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World Map

Borders don't exist, but zones named Lands have formed based on cultural beliefs and similarities. These boundaries are theoretical, as many people remain nomadic, moving through the Lands according to their needs.

Only Lotaria is an exception. It is where the remaining Christians, who refused the supremacy of the Dragulescu Council and coexistence with the vrăjitorus, were deported. The continent is closed, and entry is tightly controlled by the Innocens to prevent any magic intrusion.

Vrăjitoru(s) - Sorcerer in Romanian, a term used for all practitioners of magic.

Non-bearer(s) - A generic term for people with no affinity for magic. With highly advanced science and medicine, DNA is extremely well understood, and it is possible to determine at the fetal stage whether the child carries the genes to use magic.

Totenleser - Literally "reader of the dead" in German, these are the soul readers of Lotaria. They can interrogate and torture the dead. The most powerful can exercise their powers on the living.

Kavach - Shield in Hindi, a person, usually a non-bearer, whose mind is impenetrable and immune to any form of mental magic.

Dragulescu Council - A council of vrăjitorus seated in Constantinople, ensuring the balance between all the Lands.

Psyché - Portable mirrors made from various materials (the cheapest are glass, the most expensive are polished metal or pyrite). They allow communication from one mirror to another, similar to our smartphones, but more advanced.

Waardiyaha - Watchers in Somali. Initially created to regulate vrăjitorus working against the laws of the Dragulescu Council, they have become corrupted in some areas, sometimes conducting hunts akin to the Inquisition, especially against the Totenleser. They are present worldwide, but each division is specialized and trained according to its cultural zone (Lands). Thus, a Waardiyaha working in Alkebulan cannot work in Gallia or Haudenosaunee.

Innocens - Innocent in Latin, named after the last Pope before Constantinople was taken by the vrăjitorus. An order similar to inquisitors, they hunt and kill all vrăjitorus found in Lotaria, except the Totenleser.

Iscariotes - An order of assassins working for Lotaria and under the command of the Innocens, often working in conjunction with the Totenleser.

Ulfhedin/Ulfhednar (pl) - The perfect union between a wolf spirit and a human being (usually a shaman). Other terms exist for different animals: Berserkr, Kitsune,... But the generic term is Ulfhedin.

Yenaldooshi - "One who walks on all fours" in Navajo, shamans who overpower spirits and use their forces for selfish purposes.

Bisclavaret - A spirit that takes over the shaman. Often corrupted by this unnatural alliance, the appearance is twisted and unhealthy. Associated with Wendigo legends.

Marc'h-tan - A vehicle with one or two wheels. Equivalent to our motorcycles.

Bryczka - A word of Polish origin, referring to vehicles powered by crystals, resembling old carriages once pulled by horses. Equivalent to our cars.

Caern - The equivalent of a funeral parlor, a place where the dead are prepared for the afterlife, and families are supported through this process. This service is completely free and covered by various departments within each Land.

Igurai - Forest ranger in Basque.

Aggelos - The original name for angels. However, they have no relation to the angels worshipped in Lotaria. They do not have the appearance of winged humans, although some may be vaguely humanoid.