sir! But all those who have seen these people are happy with the intentions and objectives of those four masked men. An image has started to form in society. Sir, we should see them as helpers of the police administration. They took the law into their own hands, but they are not criminals.”

“Nick, you are right. But from now on they should not take the law into their own hands.”

“Sir, I agree with you, 100 percent.” Both of them talked about some other issues, then Nick went to his office.

While charting their path to success, Roger and his companions uprooted the gambling dens, liquor dens, and brothels of the city. Along with Alfonso's den, he too was killed, thus breaking the back of Goga Hunter's power. Tony Lucas's smuggling and drug business came to a halt due to his betrayal. Call it a coincidence or a disaster, but what happened tonight became a disaster for the city's mafia don.

Roger and the police administration got the news that Goga Hunter had called a meeting of all his gangsters at the godown of his smuggling goods in the western extension of the city, at 11 p.m. Nick Sergeant reached there with his selected commando force personnel and some police constables by midnight, with full preparation. The police van stopped at some distance, and in the darkness of the night, they cautiously moved forward towards the godown and reached the door of it. Due to their black clothes, they were not visible to the two men guarding the door. The commando soldiers caught them and locked them in the police van. Moving like cats, Nick Sergeant and his soldiers reached the big hall of the warehouse where the secret meeting of mafia gangsters was going on amidst the big containers of smuggled goods.

Due to their movement, two gangsters guarding the door of the hall with their rifles fired in their direction. All the gangsters became alert and got ready by taking their positions. Nick Sergeant surrounded the gangsters. “You have been surrounded! You should surrender by putting down your weapons. If not, you will be killed within a minute.

“Death has brought you here, police dogs,” Bill Lawrence said. “Not one of you will be spared!” With this, the gangsters started firing. The police force fired back from the front. The firing continued for a long time.

Roger and his companions, again disguised as masked men, easily entered the warehouse from three sides and attacked the mafia gangsters from behind with their modern rifles. A large number of gangsters were killed in a few rounds of firing.

Seeing the gangsters dying due to the firing from the opposite direction, Nick Sergeant moved forward and came close to some gangsters. A gangster was about to shoot at him, from a close distance. At the same time, a masked man came from behind those gangsters and fired at them. Every gangster got killed in a few moments. Nick Sergeant was saved.

Due to the sudden stoppage of firing, the other three masked men approached. The masked man who had saved Nick Sergeant's life said, “Stop us if you can, Nick Sergeant!”

Nick Sergeant responded. “We do not attack the protectors of society, Roger. Leave!”

Roger and his companions left the scene. Not a single gangster died from the bullets fired by the police. Roger and his companions killed all of them.

Nick Sergeant informed the city's police commissioner about this big achievement over the phone. He returned with more police force. The same night, the police sealed Goga Hunter's biggest warehouse. Two gangsters were saved because they were guarding the warehouse's door. After arresting both of them, the entire police convoy left for their headquarters. The remaining two were kept in police custody. They reached home by morning.

The next day, Nick reached his office later than usual. Commissioner Sahab called him. He got up from his chair, went to the Commissioner's office, and sat in front of him. The Commissioner shook hands with Nick Sergeant. “Nick, congratulations from me and the entire administration for this big achievement. In all, 65 dreaded gangsters have been killed. A most cunning criminal, Bill Lawrence, included. We have a press conference at 5 pm today. A briefing also has to be done. But first, coffee and breakfast.”

“Sir, thank you! But neither I nor the police force deserve this achievement.”

The Commissioner was stunned. “Nick, what are you saying? If not you, if not the police force, then who?”

“Angels came from heaven and did this work,” Nick said. “Sir, if we call those four masked men angels, it will not be wrong at all. It was Frank Fernando's son Roger and his companions, who did this job! All the mafia were killed by those masked men, not by police bullets. Not only this Sir, Roger has saved my life too. Nick narrated the entire incident to the Commissioner.

“Nick, they turned out to be angels, and you have shown great humanity by not arresting them. The police administration will remember you forever.”

Meanwhile, coffee and breakfast arrived.

Today, celebrations were held throughout the tenure. Later in the afternoon, a briefing was held for the press conference.

“Nick, go home and take a rest. Come back later,” the Commissioner ordered.

Thanking the Commissioner, Nick left, took his briefcase, got into his car, and headed home.

Nick Sergeant returned to the office shortly before the press conference. All the preparations were done in the conference hall of the city police commissioner's office. High officials of the city and other nearby districts and famous journalists of news channels were invited.

Immediately after Nick Sergeant arrived, Commissioner Sahab opened the press conference.

“My dear friends, and all the respected guests present here. Today we have come to give a message to society. When society gives unmatched cooperation to the police administration, it strengthens the law and social order. The hall echoed with the sound of applause. Then he explained how they uprooted the mafia from the city during the last few months. He mentioned the capable leadership of Nick Sergeant and Frank Fernando's son, Roger Fernando, who himself was a brave police officer, but due to a sad situation, resigned and became the protector of society. Along with his colleagues, sometimes masked, they helped the police administration. Even the entire incident of saving Nick Sergeant's life was narrated.

During this press conference which lasted for more than an hour, the police administration, Nick Sergeant and Roger Fernando were once again honoured on the national stage. The press conference concluded with a small celebration.

The following day, Nick Sergeant visited the two arrested gangsters in custody.

“Both of you committed several crimes, including murder. You both should confess your crimes and help the police administration,” he told them. “The police administration will take care of your family and efforts will be made to ensure that you get a lesser punishment. Think about it! Do you want to be hanged or stay alive?”

The gangsters decided to stay alive and revealed Goga Hunter’s secrets. Their statements were recorded they were presented at the district court of the city, the same day. Their five-day remand was approved and both were held in the custody of the city police administration. Within the next two days, the entire group of Goga Hunter was dismantled. All his warehouses were sealed and smuggled goods, worth millions, were confiscated by the police administration. A deranged Goga Hunter went out of his mind. Only one house and some of his men survived, who were both the bodyguards of Goga Hunter.

Roger Fernando talked to his friends after evening dinner.

“Roger, both of our friends are supporting us. They are our shadows,” Margarita remarked. “Who knows how long these life threads continue? Let's do one thing. Let's return them to their home. Not empty-handed, but with a big amount of money, so that they can start their own family. They can provide a new and secure life to their parents, their siblings.”

For the first time, their friends expressed their views. “Our aim was one, is one, and will remain one. We don't have any desire in our life. As far as starting a family is concerned, it doesn't matter. My parents and siblings have their destiny.”

Their response disappointed Roger and Margarita. The next day, Roger and Margarita made a will. Half of the property of Roger Fernando would go to Nick Sergeant. The other half was equally divided among Martha Lucas and the families of both his friends.

Late that night, Goga Hunter attacked Tony Lucas's house in the city. Tony Lucas and his son Albert were killed in the attack. Martha Lucas survived because she had been hidden by Tony Lucas. Goga Hunter fled the city, with the police at his heels.

The murder became the headline of major newspapers and TV news. Roger said to Margarita, “Margie, we shall kill Goga Hunter even if we have to pull him out of the underworld!”

“Roger, I am not sad about their death. I do worry about my mom, though,” Margarita said. Tears rolled down her eyes.

“Don't worry, dear. I'll bring Mom home.” Roger left the house and drove off.

After a while, he reached Tony Lucas's house. The police administration had finished their work and left. He then reached his father-in-law's house. He introduced himself to Martha Lucas. She hugged Roger and started crying. Roger let her cry. Then he separated himself from her and said, “Mom, come home. Your daughter is calling you. Leave everything here. Lock the door.”

Roger returned home with his mother-in-law.

Soon after, Roger got the news that Goga Hunter was hiding in the forest some distance away from the city. Roger and his companions found Goga Hunter in the forest. Goga Hunter's men fired at Roger, yet, in the end, Roger and his companions killed all of them. In the meantime, Goga Hunter himself arrived. He killed Roger's companions and injured Margarita. Enraged, Roger fired at Goga Hunter and killed him. He carried the injured Margarita on his shoulder and got into his car.

Roger arrived at the station, at the same time as Nick Sergeant, with a police force. Nick asked Roger to surrender. Roger took Margarita off his shoulder and put her on the ground. He checked his rifle. There were no bullets in it. Roger understood death was near. He pondered for a few moments and challenged Nick Sergeant. “Nick Sergeant! If anyone moves forward, I will shoot him.” Nick Sergeant and the police force moved forward.

“I will count till three,” Roger warned. “If you do not stop, I will fire!” When they did not stop, he began to count. “One, two, three!” Nick Sergeant did not stop. Roger pointed his rifle towards Nick Sergeant and pressed the trigger. Nick fired back. Margarita died, and Roger got four bullets in his chest.

Nick Sergeant ran to Roger. “Roger, what have you done? You betrayed me!”

“Nick, we did not want to die in prison!” His breathing started breaking. He looked at the dead Margarita with his dim eyes and said, “Wait, Margie, I am coming too.”

Roger stopped breathing. Nick Sergeant put all four dead bodies in his police van and headed towards his headquarters.

Roger and his companions sacrificed their lives to eradicate evil by dying.

Nick Sergeant resigned from his job that same day.


The End