Two Years Later, Cameron has been working with the C.I.A and Homeland Security in a Task Force Called The Alpha Squad since the superheroes have been keeping the government happy but keeping them involved in their affair except for Thor and Hulk who are on another planet. Ross granted Cameron a little Vacation and he went back to Gotham City to visit his mother. Cameron and his mother having dinner at Al’s Diner. Cameron tells her about his girlfriend in his life Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman.

He tells he is thinking about leaving the C.I.A. to live a normal life with Diana and His mother is happy to hear about that. While they are enjoying this quiet dinner outside the diner, A Truck is parked in the middle of the street and Armed men are charging the street. a green Porsche shows up and it's the Joker and his girlfriend Harley Quinn. The truck drives into the bank across the street. The Joker's army is robbing the bank. The Batman shows up attacking the Joker's army with his batmobile. Joker pulls out a rocket launcher and opens fire on the batmobile and misses the show the rpg goes into the diner and While Cameron and his mother are having dinner during the conversation the diner blows up.


Batman is dispatching the Joker’s army in the streets. The Joker and Harley fill up their car with bags of money and speed away from the scene.


Batman goes to the destroyed diner looking for survivors. Commissioner Gordon and the police and firefighters show up. They find bodies all through the wreckage. Cameron wakes up buried under the debris.





He finds his mother who has been completely burned by the fire. Cameron breaks down and screams out Mom and he is holding his dead mother.

Batman walks over and sees Cameron holding his mother. Batman knew Cameron and his mother who was a scientist at Wayne Enterprises.


The Joker is having a meeting his fellow colleagues The Riddler, Two Face and the Mayor of Gotham Penguin and he tells them that he and Harley will be leaving Gotham for a little while until the heat clears. Penguin says You know Batman will come looking for you.

The Joker says Well You will just have to deal with him because me and my baby are going to Metropolis and get hitched and we will not be interrupted or There will be Hell to pay.


Three Hours Later

Diana Prince arrives at Yancy Ford’s Estate where she finds Cameron sitting in a courtyard crying in front of a bonfire and Diana walks over to Cameron and hugs and kisses him and says I am so sorry Baby. Cameron says I am so Happy you are here Diana.

Diana and Cameron make love in front of a roaring fireplace.

Somewhere in Saudi Arabia A leader of a shadow CIA Tactical Operations unit called The Division Aka Project Cerberus which is a part of a major Secret government called Hydra. But In charge of the Division is a man named William Rawlings aka Agent Orange, Top Secret CIA Operative who unit consists of Marines, Navy Seals, Army Rangers and Air Force used for convert missions against enemies to the U.S but Rawlings has been using the unit as his private army to do what he sees fit. Rawlings was trained by General Thaddeus ‘’Thunderbolt’’ Ross and was giving the greenlight to create this unit in 1993 during Kuwait.

After 2 Operatives figured out what type of missions they were doing for Rawlings and decided to leave, Frank Castle and Cameron Ford. Cameron was put in the unit by General Ross only few knew of his special abilities but when Frank and his Marine unit was put on a Suicide Mission and members of his team was badly wounded. Its was Ford that saved Castle and his men including Billy Russo’s Frank best friend.

Ford would also find out that Rawlings was transporting coke and heroin inside the bodies of dead soldiers to fund these missions which he found out the same day when he refused to follow Rawlings’s orders to let Castle and company die. Ford would leave The Division and Castle would follow but he would end up attacking Rawlings and damaging his eye. Now Rawlings knows all about Cameron Ford aka The SledgeHammer and is aware of his abilities.


Yancy Ford’s Death has put things in motion. General Ross had been protecting Cameron Ford aka The SledgeHammer’s Identity for years due to him being in a secret relationship with Yancy after his wife’s death up till Three Months ago when he was elected to be Secretary of State was tasked with hunting down Black Widow who had supposed betrayed the U.S Government by releasing covert Secret files stolen from The Shield and Hydra and released them on the internet which also had the The SledgeHammer’s Secret Identity and Rawlings was shocked to find out that he had all that power under his nose.

And Now That Ross is embedded in the Secretary Of State office and death of his mother Yancy is the perfect time to strike against Cameron and who also they found out that leaked the information about the smuggled heroin and coke to the FEDs.


But Rawlings was tipped off by a corrupt FED a few months ago who was giving Cameron’s name. Rawlings had left the Division and would joined forces with Billy Russo to create a private military army which consists of ex-soldiers but to take out The SledgeHammer decided to outsourced the hit to a Mutant Mercenary Unit called Fanatix lead by A former marine who turn Monster Hunter Drake Van Helsing due to being infected with both bites from the different factions Vampires and Werewolves. He became the first one to survive both bites he became Hybrid who as of late had been head to head with Blade The Daywalker, Next member Hardball a mutant with a armored hide. Razorback a man with the abilities to shoot razor quills from his back. Pulsar can emit bio electric power blasts to shock or fry her victims to death and a powerful vampire called Visigoth who has lived since the Roman Empire.

Russo would pay them 5 million to take out The SledgeHammer and they agreed and also Rawlings wants his blood which contains millions of DNA of Mutants and Superbeings to create a Super Army to take over the world. Ross finds out from an unlikely source about the hit on Cameron and Ross tracks down Castle to send Cameron a message. Castle shows up in Gotham at Yancy’s funeral to give Cameron the message from Ross saying that He is no longer safe and Rawlings knows that he told about the drugs to the Feds and that he knows what he really is and what he was made for.






Castle didn't care about Cameron’s Secret abilities or that he wasn't human. Castle thanks him for saving his life so he can be with his family. Castle couldn’t believe that Rawlings was into illegal drugs and shipping it though the bodies of dead soldiers and using that money to fund the missions.

Cameron tells him to forget all about this and just be with his family and that's all that matters now. Castle says I wish I could do more for you Man. Cameron says We are Square Frank, You go take care of your Family. Cameron goes into the house and Diana is in the kitchen and its starts to rain outside.


Diana tells Cameron that she going to take a shower and Cameron says that he will finish up cleaning the kitchen. Diana is in Cameron’s mother's bedroom and looks at photos of Cameron as a little boy and with his mother. Diana sheds a tear and goes into the bathroom and turns on the water.

Outside of the Estate. Three Motorcycles shows up its Visigoth, Hardball and Razorback gets off their back and start making their way towards the house. Visigoth sees Diana through the bathroom window and tells Hardball and Razorback to take care of Cameron and he take care of the woman. HardBall and Razorback crashes through the door.

Cameron springs to action and Hardball charges at Cameron and Cameron dodges him and throws HardBall into his mother’s priceless China Cabinet. RazorBack is shooting his quills at Cameron and a group of them make contact with Cameron’s face and his stomach.

Diana wraps a towel around herself and she hears Cameron fighting downstairs and she goes for her clothes and she is attacked by Visigoth. Visigoth says the famous Amazonia I will make you my bride and Diana says Not in your Life. Diana throws Punches and knocks Visigoth to the wall and she spears him through a wall. Diana grabs her bag and gets dressed and she is in her Wonder Woman’s gear.

Wonder Woman grabs her sword. Visigoth gets off the floor and pulls out his sword. Wonder Woman motions him to bring it. Visigoth runs towards her.


Like A Villain by Bad Omens starting playing


Cameron is dodging Razorback’s quills while fighting HardBall. Cameron grabs an electric knife, tries to stab Hardball and the knife breaks off. Cameron starts pounding away at Hardball’s face. Cameron breaks the broken electric knife’s handle and wraps around Hardball’s neck and plugs in the socket and electrocutes Hardball until his eyes pop out of his skull.

Razorback is still shooting quills at Cameron and Cameron turns around with all the quills and his back and looks at Razorback and flies through him and Razorback is in pieces all over the living room.


Visigoth and Wonder Woman are slicing each other up and this heated contest. Cameron goes upstairs. Visigoth sees Cameron and jumps out the window. Cameron attends to Diana.

Visigoth drives away on his motorcycle like a bat out of hell.


A few hours later

Cameron and Diana check in a hotel in downtown Gotham. Diana starts talking about maybe Cameron and her should leave town and disappears but Cameron wants The Joker to pay for what happened to his mother.

Diana says Nothing good comes from Vengeance. If you go after him it will never end. Plus you have these Mercs after you. Cameron says This is My Problem. Not Yours. You can go away until this ends and I come to find you. Diana says You aren’t the man I thought you were. A man who was done with the killing. You said that to yourself Cameron!!.

Cameron says I know what i said but that was before my mother was killed. Diana says Just come with me. She grabs his face and kisses him.

Diana says. If you don't come with me now. Don’t come to find me. Diana walks to the door and says Last Chance Cameron. Cameron looks at her with tears in his eyes and says I can’t allow him to live while she’s not. I can’t Diana. Diana says Then you aren’t the man I love. Diana walks out the door.


Hybrid and Pulsar are at Yancy Ford’s Estate to confirm the death of their comrades. Hybrid has put a $1 Million bounty on SledgeHammer’s head which makes him the most Wanted man in Gotham.

Cameron goes to his old safe house and grabs some high tech guns and special bullets and his red and black armored suit with the Sledgehammer logo on it. Cameron flies to the Iceberg Lounge where Peinguin, Two-face and The Riddler are discussing business in the back of the club. The club is packed tonight with corrupt cops, mobsters and other undesirables of Gotham City.

SledgeHammer sneaks through the back of the club and knocks out two guards. The Song Overfire by THC is being loudly played in the nightclub while SledgeHammer is taking out Penguin’s henchmen with his knives stealthy slicing through them, 13 Henchmen dead.

Sledgehammer pulls out his gun and shoots in the air to clear the nightclub. The Music grows louder. The Corrupt Cops inside the Nightclub decides to collect the bounty on SledgeHammer’s head. Gunfire ensues inside the Nightclub.


Innocent Party Goers are being shot during this Mayhem. Two-Face, The Riddler and The Penguin try to escape the Nightclub.

SledgeHammer sees this and quickly kills the Cops one by one and flies across the room and attacks The Riddler and throws him into the bar.

Two-Face pulls out his two guns and blasts away at SledgeHammer and He dodges Two-Face shots and knocks him out. The Penguin tries to make it outside and SledgeHammer is standing behind him and chokes him out.


Police show up at the Iceberg Lounge and Commissioner Gordon shows up and sees bodies of his fellow cops and dead party goers. Gordon says to one of the party goers, Whose is badly injured named Lisa Lane Who is Lois Lane sister and Superman's Sister in law and She says SledgeHammer started all of this. Gordon says on the radio Light The Signal.


On a rooftop three blocks away facing the Iceberg Lounge. SledgeHammer has Two-Face, The Riddler and The Penguin tied up to a chair on a roof.

SledgeHammer is staring Two Face in the eyes and says I am only going to ask you this once, Harvey. Where is Joker? Two-Face says I've been where you are. I was such a good guy up until I lost the love of My life Rachel. You remember Rachel don't you Cameron. You might be younger than me. But as a kid You said I was Your Hero. The Hero of Gotham until I lost her then I became Who I am now. No weakness. I know what the Joker took from you and I get you want him bad. Two-Face laughs and looks in SledgeHammer's Eyes and says I think if i tell you where he is you still going to kill us anyway so Cameron Ford, You Son of a Bitch and yes your mother was a bitch thought she could save this save city with her research just like Bruce Wayne thinking that they can save Gotham from us.

So SledgeHammer You do whatever The Fuck you going to do because I am not bowing down to a fucking child.

SledgeHammer grabs Two-Face by his head and jams his thumbs into his eyes. Two-Face is screaming. The Riddler and Penguin are horrified by this and are screaming for help.

SledgeHammer tears Two-Face In Halves and says to Riddler and Penguin He is no longer Two-Face he is now called Two-Halves. Riddler starts to throw up and now covered in blood walks over to the Riddler and says Tell me Where the Joker is and I'll let you live.

The Riddler begins to tell SledgeHammer and The Penguin jams a knife he had hidden on him into The Riddler's throat. The Penguin says to the Riddler Sorry Old Friend.

SledgeHammer says Well damn No honor huh Penguin. Penguin says If I tell you where he is you let me live. SledgeHammer says Yeah. Penguin says The Joker and Harley Quinn and his small army are holding up 5325 Earnshaw St in a house in Century City.

SledgeHammer grabs Penguin by the throat and says if you are lying I am coming back for u. Batman shows up and knocks SledgeHammer off of Penguin and takes off running.

Batman says to SledgeHammer you have turned my City into a war zone. SledgeHammer says The Joker had already done that. He is to blame for all of this. Batman says You got a lot of innocents hurt when you shot up the Iceberg Lounge including Lisa, Lois Lane little sister who will never walk again because of you.

SledgeHammer says I didn't shoot at any innocent people especially women and how do you know it was my bullet. Batman tosses the bullet to him and says it's yours with your symbol on it. And Superman is aware that this is your doing and he will be gunning for you. So let me bring you in.

SledgeHammer says There is no bringing me in until I get the Joker and for Superman I settle up with him after.

Batman says You have done enough damage. I am bringing you in before things get worse. I take care of the Joker.

SledgeHammer says You always say that You will take care of him. You put him in Arkham many times and he always escapes and kills more people. If you would have killed him years ago then my mother wouldn't be dead.

Everyone of your enemies are still breathing and wreaking havoc in your city except Two-Face and the Riddler. I didn't kill him but I caused his death. But I will kill The Joker and you will not stop me, Bruce and point at him and says You are fucking hypocrite.

You got the guy who killed your mother and father. How dare you deny me my Vengeance.

Batman says The Difference between me and you Cameron I never risk Innocent lives in order to get justice. So Call Me What you want but your Reign of Terror is over, Cameron.

Wasteland playing by 10 years

Batman attacks SledgeHammer with his Smoke bombs and Spin kicks him in the face. Batman shoots his batarang at SledgeHammer and it's hits him in the throat. Batman performs a combination of strikes on the SledgeHammer.

SledgeHammer grabs Batman's leg and says My Turn. And toss him through a wall. SledgeHammer rushes and punches Batman in the face and cracks his mask.

SledgeHammer grabs his head and performs a knee to head combination to break open his mask.

Batman tries to pull out his grappling gun and shoots it in the air and wraps the wire around SledgeHammer's neck and tries to choke out the SledgeHammer.

SledgeHammer break the wire and elbows Batman in the stomach and performs the spine buster move on him. Batman Is now unconscious and SledgeHammer says You should have just walk away Bruce. If I want you Dead, You would be.

SledgeHammer flies away. Batman wakes up badly injured and calls Alfred to pick him up. The Penguin is safely in his limo and he is on his cell and he says The SledgeHammer is on his way to you and on the other end of that phone is Hybrid and he tells Visigoth and Pulsar to get ready.

The song called The Hit by Ruben Blades is being playing as The SledgeHammer makes his way to Century City.

Diana is still in Gotham and she is confronted by Clark Kent after just visiting Lisa at New Gotham General and he is highly upset and wants to know where Cameron is and he needs to be stopped before more people get hurt.

Clark tries to call Bruce to get him his assistance to track down SledgeHammer and gets Alfred instead and he tells Clark that SledgeHammer had beaten Bruce half to death and he is on bedrest at the moment.

Clark hangs up and gets in Diana's face and says Your Boyfriend has gone way off the reservation. Where is he?

Diana says All I know is he is going after the Joker. But You gotta understand that Joker killed his mother.

Clark cuts her off. I understand that but innocents are getting hurt in the process. Lisa will never walk again. Lois demands Justice.

Bruce is injured because of him. Clark says SledgeHammer is going down, Diana and Do not get involved. Clark walks away.

Diana tracks down Penguin to his safe house. Diana asks him where The Joker is and Penguin says to Diana that if she strips for him he will tell her whatever she wants.

Diana pulls out her lasso and wraps it around Penguin and he spills everything. The Hit by Ruben Blades plays again.

SledgeHammer arrives at the address on busts down the door and he walks in and sees Hybrid, Visigoth and Pulsar and armed with assault rifles and they opened fire on SledgeHammer and The bullets go inside SledgeHammer's body and the bullets explodes causing big bullet holes and SledgeHammer falls to the floor and screams in pain.

Pulsar gets SledgeHammer an injection and SledgeHammer falls asleep.

A few hours later shows up to the address where SledgeHammer was last at and she sees a bloody scene and she cries. Where did they take you, Cameron, she says.

Diana walks outside and she is confronted by a black man dressed in black Tactical gear and wearing sunglasses carrying a sword asking Diana where Drake is. Diana asks the man Who Is he and he says I am Blade.

Blade and Diana are sitting in a diner and she just told him the whole story and Diana drinking coffee asks Blade why are you after Drake.

Blade says Hybrid Aka Drake Van Helsing killed his mentor Whistler's family years ago and recently just killed his allies The Nightstalkers with help from his crew and he has been hunting him ever since.

Diana's cell rings and she answers it and then hangs up and she tells Blade that they took SledgeHammer to Lexcorp in Metropolis which is owned by Lex Luthor. Diana and Blade get ready.

SledgeHammer wakes up. He Strapped to a medical table and they got him on a muscle relaxer to keep him in place while they were taking his blood.

Pulsar is standing over him and Cameron asks what are you doing to me and Pulsar says Rawlings says Hello and is taking your blood.

Drake walks into the room and says Well SledgeHammer i bet you are wondering what the hell did we shoot you with and why do you hurt so bad.

We use Special Bullets for special fuckers like your self. Explosive Armor piercing rounds. They were really made to bring down The Hulk. As we know now it works.

SledgeHammer says "Why didn't you just kill me?" Drake says Like Pulsar says Rawlings and your old buddy Russo hired us to drain you completely then we drag your half dead ass to that crematory in the back and we going to roast your ass like a Thanksgiving turkey and nothing will be left of you but ashes.

SledgeHammer says Well Shit

Visigoth watching the cameras and just seeing Wonder Woman breaking into Lexcorp.

Visigoth says He will take care of it and Drake says No, me and Pulsar will. You stay here and watch SledgeHammer and Drake grabs his assault rifle and Pulsar follows him out the door.

Visigoth says to Sledgehammer. Try anything I will rip out your fucking throat!!!.


Drake and Pulsar walk into Lexcorp's lobby. Wonder Woman appears and says "Where is Cameron?" Pulsar says Wow You came for your man Wonder Bitch!!!

Drake says SledgeHammer belongs to us Now. You should leave now before Things get Worse for you. Diana says it already has. Pulsar starts attacking Diana with her electric shockwaves and Diana dodging her attacks.

The Power goes out in the building and SledgeHammer's machine stops. Visigoth is looking at the security feed at the same time its goes out giving SledgeHammer a few minutes to escape off the table.

Drake says Which members of Justice League did you bring with you. Now it's couldn’t be Batman, He is all fucked up. It's can't be Superman because he got a bone to pick SledgeHammer and it's ain't the Flash because he is a fucking kid and Aquaman is too busy fucking fishes so who is back there.

Diana yells Your Worst Fucking Nightmare. Blade yells out Helsing!!! Drake turns around with his assault rifle and says The Fucking Daywalker!!! You brought the Fucking Daywalker.

Blade says You're going to pay what you did to Whistler's family and Hannibal and Abby. Drake says You know If it wasn't for me killing his family. You wouldn't be who you are. You should be thanking me. Blade. Blade says I will be thanking you after I take your fucking head off. Drake and Blade start shooting at each other. Drake's bullets start blowing up objects around Blade and Drake says Well this is a good night for this.

Pulsar and Diana destroy the Lexcorp building ĺwith their fight.

Song I against I by Massive Attack starts playing. Visigoth finds SledgeHammer has escaped and SledgeHammer attacks Visigoth from behind but he is not at his full strength and Visigoth laughs and says Not so tough now.

Visigoth picks him up and throws him through a glass door. Drake is reloading his assault rifle and cocks it and Blade comes from behind and knocks it out of his hand and double spin kicks him through a glass wall and Blade pulls out his sword and begins slicing up Drake.

Pulsar is getting weak using all her electric power on Wonder Woman with no success.


Pulsar says I Have to kill you with My bare fucking hands and she rushes Diana and Wonder Woman quickly dodges her attacks and she throws a right punch which becomes an instant death for her by way of breaking her neck.

Visigoth picks up SledgeHammer and says I did tell you if you move I would rip your throat out and Visigoth bites into SledgeHammer's neck ripping flesh from him and began draining his blood but immediately gets sick and Visigoth pushes SledgeHammer away and began coughing up the blood which became greenish looking and Visigoth looks at SledgeHammer and says What the fuck are you. SledgeHammer wounds start healing.

Blade stabs Drake in the chest with the sword as Wonder Woman looks on and Blade is confused and says Why aren't you ash and Drake pulls out the sword and says Your Nightstalkers had that same look. You all have been hunting me and you keep forgetting that I am a Hybrid of Vampire and Wolf so Blade its going to take more than that to kill me. HEY Daywalker you want to see something Scary and Blade grabs his sword and Drake transforms into a werewolf in front of him. Blade looks at Wonder Woman and says I know Vampires I don't know shit about Werewolves. Wonder Woman pulls out her sword and shield and says We will find out together.

Popular Monster by Falling in Reverse starts playing loudly. SledgeHammer is fully healed, and starts attacking Visigoth. Visigoth is foaming out of his mouth with SledgeHammer's blood having poisoned him.

SledgeHammer slams Visigoth against the wall and starts bashing his face in and tosses him in front of the Cremation oven.

SledgeHammer rushes Visigoth and Visigoth dodges his attacks and clotheslines him to the floor and Visigoth opens the oven. SledgeHammer kips up off the floor. SledgeHammer starts throwing punches and Visigoth grabs SledgeHammer by the arm and throws him in the oven. Visigoth sighs in relief.

Drake has given Wonder Woman and Blade one hell of a fight. Drake has Blade by the throat and Wonder Woman stabs Drake in the back and he knocks Wonder Woman out. Visigoth starts feeling better and starts walking away from the oven and SledgeHammer breaks the glass and grabs Visigoth from the fire and Visigoth sees SledgeHammer and The fire has not touch SledgeHammer and Visigoth begins to burn and SledgeHammer says Forgot to tell you I am Fireproof too bad you're not.

The Flames turn Visigoth to dust and SledgeHammer crawls out of the oven and says He is craving BBQ.

SledgeHammer makes his way towards the lobby and he sees Blade about to get his head ripped off and Diana is unconscious and SledgeHammer sees Drake's rifle with Special Bullets and SledgeHammer calls out Drake and Drake sees SledgeHammer holding his rifle and he drops Blade.

SledgeHammer says Special Bullets for A Special Fucker and SledgeHammer opens fire on Drake and The Bullets go into him and its Blows him to pieces. Song ends.

Blade says Goddamn I will stick to killing motherfucking Suckheads.

SledgeHammer drops the rifle and walks over to Diana and Diana wakes up and says it's good to see your face. Where is Drake? SledgeHammer says All over the place.

Blade says Thanks to Diana and introduces himself to SledgeHammer and says You save my ass and SledgeHammer says You saved mine too. If you need anything. Come find me. Blade says Likewise and gets on his motorcycle and drives off.

Diana says that The Joker is back in Gotham. You go finish your Vengeance. Cameron says I thought you didn't want me to pursue this. Diana says I shouldn't have let you handle this alone and I shouldn't gave you an ultimatum. SledgeHammer kisses Diana.

The Man of Steel theme plays and Superman flies down and says to Cameron, You need to surrender yourself to me. Diana says Kal-El.

Cameron cuts her off and says Diana you should leave. Let me handle this. Diana looks into his eyes and kisses him and says I see you later and walks away. Clark I'm sorry about Lisa and I am willing to pay for what I did but not until I get the Joker then all this would not been for nothing.

Superman says You are Done. Surrender or I will beat you till you submit. SledgeHammer says Like I asked Bruce What would you do If someone kill your mother or even Lois I doubt you wouldn't be standing here let someone tell what not to do. Superman says I agree you I wouldn't but a member of my family got hurt in the process so I am here for her justice. SledgeHammer says I get that. Well finally the world will see who is the better man. Superman says Surrender, Cameron and says I will never retreat or surrender. One good thing is I don't have to hold back.

From Rusholme With Love by Mint Royale plays.

SledgeHammer flies towards Superman and Superman throws SledgeHammer through a concrete wall. Superman grabs SledgeHammer. SledgeHammer starts a boxing combination on Superman and knocks him back but not really doing any damage.

Superman rushes SledgeHammer with attacks and SledgeHammer dodges his attacks and in between throws heavy punches at Superman. Superman grabs his arm and tosses him to the ground over and over again. Superman says Have you had enough yet. SledgeHammer says That ain't shit to me and gets off the floor in a martial arts stance.

Superman had an annoyed look on his face and said it's only going to get worse for you, Cameron. SledgeHammer says The only way you're going to stop me. SledgeHammer yells out. You are going to have to fucking kill me, Motherfucker.

Superman flies towards him and SledgeHammer flies towards him with a spin kick and kicks Superman in the head and knocks him out the air. SledgeHammer runs at Superman with a fury of punches and kicks. Superman grabs SledgeHammer's arm and breaks it and SledgeHammer Goes for a kick and Superman breaks his leg.

SledgeHammer laughs and says Is that all you got. Superman stands in front of SledgeHammer and starts his combination of punches on him and SledgeHammer starts bleeding and drops to his knees.

Superman goes for a final blow and Superman starts getting weak and he notices that it is SledgeHammer's blood that is making him sick. Superman says you have kryptonite in your blood. Superman back away and SledgeHammer's arm and leg starts to get back to normal.

SledgeHammer gets up off his knees and says I guess that I was always meant to take you on. Sledgehammer drips his blood on his hands and flies to Superman with a punch and starts bashing Superman's face. Superman pushes him away. SledgeHammer flies outside the building and Superman follows him and Lexcorp building collapses and SledgeHammer says Just let me walk away, Clark. Superman says I can't allow you too. SledgeHammer says You brought this on yourself.

The Song Blood Brothers by Papa Roach is playing. SledgeHammer is in a stance and Superman rushes him and SledgeHammer countering Superman's attacks. The fight is taking place in the streets of Century City.

The Music gets louder. The Fight Is being broadcast on the News. SledgeHammer opens up his veins with broken glass. SledgeHammer says Welcome to the Street Fight. Lois, Bruce and the world watching. Superman flies at SledgeHammer and SledgeHammer dodges and performs a boxing combination on him.

Superman begins to bleed out of his head. Superman is stunned. SledgeHammer performs a MMA takedown on Superman.

SledgeHammer has Superman's arm in an armbar and tries to break it and Superman uses his laser eyes and shoots at SledgeHammer's face and knocks him off. Superman gets back on his feet. SledgeHammer's face is half gone and it's starting to heal back.

SledgeHammer flies to Superman with a Spin kick combination, double punch to the face. Superman has never been in a fight like this before. Superman is getting his full strength back and Superman dodges SledgeHammer's attacks and grabs him and throws him through a tree.

SledgeHammer Is bleeding badly due to a piece of a tree sticking out of him. SledgeHammer feels that Superman is behind him. Superman say You have lost the fight, Cameron. It's time to face your judgment and SledgeHammer says Bullshit. SledgeHammer pulls the piece of the tree from his stomach and Superman grabs SledgeHammer and SledgeHammer stabs Superman with his bloody stick in his abdomen and says to Superman. You should have walked away but you had to be the motherfucking Hero!!!!

Look at You Now, Clark. All fucked up. Goddamn You for what you made me do.

Police are arriving at the scene. SledgeHammer flies away.

Digital Versicolor by Glass Candy starts playing loudly Nine Hours later Freshly Married Joker and Harley Quinn are at the nightclub called La Gatita Amable in Gotham.

Joker is well aware of The SledgeHammer's Reign of Terror and has paid his fellow Gotham allies loads of money to have his back Against the SledgeHammer.

Cops, Agents of Shield and other Agencies are on the lookout for SledgeHammer as well.

Superman is in Intensive care in an unsolicited location.

SledgeHammer is dressed in Harley Davidson leather jacket wearing sunglasses sneaks through the back entrance which is heavily grounded by Six of Joker's henchmen rushes them with a fury of punches and beat them to death. Slowly walks around the club. The Club is flashing red and green lights.

SledgeHammer sees Joker and Harley Quinn kissing and Joker has left the table and walks to the restroom. A couple of henchmen follow the Joker. SledgeHammer starts walking towards him.

A group of Henchmen Slowly try to surround SledgeHammer and they pulls out their knives and SledgeHammer thinks back to what Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent said about not hurting innocents.

SledgeHammer makes sure there are no innocent bystanders around him. But he realizes the club its full of Gotham's Most Wanted.

SledgeHammer dispatches the henchmen quick and fast. SledgeHammer kills the henchmen in front of the restroom.

Agents of Shield shows up at the La Gatita Amable after hearing from an informant that SledgeHammer is inside the Nightclub.

SledgeHammer enters the restroom. The Joker is inhaling coke and He sees SledgeHammer in the mirror. Digital Versicolor Glass Candy is getting louder.

Joker says I hear you've been looking for me, SledgeHammer. Joker turns around and walks towards him laughing. Joker says I never heard of you before Tonight. But I heard that I killed your mother but really I killed a lot of mothers, fathers, husbands and wives. SledgeHammer is looking all angry and calm at the same time and says Batman should have killed you years ago. Joker says Kid, I can see you and Batman are quite different and Kid, I got to say I love your vibe.

SledgeHammer walks closely to Joker and says I want to fucking kill you so fucking bad but I just don't know how to. It's like having a hot piece of ass you been wanting to fuck all day and you finally get to fuck her but there is so much you want to do her to enjoy it. Joker pulls out his Silver machine gun out of his Holter and tries to unload on SledgeHammer.

SledgeHammer dodges the bullets and grabs Joker's arm and breaks it and snaps it all the way off his body. Joker is screaming and SledgeHammer picks him by the neck and throws him into the restroom's mirror. SledgeHammer pick him up again and throws him through the restroom's door. Joker Is bleeding all over the floor. Everyone is running out the nightclub. Henchmen tries to approach SledgeHammer but when they see what he doing to the Joker they decided to say fuck that and they flee.

SledgeHammer uses the door to beat the hell out of him. SledgeHammer drops the door. Joker's eye had popped out of head. SledgeHammer gets on his knees and grabs Joker's head and looks at him and says Look at me Joker. I want you to laugh for me, Motherfucker!!! Laugh For Me!!!!! COME ON laugh for me. Joker weakly laughs and says Look how far you have fallen, SledgeHammer and Laughs.

SledgeHammer starts bashing Joker's head with his fists until there is no head. SledgeHammer gets up and sees Harley Quinn still sitting at table and she witnesses Joker's murder by him.

SledgeHammer looks at Harley and he realizes that in this moment that he was a bad guy. Agents of Shield surrounding the building. Captain America leads the charge and SledgeHammer walks out the Nightclub all covered in blood. SledgeHammer says I Surrender and gets to his knees.

Cameron Ford aka SledgeHammer has been sent to San Tiburon Prison is a prison for inmates with superpowers. All equipped with 24 power inhibitors and shock collars. Cameron breezes through the intake and follows the rules. Cameron is being room with Gordon Tweedy aka The Conductor whose only been there for 2 years but knows the entire prison in and out.

Cameron is sentenced to life due to all his actions to Superman, Two-Face and The Joker and numerous henchmen. All Inmates see Cameron as the only man to hurt Superman so taking out Cameron would be good for their reputation.

Three Months Later

Bow Down playing by I Prevail

As Cameron makes his way across the prison. Cameron had to fight like Hell against the other inmates who tried to kill him. Flashes of all the inmates Cameron had to fight and kill. Cameron might not have his powers but he is the top most Dangerous prisoner because of his set of skills. Music Stop.

Senator Ross is Visiting him and tells Cameron that he tried to get him released on special circumstances but keeping him locked up to prevent the fallout from Superman. Cameron says I deserve to be here in this place. I did a lot of bad things to bad people but the way I did proved that I am no hero and I am no villain. I am just me.

SledgeHammer is feeling lightheaded and becomes blurry and he closes his eyes and opens his eyes. He sees flesh in chains and Rachel his wife's skin and bones on the floor in a pool of her blood.

Valor is standing over him saying You thought you were untouchable, unbeatable. I would have killed earlier If it was for your wife killing my beautiful wife and Now You and I are in the same boat. I could kill you here and now. But I think this will kill you slowly. But if you come looking for revenge. I will be waiting for you, Cameron Ford. Valor walks out the door.

Cameron black out. Cameron is in a dark room with Frank Castle aka The Punisher stilling in front him.

End Of Part One.



Part Two: Blood and Sorrow.


Mia shows up at Cameron and Rachel's house to see Cameron with Rachel's Skin and bones in his arms and Mia calls out to Cameron but she looks into his eyes she notices he is not here.

Cameron is deep inside his own head. Frank says I know exactly where you are right now, Cameron. I was there. Cameron says I'm sorry that I was the cause of you losing your wife and kids, Frank. Frank says It wasn't your fault. But I got the ones responsible and I gave them punishment. This is not about me.

Right Now I am here to help you to keep your sanity. Because This Loss is your worst one yet. The love of your life and the way she was killed by Valor. Cameron says I should have not been cocky when I went up against him.

When Rachel killed his wife. I should have used that distraction to kill him. Frank says How could you? You were badly hurt like you are now. Valor did a lot of damage to you.

You can't change the past but you can take charge of your future. Cameron says I want Valor. Frank says I know you want him. But In order to take him on. You got to be your absolute best. Because if you fail this time. It will be your last dance. So I suggest you train yourself harder than you ever have before. Gear up for war, Brother and also be the ruthless motherfucker that went toe to toe with Superman, Batman and the big bad trilogy. You weren't soft when you went to San Tiburon.

You fought every day you were there. Rachel was your rock. But Brother you got soft but I know why you did want her to know that side of you and I get that.

Cameron says and cries She made me want to be a better man but Now in order to kill Valor. I got to go to that dark place and bring out my demon.

Frank says But First you got to do one thing. Cameron says What. Frank says Grieve.

Cameron wakes up in his bed and feels like a dream and calls out Rachel. Mia comes from downstairs to Cameron’s bedroom and Cameron sees Mia's sad face.

The Song Blood Red by Rose Chronicles plays and Cameron realizes Rachel is dead and cries and Mia goes to him and puts her arms around. The Music drowns his screaming Rachel's name over and over. A dream of montages of him and Rachel are shown alongside the song.

A Few minutes later. Mia tells Cameron that he has been out for a week. Mia tells Cameron that she cleaned up the house and she magically put Rachel's body back together.

She also called Heather about her sister dying and Rachel was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Mia says She will take him there when he is ready. Cameron can't believe it has been a week and he had missed Rachel's funeral. Cameron takes a shower and he has flashbacks of killing the Joker with all of his rage.

Cameron gets dressed and walks into the living room and Rachel's death flashes but the living room looks like nothing happened.

Mia is cooking breakfast Bacon, Eggs and toast for breakfast. Mia has the radio playing Voices Carry by Til Tuesday Cameron watches as Mia is singing with the radio. Cameron looks around his house and sees how well Mia has been taking care of the house. Cameron turns around to Mia who does know he is in the room. She is singing her heart out and crying.

Cameron walks up to the kitchen and Mia sees him and starts wiping her tears. Cameron says I didn't know you could sing. Mia says I wasn't really used to it but can't help when a really good song makes me want to go sing and how I share my emotions.

Do you want some breakfast? Cameron says I would love some breakfast. Mia hands Cameron a plate of food and Cameron grabs a fork and starts Eating some eggs and says Damn Mia this is good. Where you learn how to cook. If you don't mind me asking. Mia sits down and says I used to cook at my father's Bar and Grill.

Me and Brandon used to eat at home all the time. Never went out to eat until You and Rachel invited us out.

Cameron says I used to do all the cooking when I wasn't busy. Rachel was always busy with her research and her Patients.

But No matter what We always made time for each other. Mia says that all that matters. Cameron looks outside and it starts raining and says I really miss her. I know how you feel now about Missing Brandon. It's like missing the best part of yourself.

Mia looks into Cameron's eyes and You just have to take it one day at a time. Do you want me to take you to see Rachel's gravesite? Cameron says I am not ready yet. Mia says I am sorry. I didn't mean and Cameron cuts her off and says it's OK. Mia says Maybe I should just leave you be and She goes out the door. Cameron hears Rachel's voice tell him to go after him. The Song called Love in the Dark starts playing by Adele.

Pouring Down Raining. Cameron is standing in front of Mia's car and Mia is crying and she gets out of the car and Mia goes to Cameron and she kisses him.

Cameron and Mia are naked in bed and Mia is on top of Cameron. Mia is kissing him. Thunder and lightning crashes. Cameron is sucking on her breasts. Mia is moaning and crying. Cameron rolls on top of her.

Later on that Night

Cameron wakes up. Mia is sleeping next to him and Cameron is in his boxers and goes into the kitchen and sees a dark figure sitting in his chair and Cameron goes to the fridge and the light flashes the dark figure and it appears to be Brandon Madsen, his old buddy.

Brandon says I Now know what a Cuckold is. Cameron looks embarrassed but Brandon says I am just joking. If there was anyone to make her happy. I am glad that it's you, Cameron sits at the table and says It's something that just happened.

Brandon says You know I am not really here right. You conjure me up due to guilt. But It's exactly what you need to get through this part of grieving. It's the perfect medicine.

Cameron says I wasn't expecting that from her. Brandon says Soon The Healing Process will start. Just take it one day at a time. Start getting back in the swing of things. Getting back in the fight.

Cameron says That fucking Valor going to wished that he should have killed me when he had the chance.

Brandon says Yes but you got to be smarter than you ever been before. You got to be a ruthless fucker like when you was hell bent on going after the Joker burning all your bridges with your allies just to get him.

You have achieved so much in the process. But you never got the chance to really grieve your mother and think things through now you have to. Valor is a different adversary then you ever dealt with before so you got to take your time and very fucking Tactical.

Brandon gets up and says He is expecting you to show up and take him on so you can lose. But you just deal with your shit and make plans.

Mia calls out to Cameron from the bedroom and Brandon says Take Care of Mia just take your time and things will fall in line. Brandon walks out the door.

Cameron walks back to the bedroom and Mia is standing completely naked in the moonlight shining on her body.

Mia says Come Back to Bed, SledgeHammer and Cameron says to himself. I hope Rachel isn't too pissed with me. Mia grabs Cameron by his boxers and says We are actually honoring by showing love not hate and making love in her name. Mia pulls out Cameron's Cock and starts sucking him. Cameron moans. Song called Breath as a Dagger by Rose Chronicles plays.

Mia looks into his eyes. Cameron grabs Mia by her hair and she continues to suck him. Mia stops and gets on the bed. Cameron starts to eat her pussy and Is moaning loud.

Cameron moves up and inserts his cock inside her pussy and he kisses her breasts and suck on her nipples then he starts kissing on her lips and looking in her eyes. Song Continues on

Cameron and Mia become very close and the Ghost of Rachel is in favor of this newfound love between the two of them. It was revealed by Mia that Rachel knew that you was going to die in their conflict with Valor but it would be a choice to either die herself or let Cameron die.

Rachel decided to kill Cleopatra in order to distract Valor from killing Cameron. Rachel knew that decision would later fall her death but it was a decision that she was at peace with.

Cameron and Mia would show up at a law firm for a Rachel's will reading alongside Heather's Rachel Lil sister and her wife Justine's Brandon little sister.

Cameron greets Heather with his sorrow towards losing Rachel. Rachel had her own money with other Research Medical Facilities around the USA and plus her therapy which was agreed by Cameron.

The lawyer would state. Rachel will donate 50 million to her sister Heather and her family. 20 Million to Charity.

Rachel had made a tape. A couple of days before their encounter with Valor. Rachel would tell Cameron about her visions of his death and that she would rather die a thousand deaths instead of witnessing his death.

Rachel also pointed out Mia and her getting close and also her attractiveness to Cameron and with her death she hopes that they will be a comfort to each other.

She tells Cameron Not to pursue Vengeance in her name. She wants him to live and enjoy life with whoever or whomever you choose.

Don't let Valor Win. Live Baby Live and to my sister Heather, I love you so much. I am proud of the woman that you have become and keep on living and to Justine, I know your Brother is also proud of you. I am so Happy that you are a part of our family, Goodbye My Loves.

End of the Tape. Everyone is in tears. Everyone except Mia and Cameron leave the room. The Lawyer hands Cameron a letter stating how much he is worth the last order of business by Rachel because she kept an eye on the Financials.

Cameron looks at the letter and it reveals that Cameron has a net worth of 500 Billion due to all shares of the start up business like AOL, IBM and other tech companies around the globe. Also Cameron never sold his share from the His Guns and Ammo company which he sold to Bruce Wesson in 95.

Cameron decided to move to Los Angeles to start a research medical and tech company that identified Wayne Enterprises and Stark industries and decided he wants to be this world Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne and wants Mia at his side to help him run it.

Cameron puts 1 Billion in The Hunters fund to Hunters out hunting evil around the world.

Four Years Later Aka 2005

Cameron and Mia Company called B and R Enterprise: Medical Research, CyberTech Technology and work hand to hand with the military making advancing weapons that Cameron thought was necessary against the monsters the world doesn't know about in the world and beyond.

Cameron and Mia walking into B.R Enterprises for a red carpet event. The Song called Unholy by Sam Smith is playing. Cameron and Mia have been married for about a year. It's Been Three years of making changes in the world by creating new jobs in the field of Medicine using his blood without the mutant D.N.A to be used to cure Cancer and other incurable diseases and viruses.

Mia was attending Business School to get an understanding to run the company. Cameron and Mia still support the Hunters around the world by giving them the most advanced weaponry to help the fight. Even though Cameron has been successful as a C.E.O. Cameron misses hunting down monsters so Cameron and Mia dressed in their advanced Superhero suit would go after the occasional monster of the week that terrorizes a small town.

Cameron is always training himself for the ultimate fight between him and Valor for the last three years and has created special explosive armored pierced bullets and Modified Brandon's old automatically laser sighted .45 and Special made SledgeHammer's suit armored with a Uranium Armor and Uranium SledgeHammer and Hatchet.

Cameron has even created a Special Serum to Enhance his abilities and to bring out the other abilities. Cameron had even tracked down Raphael's sister Jophiel a year before he got married to Mia to find out a way to go to Hell.

Jophiel gave him 3 ways. The First way, To Conjure up The Devil and ask him to take you to Hell. Second way, Open a gateway using the Blood of an Innocent. The Third Way, To open the Lament Configuration aka The puzzle box to summon the cenebites and they will come for you and opens the gateway to hell and Good luck to what happens Next.

Cameron would not pursue this at all. Things are going so well with Mia and decides to continue with the relationship and leave the Revenge plan alone. Also, he promised Rachel that he would leave it alone.

Cameron would get a call from his competition, Charles Bishop Weyland who wanted to have dinner with him and his wife to discuss a collaboration.

Cameron shows up In a blue tuxedo with a bow tie and Mia is wearing a red and black silk dress and They are having dinner with Weyland and his wife Ellen at a restaurant called the Mother Wolf.

The dinner is going well. Weyland and Cameron step put on the balcony to smoke Cuban Cigars.

Weyland says I admire you and what you have accomplished and I have financed an expedition to Antarctica to check an uncovered Pyramid and still you are amongst the smartest in the world. I would love for you to accompany me there.

Cameron smokes his cigar and says I have never been to Antarctica before. When do we leave and Weyland says in a few days.

Mia and Ellen are In the restroom and Ellen says to Mia while pondering her nose and says How far along are you and Mia says How do you know and Ellen says A mother always knows.

Cameron and Mia arrive home. Mia is very curious about what he and Weyland talk about. Cameron tells Mia about the expedition to Antarctica and Mia tells him he should go because that might be the last time he might ever go on vacation again. Cameron says Why and Mia says She's pregnant. Cameron kisses Mia and says I love you so much right now.

Two Days Later

Cameron arrives in Antarctica alongside Weyland, his Mercenaries, Archeologists, Linguists, And a mountaineering guide named Lex Woods.

Cameron even brought one of his weaponized suits just in case. Cameron looks and walks around the area.

An Hour Later.

Cameron is standing in a hallway looking at The Ancient symbols on the wall. A loud pop comes out of nowhere and the Pyramid starts shifting.

Cameron hears Gunfire and screaming before the wall closes and opens around him. Cameron walks out of the new opening.

Cameron smells wet blood and decides to put on his suit and its lights up. Cameron's suit starts talking to him asking to start the Serum and He realizes he had grabs the wrong suit. The other suit with all guns and gadgets is at home. follows the smell and finds the bodies of dead Mercenaries.

Cameron says to himself Well I already feel different and he falls down to his knees and his whole body starts changing.

Cameron looks ahead of him and He sees a group of Xenomorphs coming at him from the darkness and Cameron get ready and Wolverine's claws come out of his hands and Cameron says Well this is a huge upgrade.

The song called Down With The Sickness by Disturbed is playing. Cameron runs at the Xenomorphs. One Xenomorph, he slices the front of it head off. Second Xenomorph gets sliced in half. Third Xenomorph, he slams into a wall and crushes its skull. Fourth Xenomorph, he rips out its second mouth and acid gets sprayed all over Cameron and the acid doesn't do anything. Fifth Xenomorph gets a spin kick to its head and crushes its skull with his right foot.

Cameron is surrounded by dead Xenomorphs and he looks up and there are two Predators standing in front of him. Cameron runs through them with his claws and slices through like butter and Song Ends.

Cameron meets up with Lex, Weyland, Weyland's Bodyguard Stafford and Professor De Sosa and they asked where the hell has been and Cameron says Fucking up these Motherfuckers. Lex says How. Cameron says With my Motherfucking hands.

The Pyramid starts shifting again and Cameron gets himself ready and A Predator appears in front of the opening and Cameron attacks The Predator and spears him through a wall and starts pounding on him so hard it's breaks the Predator's visor and Cameron's claws come out and Cameron tries to go in for the kill and gets grabbed from behind by a Xenomorph. Predator recovers.

Xenomorph opens up its mouth and tries to punch into Cameron's back but it has no effect. Cameron is too powerful. Cameron turns around and pounces on Xenomorph and beats the hell out of it and cave in its head.

Cameron gets off the ground and goes to find the rest of the group and he finds Weyland and Stafford dead. Cameron stumbles on the Harvesting Room where all the assumed dead explorers are infected with the Xenomorph and Cameron can see that with x-ray visions and Cameron says I am sorry to Unconscious victims and Cameron shoots Laser out of his eyes killing them all and the face huggers.

Lex and the Predator that he was fighting earlier shows up behind him and Lex says I thought they killed your motherfucking ass.

Cameron looks at the Predator and Lex and says I guess you made a friend. The Predator tries to come at Cameron and Lex steps in between them and says Whatever is going on between you two is going to have to wait until we get to the surface.

Cameron says I can't allow these things to get to the surface and Lex says What the hell you going to do kill all of them and Cameron says Yes that what the fuck I am going to do. The Predator pulls out an explosive device and Tells Lex and Cameron it's a bomb. Cameron says Well that will work too. The Predator throws the bomb and Cameron, Lex and The Predator run towards the surface. The Entire Pyramid blows inwards then explodes.

The Predator gets in a stance and Cameron looks at the Predator and says Well I guess it's on like Donkey Kong, Biatch and Lex says Ah Shit!! Before they could clash something is breaking through the ground and it's the Queen of The Xenomorphs and Every one had an Oh shit look.

Cameron flies up in the air. Lex and The Predator are surprised and Cameron shoots lasers from his eyes and cuts the Queen in Halves and Lex says Goddamn and Cameron turns his focus on The Predator. The Predator runs at him. Cameron's claws goes through the Predator's chest and Cameron says to Lex, He was infected with one of those creatures inside of his chest. So think of this as a mercy killing.

A Chestburster falls out its chest. It's reveal that a Predator's ship has been watching them the whole time and Cameron is ready for a fight but he realizes they came for their dead. They Fly away.

Lex says They could have us a ride home and Cameron says I can fly you home. Lex says Literally fly me home or a jet and Cameron says either or.

A few days later, Cameron returns home.


Cameron walks into a surprise dinner and Mia is wearing Black Velvet dress. Mia hugs Cameron and kisses him and Mia asks Cameron how was the trip and Cameron says It was just what I needed but I will tell you what happened tomorrow in full detail. I just want to enjoy you and this fine meal. Mia says There are things that happened while you were gone but we will discuss it tomorrow. Let's enjoy tonight.

Cameron and Mia enjoy a home cooked meal that consists of Ribeye, Bacon Baked Potatoes, Yellow rice and Gravy.

The Next Morning

Cameron and Mia are sitting on the beach. Cameron tells her about what occurred in Antarctica and Mia was shocked. Mia says Well we got to watch out for enemies above and below.

Mia tells Cameron that one of Valor's followers aka Devil's Worshippers had confronted her outside the office and told her that he will come for their baby. Mia had her Bodyguard named Carter Storm dragged the follower to the limo's trunk and put him in there. Mia decided to torture him for information.

The Follower tells her That Samegel, the devil's real name. He believes that Mia and The SledgeHammer’s daughter would be his perfect bride to produce the Antichrist to enact the Real End of Days. Valor has suggested and persuaded his father to take their child also to continue the SledgeHammer's suffering. They have a plan to invade their lives via new doctors, new friends and cause conflicts between the two of them and maybe kill one of the parents, mainly the mother, forcing a new love interest for the father.

Cameron and Mia discussed this a Little further but Cameron says He got a plan in the making but he got to go see someone.

Cameron arrives in Orcula, Florida where he has track down Raphael '' Jimmy" Jameson aka famous F.B.I agent aka Mr. Violence who is waiting to go to war with a Immortal Killer nicknamed The Creeper who kills every 23 years on the 23rd day of spring for 23 days. 23 years ago Mr. Violence wasn't ready now he is. But it's 3 days earlier.

Raphael has been living here since his last encounter with Valor. Raphael has even became the town sheriff.

Cameron walks into the Sheriff's office and he sees Raphael throwing a prisoner in his cell and A deputy calls out Sheriff Jameson, This man is looking for you. Raphael looks at Cameron and tells the deputy to take to Maggie's diner and he will meet him there.

Raphael shows up at the diner and sits down in front of Cameron. Someone puts a quarter in the jukebox and it's plays Billy Idol's Rebel Yell.

Raphael says So Cameron Did you come to kill me? Cameron says I understand why you didn't kill Valor. Family is Family but your nephew and brother are coming after my wife and unborn daughter. Its seems Valor has his followers watching us.

Raphael tells Cameron that World has been lied to by Hollywood and Books about Samegel. The waitress named Annie comes to the table to ask Sheriff Jameson what he would like. Raphael says Bacon Cheeseburger and Fries and a Cherry Coke.

She asks Cameron and Cameron says I wasn't really hungry but I would like the BLT extra Bacon and Chili Fries and a Milkshake. The waitress walks away.

Raphael says I know why he picked your child because his Antichrist made with your blood would be unstoppable and plus He just hates you for all the hell you caused him. Cameron says I had the same thought but the real reason I came here was to ask you for a favor and after what you did Raphael, You owe me. Raphael says What is it? Cameron says I need you to watch over Mia and my daughter and keep them safe. Raphael says Well I do owe it to you to do that but. Cameron says But What Raphael says I got a big fight coming in a few days, A Motherfucker that an entire police station tried to kill but failed and its lives by eating pieces of its victims. I never met him but have heard the stories. People have fled this town and New people have settled here. Some don't know what is coming. Some forgot and I am here to protect these people. So I got to see how this played out. Cameron says You scared Raphael. I never seen you scared before. Raphael says This thing is just as old as I am and I never met it before so the unknown is scary. Cameron says Well if you agree to watch over Mia and my daughter while I go to Hell to kill your nephew. I will help you with this Creeper. Raphael says You are Willing going to Hell to kill Valor. Do you know there are endless Hellholes from all the other universes? Valor would be located by the worst ones in order to protect himself. Do You have a way to get there? Cameron says Through the Lament Configuration. Raphael says Well Goddamn I see you all set. Cameron says Jophiel gave me what I needed. We both want Valor dead. Raphael says To answer your question. Yes I will look out for Mia and your daughter. I will protect them until my dying day. Cameron and Raphael will finish their meal and then shake hands. Cameron says he will be back.

Cameron flies back to Mia. Mia is sitting in front of a roaring fireplace. Cameron walks in tells Mia about what he and Raphael discussed. Mia says she thought of their daughter's name as Rachel Yancy Ford. To honor Rachel and his mother. Cameron tells Mia he has to go to Hell to take on Valor to keep him away from their child and he has made up his mind.

Mia says that she understands and she wants him to protect their family but she has an idea for him to make tapes of himself for Rachel to get to know her father. Cameron thought it was a good idea and he is thinking about making different kinds of tapes for fatherly advice, help with homework, teaching her how to fight and protect herself and more. He devoted an entire month to that. But First he will go back to help out Raphael.

Cameron returns to Orcula, Florida April 23. 2005. 6:23 pm. Three Teenagers have already been taken by the Creeper. Raphael and his three deputies are searching the area.

They are finding bodies all scattered out across a cornfield. Dispatch is trying to contact Sheriff Jameson and he answers the call. The Dispatcher aka Peggy tells Sheriff Jameson that a bunch of people are barricaded inside the diner and Sheriff Jameson says he is on his way. Sheriff Jameson jumps in his truck and drives off and cocks his shotgun.

The Creeper has just dragged the cook through the Air Conditioner vent and tearing, opening his chest and feasting on his lungs. The Creeper is now inside the diner. The Creeper pulls out its ax and slices and dices all the survivors and one of the survivors opens the door and it's slices in half by the Creeper. Sheriff Jameson jumps out his car with his shotgun and he uploads on The Creeper and The Creeper tosses his sword at him. Sheriff Jameson drops the shotgun and runs at The Creeper and throws a heavy combo of blows and Sheriff Jameson pulls out his hunting knife.

Cameron flies down in front of the diner and he hears moaning and cries and Cameron walks into the diner and sees 27 people half of them dead and badly wounded and Cameron sees a little girl who has been killed with her mother on top of her and Cameron turns around with a face full of rage.

The Creeper picks up Sheriff Jameson and throws him through the windshield of his truck.

Cameron calls out to the Creeper. HEY Bitch. The Creeper picks up his ax and turns around and looks at Cameron and opens up its wings.

The song Called Animal by Magnolia Park plays. The Creeper flies up in the air and SledgeHammer flies up and knocks him down to the ground. SledgeHammer flies at him and picks him up and laser off his wings. SledgeHammer body slams him in the middle of the street.

Cameron looks at Raphael and says You want the piece of this. Raphael picks up The Creeper's ax and says Let's fuck up this guy up. The Music is blasting. The Creeper gets up and finds SledgeHammer and Mr. Violence standing in front of him. SledgeHammer's Silver Claws come out Mr.Violence looks at SledgeHammer and says What the Fuck and SledgeHammer says I been Enhance and The Creeper growls and Mr.Violence swings at The Creeper and he jumps and SledgeHammer catches him and slices through his stomach and its intestines falls out and Mr Violence cuts off The Creeper's arm. SledgeHammer tears into The Creeper's chest and pulls out its heart of hearts.

Mr. Violence goes crazy on The Creeper with the ax and start cutting him up and pieces start falling off of it and SledgeHammer just watching Mr. Violence fucking up the Creeper. The Creeper is trying to fight back and grabs Mr. Violence's stomach and has its hands inside of Mr.Violence and Mr. Violence Slams the Ax into The Creeper's skull over and over until The Creeper's skull is in Halves and Mr. Violence pulls out The Creeper's hands out of his stomach.

Mr. Violence gets up and puts himself together and Cameron walks over and looks at the Creeper's hacked up body and says This Motherfucker is still alive. Raphael says What the fuck we got to do to this, Motherfucker?

Cameron says Do you know where you can get some Hydrochloric Acid?

Raphael pulls back with a truck full of Hydrochloric Acid and brings out an empty tote and Cameron has been watching the Creeper trying to pull itself back together the whole time Raphael has been gone and Cameron taking him back apart. Cameron and Raphael put the Creeper in the tote and poured the Hydrochloric Acid on top of him and the Creeper is fighting like Hell to get out and shrieking. The Acid is eating up the Creeper. Raphael grabs a block of lye and puts on top of the Creeper drowning him in the acid. The Creeper dissolves in liquid. Cameron takes the liquid and pours inside a barrel and flies it to Mars and bury it in the soil.

As Cameron looks around Mars. He realizes he has use Mars as his own personal graveyard for the unkillables he has encountered in his past. Raphael, his deputies and Emergency Personnel get medical attention to the survivors. The ones wounded survived. A few hours later, Cameron and Raphael are drinking beer on his porch looking at the full moon. Cameron says You know If you would have my back on taking out Valor, I would have your back when your brother came around. Raphael says I never would have put that burden on you. Cameron says It wouldn't be. Raphael says I will watch over and protect your family until my dying day. Cameron and Raphael shake hands and finish their beers. Cameron flies away.

Mia is drinking orange juice as Cameron arrives. Mia says How did it go, Baby. Cameron says It could have been better. Cameron kisses Mia and opens her robe and she is completely naked and says You 've been waiting for me. Mia whispers yes My Cameron and kisses him and says I know you got everything planned out. Cameron says It's going to take at least a month to make those videotapes for our Rachel. Mia says At least we have a month before your journey and Cameron puts his face in her breasts and begins sucking her nipples.

The Song called Breath is a Dagger played by Rose Chronicles. Cameron picks up Mia, takes her to their bedroom and he puts her on the bed and he starts to kiss her clit and sucking on it. Kisses her thighs and her stomach. Cameron and Mia would make love for hours. The Song Continues.

A montage of Various ways they spend their days together while Cameron finishes making videotapes for Rachel. He spends 28 days a tape for each day so Rachel will have a lot of advice and training videos from him.

Cameron had also decided to make a new suit with technology from the Predator he killed before and different gadgets alongside with his custom made explosive armored pierced bullets and guns.

Cameron will also leave his SledgeHammer's suits to his wife and create a suit for his daughter Rachel when she is ready for one. A couple of special tapes for Mia. The Songs Ends.

Cameron leaves a note inside Rachel's suit and it says How he loves her even though he will never meet her and tells her you are the SledgeHammer now baby. On the wall above the suit is a Uranium Axe/SledgeHammer for Rachel only.


Cameron Spends a final night on Earth with Mia at Perch Restaurant. Cameron and Mia are enjoying a fine meal. Follow by a walk on the beach discussing all they have accomplished together and they would watch the sunset and make love on the beach.

Six Hours Later.

Cameron is standing naked over Mia while she sleeps. Cameron Narrates: The Last Goodbye. Leaving this beautiful one alone to raise our Rachel is something I will never get over. But doing this will protect them. Raphael got it from here. It's time for me to get ready. Cameron gets into the hot shower and walks into his War Room where all his suits and weapons are but The New Suit which Is hooked up to the wall. Red, Black, Silver with The Punisher, Batman and Harley Davidson logos on it. Made out of Uranium and pieces of materials from Mars and Jupiter. The Predator technology runs the suit. Song Sinner's Prayer is played by Sully Erna as Cameron puts on his suit which is labeled Infinite Man suit.

Cameron narrates that I am no longer considered a man. I have never been anything in the old world. I never really had a purpose until I came to this Dark Universe. I met some wonderful people and fell in love and now I have my first and only child I ever had to be born in the future. I will make sure that happens. I will all those that come in my path. I trained myself in different style of combat, warfare, defense and tactics. I have a purpose. Continues to Narrates as loads up his new custom suit Ammo, Explosives and Knives and a Uranium sword. With a new found magic was able to create an infinite storage space for weapons inside his suit. Cameron continues Narrating And My purpose is to bring Punishment and Justice to Valor and His Father Samegel gets in my way I planned for that as well. Cameron is fully dressed, walks over to the bed and kisses Mia on the head and leaves a note by her side of the bed. Cameron calls Raphael and tells its time.

The Music gets Loud as Cameron gets on his red and black motorcycle and rides through the sunrise to San Francisco and walks into his and Rachel's old home.

Cameron Narrates while he puts on A modified version of Predator Mask which is Red and Black. Pulls out the Lament Configuration as he opens it. I am no longer the SledgeHammer. I am something more. I am the Infinite Fucking Man. I am not going to use my toys these fucks. I am going to use my skills and powers. Lament Configuration is open and 7 Cenobites. 1. Chatterer, 2. Butterball, 3. The Hell Priest, 4. Merkova, 5. Angelique, 6. Deep Throat and lastly The Engineer surround Cameron. The Engineer says You Called On Us For Vengeance. How Sweet. Your Pain is our Pleasure. Chains shoots out at Cameron and he uses his newfound magnetism power to turn the hook chains on Deep Throat. The Engineer says What the fresh hell is this.

Bodies by Drowning Pools starts playing. Cameron's claws come out and He goes for the Clatterer and he slices into the Clatterer and Spin kicks its head off its shoulders. Then he charges Butterball against the wall and slices and dices him up and rips out his intestines and strangles him with them.

Merkova and Angelique try to lure and seduce him and Cameron smiles and uses the Plasmacaster blows off both of their heads.

The Hell Priest is angry and sends more hook chains at Cameron and Cameron flies towards the Hell Priest and says Hook Chains Is all you can do then Buddy you are Fucked and Cameron jams in claws in Hell Priest's back and pulls out his spine.

Music stops.

Cameron turns around and the Engineer is laughing. Cameron says What is so fucking funny. The Engineer says You think that actually accomplished anything by this. There are more of them where they come from. Leviathan will make sure of it. The Engineer pulls out a large knife made out of flesh of his victims and says Too Bad we didn't get to pleasure Glorious Rachel but I guess you will have to do then.

Cameron and The Engineer circle each other. The Engineer slices at Cameron and Cameron grabs his arm and rips it off and Cameron takes The Engineer's knife and jams it inside The Engineer's throat and tears off his head.

Cameron looks at himself and realizes he is all covered in the Cenobites' blood. Cameron says to himself I guess it's time for me to go to Hell. Cameron walks in the Cenobites's Labyrinth on his descent to Hell.


End of Part Two.



Part Three: Welcome To Hell.

The Song My Own Prison by Creed begins playing.

The predatory pulse of vengeance quickens as I, Cameron Ford, receive a letter scrawled in blood from the darkest abyss, beckoning me into the bowels of Hell to confront my nemesis, Valor. My new family now hostage to his infernal whims, I don the memento of my interspecies conquest, the predator suit, an armor that shifts and wails with whispered intent, as I steel my resolve to descend into the inferno and confront the Devil's unsavory spawn.


‎‎ ‎The walls of my rustic abode tremble as the letter crashes to the floor, its crimson script unfurling like a malevolent tapestry across the aged wooden boards. Each word, each drop of crimson life, sings with an intensity that reverberates through my very soul, igniting a primal hunger for retribution that no amount of time nor space can quench. I know him, this Valor, a son of the Devil as much as I am of the stars, and yet, he is an enigma, cloaked in shadows that stretch across the cosmos, his intent as elusive as the shimmering mirage of heat that dances on the horizon.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎But this missive, this potent reminder of the carnage that has seared into my being, it stirs something within me, a feral response that goes beyond mere anger or even sadness. It is an urge, a calling as ancient as the night itself, the embodiment of the predator that once roamed the savannahs of my ancient lineage, a lineage that yet courses through my veins, mingled with the alien essence of my Kryptonian heritage. I feel it, a powerful shift within, the predator suit's fibers responding to the primal call, its form shifting, whispering its intent as it wraps around me, a second skin, a shield of brawn and resilience that I no longer need but cannot ignore.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's fibers resonate with an otherworldly hum, a song of the hunt, a symphony of interstellar sinew that hums with the vibration of my resolve. It is a suit of its own volition, a living entity, capable of adapting to the environment, to the challenges, to the foes that I face. And as I don the suit, as it molds to my body, I feel an echo of the past, a remembrance of my ancestry, of the thrill of the chase, the kill, the lifeblood coursing through my veins as I stood atop the carcass of my fallen prey. But this time, the prey is not the weak, the vulnerable, it is Valor, and the suit is not just a suit but a memento of my interspecies conquest, a testament to my strength, my dominion over the beasts of the world.

‎‎ ‎


‎‎ ‎I stare at the suit, the predator suit, as it shifts and wails with whispered intent, its fibers tightening, loosening, responding to the vibrations of my thoughts, my emotions, my anger. I take a deep breath, inhaling the essence of the predator, the essence of the hunt, and let out a low, guttural roar that echoes off the walls, my voice laden with the weight of millennia, the fury of an interstellar wanderer turned earthly guardian. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has walked among the stars, and now, I am ready to descend into the inferno, to confront the Devil's unsavory spawn, to reclaim what was lost, to avenge what was taken.

Adorned in the totems of my conquest, an arsenal gleaming with the finality of my purpose, I traverse the threshold, crossing the precipice between worlds. Each defiant step into the clutches of Hell unfurls a labyrinth of souls and suffering, the air thick with a palpable malevolence that my Superman and Wolverine lineage claws at, urging me onward.


‎‎ ‎The terrain beneath my feet shifts from the familiarity of my rustic abode to the unfamiliar, unearthly landscape of the Otherworld. My senses, honed by countless years of combat, by countless battles fought and won, are on high alert, a fine-tuned instrument attuned to the subtle nuances of this new environment. I can feel the air, thick with the stench of sulfur and brimstone, the very essence of Hell, prickling at my nostrils, at my skin, a tangible reminder of the infernal nether I now tread upon.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎I advance, my steps defiant, my gaze unwavering, as I cross the threshold, my body a blur of motion, a testament to the fusion of my Superman and Wolverine linage, the amalgamation of strength and durability, of healing and resilience. I am Infinite Man, the apex predator of this Hellish domain, and I am here for one reason, one purpose—to confront my nemesis, Valor, and to reclaim what was stolen from me. The predator suit's sensors flicker with an eerie glow, its interstellar eyes peering into the shadows, scanning for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's prodigy.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I delve deeper into the bowels of Hell, the air grows thicker, the stench more potent, a choking fog of despair and torment that clings to my every breath. The souls of the cursed and the damned float like moths around me, their cries echoing off the cavernous walls, their anguish a symphony of malice that resonates within the very essence of the predator suit. I feel the weight of their collective suffering, their torment a tangible force that pushes back against me, a resistance that I must overcome, a challenge that I must conquer.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The suit's fibers tighten, its very molecules resonating with the pain and the anger of the souls that surround me. It is a living armor, a symphony of interstellar sinew that hums with the vibration of my purpose, my resolve, my unyielding determination to confront Valor, to bring an end to his reign of terror, to reclaim what was once mine. I move forward, each step a challenge, a defiance, a statement of my will. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has traversed the cosmos, and I will not be deterred by the malevolence of this infernal netherworld.

Silent Hill looms—a necropolis shrouded in ashen fog, each step a cacophony of siren wails and an eerie calm. Within its veiled walls, the phantoms of my own past and Valor's blood-tainted footprints converge, with the predator suit's sensors flickering uneasily, hinting at unseen horrors that mesh seamlessly with this nightmare world. Revelation skirts its edge, tethering my sanity to this unhallowed ground as visions of my fallen wife intertwine with the gnawing hunt.


‎‎ ‎The fog is thick, a shroud of secrecy, of dread, that clings to my every breath, to my every movement, a blanket of obscurity that both shields and unnerves. I push forward, my senses alert, every hair on the back of my neck standing on end, my instincts screaming with a clarity that defies the miasmic embrace of the ashen fog. I can feel the eyes of the phantoms, the souls of the damned, upon me, their silent pleas for deliverance, for an end to their eternal torment, a call that resonates within the very core of the predator suit.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's footprints, a trail of blood and brimstone, lead me deeper into the heart of Silent Hill, a labyrinth of despair, of twisted mutations, and ungodly abominations. The walls, once the sanctuary of a sleepy town, now loom ominously, gnarled and twisted, their surfaces a canvas of grotesque carvings and unearthly symbols that whisper of unspeakable rites and ritualistic sacrifices. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has walked the earth, and I will not be swayed by the insidious allure of this hellish place, nor will I be deterred by the specters that haunt its every corner.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I tread through the veiled halls of Silent Hill, the predator suit's sensors flicker with an unsettling erraticism, its interstellar eyes probing the shadows, searching for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers tremble with an uneasy anticipation, a sentient response to the undeniable presence of horrors that lie within, that weave seamlessly with the very fabric of this nightmare world. It is an echo of my own trepidation, a reflection of my own fears and doubts, a reminder that not even I am immune to the allure of the unknown, to the pull of the abyss.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly melody, its resonance a call to arms, a rallying cry that echoes off the walls, a symphony of my resolve, my purpose, my unyielding determination to confront Valor, to reclaim what was taken from me. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, countless challenges, and yet, in the heart of Silent Hill, I feel the weight of my solitary quest, a solitude that is both a shroud and a shield. I push forward, my thoughts entwined with the eerie calm that pervades the air, my actions guided by the whispers of my own past, by the visions of my fallen wife.

The insidious tapestry of Silent Hill unravels its core, unraveling both past and present with a cruel dexterity that rattles even my indomitable spirit. A labyrinthine structure, once a schoolhouse, echoes with the skeletal gleam of faces familiar and forgotten, their hollow eyes a silent chorus of my failures. The pursuit of Valor, entwined with my private purgatory, blurs the line between just retribution and personal reckoning.


‎‎ ‎The structure looms before me, its once-white facade now marred by the stains of sin and suffering. I can feel the weight of history, of the countless lives that were lived and lost within these walls, their narratives etched into the very stone, a testament to the cruel caprices of fate. As I step through the threshold, the predator suit's sensors blaze with a brightness that pierces through the gloom, its interstellar eyes scanning the corridors, the classrooms, the hallways, a searchlight that searches for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's progeny.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The faces that once filled these halls, now mere shadows, flicker in and out of existence, their presence a haunting reminder of the passage of time, of the relentless march of memory that binds us all. I see them, the children of Silent Hill, the adults, the teachers, all caught in an eternal loop, their souls trapped within the confines of this cursed edifice, their eyes a hollow testament to the tragedy that unfolds before me. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless battles, and yet, in this desolate tableau, I feel the sting of defeat, the sorrow of loss that clings to my every breath.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's fibers quiver with sympathy, with the unspoken understanding that this is not just a hunt, not just a quest for vengeance, but a journey into the abyss of my own soul, into the recesses of my own past. It is a symphony of interstellar sinew that echoes the chorus of souls that surround me, a melody of loss and longing that resonates within the depths of my own being, a lament for the innocence that was snatched away, for the future that was stolen. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has walked the earth, and yet, in this moment, I am a lost soul, seeking redemption in the embrace of an infernal maelstrom.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The pursuit of Valor, the relentless chase that has led me here, is entwined with the ghosts of my own past, with the echoes of my own failures. It is a dance of shadow and light, of regret and reconciliation, a ballet of blood and bone that plays out before me, a tableau of life and death that is both a mirror and a mausoleum. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has tasted victory and defeat, and yet, in the heart of this silent purgatory, I feel the tremors of doubt, the whisper of uncertainty that threatens to unravel the very fabric of my resolve.

My resolve, an adamantium rod, as I push through the substantiated air; Raccoon City looms, a nightmare reborn in a writhing mass of desolation and monstrosity. Hordes bearing semblances of humanity yet devoid of it, surge forth, their grotesque mutations a grotesque homage to a world rent asunder. Here, the clash of past and present superimposes, the remorseless claw of destruction interweaving with the desecrated downtown's decay.


‎‎ ‎The air thickens, the stench of decay and devastation clinging to my senses like a second skin, a living, breathing testament to the carnage that has unfolded here, in this place that was once a city, a community, a haven for the living. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has seen the face of destruction, who has tasted the bitter fruit of annihilation, and yet, here, in this desolate wasteland, I am faced with a paradox, a challenge that defies the very fabric of my being. For in Raccoon City, the past and the present collide, and the result is a maelstrom of malevolence that threatens to engulf my very soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's sensors blaze with an intensity that matches the fury of my own thoughts, its interstellar eyes scanning the horizon, searching for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's offspring. The suit's fibers, its very essence, resonate with the vibrations of my purpose, my determination to confront the source of this infernal upheaval, to penetrate the heart of the chaos and to bring an end to the reign of terror that has plagued this world. It is a symphony of interstellar sinew that plays a discordant tune, a melody of fury and retribution that echoes off the ruins of what was once a thriving metropolis.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The hordes surge forth, a writhing mass of grotesque and gore, their eyes, once the windows to humanity, now mere slits of malice and madness. They are the embodiment of this city's downfall, of its transformation from a bastion of civilization to a crucible of horror. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, and yet, in this horde, I see not just enemies, but reflections of my own inner turmoil, of the darkness that has gnawed at my soul since the day I donned the predator suit, since the day I embarked on this odyssey of vengeance and redemption.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The clash of past and present, of my own history and the history of this city, is a tempest that threatens to engulf me, to drown me in the mire of despair and desolation. The suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly pitch, a resonance that echoes the agony and the determination that course through my veins, a symphony of my resolve, my courage, my unyielding will to confront Valor, to reclaim what was stolen from me, to avenge what was lost. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has tasted the nectar of victory and the bitterness of defeat, and yet, in the heart of this desolate wasteland, I feel the tremors of doubt, the whisper of my own vulnerability that threatens to unravel the very essence of my being.

Among the writhing cadavers, my senses keen with an enhanced scent, I catch traces of Valor—a noxious amalgam of brimstone and arrogant indifference. The predator suit flexes with an otherworldly grace, its interstellar sinew acclimating to the fields of Raccoon City's blight, as my eyes lock onto towering monoliths, vestiges of pharmaceutical tyranny, which concealed much more than the sham of medicinal progress.


‎‎ ‎The stench of sulfur and decay clings to my senses, a cloying fog that seeps into the pores of my skin, a tangible reminder of the infernal context in which this confrontation is set. I can feel the predator suit's fibers responding, adapting to the noxious environment, its essence becoming one with the very air that surrounds me, a living armor that weaves through the desolation, a mesh of interstellar sinew that hums with the vibration of my purpose, my resolve, my inexorable pursuit of Valor.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The towering monoliths, once symbols of pharmaceutical conquest, now loom as sentinels of ruin, their facades cracked and peeling, their interiors a maze of decay and despair. I can sense the malevolence that pervades these halls, the echoes of lives ruined, of dreams shattered, of the cataclysm that brought about the fall of Raccoon City. It is a place of darkness, of despair, of the culmination of hubris and negligence that has resulted in this apocalyptic landscape. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has tread on countless battlefields, and yet, in this desolation, I feel the weight of my own mortality, of the fragility of life that is so easily cast aside in the pursuit of progress.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I traverse the blighted streets of Raccoon City, the predator suit's interstellar eyes pierce the gloom, scanning the horizon for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers tremble with an otherworldly unease, its essence resonating with the vibrations of my own fear, my own uncertainty. It is a testament to the duality of my being, to the conflict that rages within, a battle of wills that pits my indomitable spirit against the very fabric of my own existence. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced the abyss and yet, in the shadow of Raccoon City's desolation, I feel the cold touch of doubt, the whisper of my own vulnerability that threatens to unravel the very essence of my being.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's sinew flexes with an ethereal grace, its fibers intertwining with the ghostly remnants of what was once a thriving metropolis. The suit's interstellar eyes lock onto towering monoliths, vestiges of pharmaceutical tyranny that bore witness to unimaginable atrocities, to experiments that were shrouded in secrecy, to the unspeakable suffering that was inflicted in the name of progress. It is a haunting reflection of my own journey, a mirror to the depths of my own resolve, my own capacity for vengeance, and my own pursuit of justice. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has seen the dark side of progress, and yet, in the heart of Raccoon City's desolation, I find myself standing at the precipice of my own moral abyss.


Lurking within the crumbling edifice of pharmaceutical supremacy, a hybrid horror, the result of Valor's cruel machinations and eldritch science, salivates anticipation. The recoil of my Kryptonian punch meets the substance of necrotic flesh as we engage in a dance of grotesque might and relentless fury. Valor strives to manipulate the grotesque into the subjugation of Hell's rumbling domain, a sinister crown for his reunion with damnation.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew quivers with an otherworldly anticipation, its fibers aligning with the vibrations of my own adrenaline, my own fury. I can feel the suit's essence resonating with the pulse of my ancient lineage, the primal instinct of the predator that courses through my veins, a symphony of my own making, a fusion of Kryptonian strength and Wolverine resilience that I unleash upon the grotesque monstrosity that Valor has become. It is a dance of shadows and light, of bone and sinew, of life and death that unfolds before me, a ballet of destruction that is as much a testament to my own survival as it is a challenge to my resolve.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The hybrid horror, a twisted amalgam of human and beast, a grotesque testament to the depths of Valor's depravity, surges forth, its eyes blazing with a malicious intent that mirrors the flames of Hell itself. It is a creature bred from the depths of the Devil's own soul, a monstrosity that defies the very laws of nature, of biology, of morality. But I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, who has tasted the bitterness of defeat and the sweetness of victory, and I am not deterred by the sight of this abomination that stands before me, this unholy offspring of Valor's twisted ambition.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar eyes lock onto the creature, its vision piercing through the gloom, through the stench of decay, through the miasma of malice that clings to its being. The suit's fibers tighten, its very essence becoming one with the ethereal grace of my own resolve, a melody of my purpose, my determination, my indomitable will to confront and to conquer. I can feel the suit's sinew humming with an otherworldly intensity, its essence aligning with the very essence of my own being, a symphony of strength and survival that resonates within the depths of my soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I engage in this primal dance, this ballet of bone and blood, my senses are attuned to the very essence of the predator suit's interstellar sinew. I can feel the suit's fibers intertwining with the fabric of this Hellish netherworld, adapting to the fields of Raccoon City's blight, becoming one with the very air that surrounds me, a living armor that is as much a part of me as my own skin, as my own heart. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has walked the earth, and now, in the heart of this desolation, I feel the very essence of my being align with the purpose that has driven me from the stars to the farthest reaches of my own psyche.

Blood stains the abyssal soil as the grotesque creation, a terrifying homage to the mutation-inducing T-virus, crumbles beneath my adamantium claws and the searing wrath of my heat vision. Valor's whispers, taunting and venomous, reverberate amid the ruins, igniting a fire within, unfueled by the oxygen-deprived air, craving finality. Raccoon City, a backdrop to our lethal ballet, bears silent witness to a primal struggle transcending two worlds.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly fervor, its fibers aligning with the very essence of my own will, my own determination to see this monstrous abomination of Valor's creation fall. It is a symphony of my own making, a concert of cosmic forces that have been marshalled to defeat this foe that stands as a testament to the depths of Hell's dominion. With each strike of my adamantium claws, the suit's essence resonates with the vibrations of my own fury, a melody of my own making that is as much a testament to my strength as it is to my resolve.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The grotesque creation, a hybrid of human and beast, a fungus of flesh and fury, surges forth, its eyes blazing with malice, its body twisting and contorting in a display of unnatural might. But I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, and in this moment, I am not just a man, not just a hero, but a force of nature, of cosmic origin, a being that has traversed the stars to confront the Devil's own son. I am the hunter, the predator, and this creature, this abomination, is my prey.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar eyes pierce the gloom, scanning the horizon, seeking any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart. It is a living armor, a second skin, an extension of my own will that echoes the symphony of my purpose, my resolve to end this infernal dance, to reclaim what was once mine, to avenge what was stolen from me.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In the heart of Raccoon City's desolation, amidst the ruins of what was once a thriving metropolis, I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced the abyss and emerged triumphant. The predator suit's sinew flexes with a grace that is both ethereal and primal, its essence intertwining with the very essence of my own being. I can feel the suit's fibers humming with the vibrations of my own fury, with the pulse of my own determination to see this battle through, to see this foe fall, and to see the ashes of my own past rise anew, unfueled by the oxygen-deprived air, craving finality.

The encroaching void of Raccoon City recedes, yielding to a cascading of images hewn from nightmares. Freddy's domain, a dreamscape embellished with the macabre art of nightmares, where mental domination is the symphony that orchestrates fear. Here, time is a pendulum, endlessly swinging over the abyss of the subconscious, and with it, the troubling whisper of an impending nemesis, the dream demon Freddy Krueger.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly resonance, its essence aligning with the very fabric of this dreamscape, a waking nightmare that defies the laws of reality, that challenges the very core of my being. I can feel the suit's fibers resonate with the vibrations of my own fear, of my own doubts, of the lingering remnants of my own mortality that are now laid bare before me in this ethereal plane. It is a living armor, a second skin, a testament to my resolve to confront the demons of my own psyche, to face the shadowy depths of my own soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Freddy's domain is a place of twisted illusions and unyielding terror, a labyrinth of nightmarish landscapes that defy the laws of physics, of reason. Here, I am not just Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, but I am also a child, a lost soul, a wanderer trapped within the endless cycle of the subconscious. I am surrounded by the phantoms of my own past, the echoes of my own fears, and I can feel the predator suit's essence humming with the resonance of these spectral apparitions, a symphony of my own making that echoes the very essence of my own being.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I traverse this dreamscape, this twisted mirror of my own psyche, I am confronted by Freddy, the dream demon himself, a specter that looms over the tortured landscape, his visage a macabre tapestry of knife-slashed visages and razor-sharp claws. The predator suit's interstellar eyes pierce the gloom, scanning the horizon for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In this dreamscape, within this twisted reflection of my own inner turmoil, I am not just a hunter, not just a predator, but I am also a victim, a witness to the relentless claw of fear that Freddy wields with unnerving skill. I can feel the suit's sinew flex with an ethereal grace, its essence intertwining with the very essence of my own resolve, a symphony of my own making that echoes the very essence of my own being. I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced the abyss, and yet, within this dreamscape, within the heart of Freddy's domain, I am haunted by the whispers of my own fears, by the specters of my own vulnerability.

With each heartbeat, echoes of nightmares take form, twisted imaginings and mortifying illusions seizing my senses, exploiting vulnerabilities I deemed impervious. Valor, a fleeting specter, dances at the fringes, goading with the malevolent charm of a true devil's issue. My grip on reality falters, locked in deadly dreams spurred by Freddy's whims, while Jason, the silent sentinel, awaits his turn in this wraith-like ballet of horror.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly discord, its fibers aligning with the very essence of my own fury, my own fear, my own desperation. It is a living armor, a second skin, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart. And yet, within this dreamscape, within the twisted reflections of my own psyche, I am not just a hunter, not just a predator, but I am also a victim, a witness to the relentless claw of fear that Freddy wields with unnerving skill.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar eyes, once a beacon of clarity in the gloom, now flicker with the echoes of my own trepidation, my own doubts. The suit's fibers tremble with an otherworldly unease, its essence resonating with the vibrations of my own fear, my own vulnerability. But I am Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, who has tasted the bitterness of defeat and the sweetness of victory, and yet, within this labyrinth of the subconscious, I feel the cold touch of doubt, the whisper of my own fragility that threatens to unravel the very essence of my being.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I navigate this dreamscape, this twisted reflection of my own inner turmoil, I am confronted by Valor, the specter of the Devil's son, who dances at the fringes of reality, a phantom that whispers of malice and intent. The predator suit's interstellar sinew flexes with an otherworldly grace, its essence aligning with the very essence of my own will, my own determination to confront this foe, to reclaim what was once mine, to avenge what was lost. It is a symphony of my own making, a concert of cosmic forces that play out within the depths of my own soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In this wraith-like ballet of horror, within the heart of Freddy's domain, I am not just Infinite Man, the predator who has walked the earth, but I am also a lost soul, a wanderer trapped within the endless cycle of the subconscious. The suit's sinew hums with an ethereal pitch, its essence intertwining with the very essence of my own being, a living armor that echoes the very essence of my own resolve.

I am haunted by the whispers of my own fears, by the specters of my own vulnerability, and yet, within this dreamscape, within the heart of Freddy's domain, I am not alone.

Defeating the irrational with logic flawed, I converge my will with the spirit of the predator suit, an amalgamated resolve that repels the tenebrous claws of mental entrapment. Freddy, a gaunt conductor in this symphony of the grotesque, defies my advances with leering specters that follow his pernicious baton. My claws sing through his deceiving visage, shredding the symbolism of his power and unveiling the man beneath the monstrous guise.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly fervor, its fibers pulsating with the vibrations of my own will, my own determination to vanquish the spectre of Freddy, to pierce the veil of illusion that he weaves with such mastery. It is a living armor, a second skin, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart. And yet, within this dreamscape, within the twisted reflections of my own psyche, I am not just a hunter, not just a predator, but I am also a victim, a witness to the relentless claw of fear that Freddy wields with unnerving skill.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎I can feel the predator suit's essence aligning with my own, a symphony of my own making that echoes the very essence of my own being. The suit's interstellar eyes pierce the gloom, scanning the horizon for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart. It is a living armor, a second skin, a testament to the very essence of my own resolve.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I face off against Freddy, against the leering specters that follow his pernicious baton, I am not just Infinite Man, the predator who has faced countless foes, but I am also a victim, a witness to the relentless claw of fear that Freddy wields with unnerving skill. The predator suit's interstellar sinew flexes with an ethereal grace, its essence intertwining with the very essence of my own will, my own determination to confront this foe, to reclaim what was once mine, to avenge what was stolen from me.

‎‎ ‎Darkness recoils in agony as I slice through the fantastical milieu, severing the tendons of Freddy's control with vindictive precision. His reality crumbles, the dream world collapsing with each furious slash, as Valor's guise evaporates amidst the debris, a transitory victory mocking me with the knowledge that true reckoning lies ahead in the domain long co-ruled by fear and silence. I grab Freddy by the throat and use my laser eyes make Freddy's skull explode.



Silhouetted against an inferno-drenched backdrop, Jason emerges, the compound of solitude and vengeance, and the antithesis to Freddy's cerebral warfare. With unyielding putrescent strength, he enacts his silent, brutal ballet—Valor's personal chamber of torments. Each step toward him is met with the unending cacophony of cold steel, our kinetic elegy underscored by the predatory whispers of the suit, urging the inevitable clash of titanic wills.


‎‎ ‎The predator suit's interstellar sinew hums with an otherworldly resonance, its fibers aligning with the very essence of my own will, my own determination to vanquish the specter of Jason, to pierce the veil of illusion that he weaves with such mastery. It is a living armor, a second skin, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart. And yet, within this dreamscape, within the twisted reflections of my own psyche, I am not just a hunter, not just a predator, but I am also a victim, a witness to the relentless claw of fear that Jason wields with unnerving skill.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As I traverse this dreamscape, this twisted reflection of my own inner turmoil, I am confronted by Jason, the embodiment of solitude and vengeance, who looms over the tortured landscape, his visage a silent testament to the depths of Valor's depravity. The predator suit's interstellar eyes pierce the gloom, scanning the horizon for any sign of Valor, any trace of the Devil's spawn. The suit's fibers shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, a testament to the fusion of my own strength and the essence of the predator suit that has become as much a part of me as my own skin, my own heart.


The ebon-clad chamber, a testament to Valor's sadistic opulence, contrasted with Jason's silent resentment and relentless pursuit. My vision, honed by valor, pierces the choreography of dismemberment and unrelenting fury as I leverage the fusion of Clark's strength and Logan's resilience, and my own unyielding force of will. Each laceration yields no blood, my body a forge, burning with a determination that defies the chilblained touch of death and the silent screams of Jason's past victims. I Slice Jason completely in half with my blades. Now I walk through his body parts on my way to confront Valor.


Part Four: The Payback


Underneath the malevolent sky that cast no light save that which flickered and twisted from the candles that hung haphazardly upon the walls of Hell's dominions, Infinite Man strode, his boots leaving indelible markings in the crude stone. The air was thick with the stench of brimstone and decay, the sound of agonized screams and inhuman growls filling his ears. He had become accustomed to the cacophony, each note a resonance of his relentless journey, each rhythm the pulse of his unwavering determination. And now, after countless battles, after slaying the unkillable demons that stalked the hellish landscape, he had finally arrived at the heart of the inferno.


‎‎ ‎The landscape was desolate, a twisted reflection of the worst nightmares that plagued the minds of the living. Here, in this realm of eternal torment, the very earth twisted and writhed beneath Infinite Man's feet, as if the ground itself were a living entity, aware of the presence of the one known only as Infinite Man. His suit, an amalgamation of alien technology and earthly craftsmanship, emitted a low hum that harmonized with the ambiance of Hell. The suit, designed to mimic the appearance of the predator, was his armor, his shield, his sanctuary in this unholy place.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As he moved forward, the sense of being watched settled upon his shoulders like a weighty mantle. Infinite Man was no stranger to the eyes that bore down upon him, those of the demonic creatures that crawled through the hellish terrain. But what awaited him this time was not a mere glance, or even a fearful glare, but a sound. A voice, deep and echoing, like the rumble of the Earth itself, called out to him. "SledgeHammer”, you have traveled far, and you have fought valiantly. But your journey ends here, for this is my domain. You think you are going to win this fight just because you got a new suit and new abilities. You are in my home, Now Motherfucker. When I am done with you. You are going to beg me to kill you. And I will not.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The voice was like the thunder that had accompanied the emergence of the first demons, a brooding presence that echoed through the landscape. Infinite Man stopped, a sense of foreboding washing over him. He had fought countless creatures, some so fearsome they were beyond human comprehension, but none had ever spoken to him as this creature did. It was the voice of pride and conquest, a declaration that no matter the battles fought or the victories claimed, the end was nigh. Infinite Man, clad in his ominous Predator suit, took a deep breath, his resolve unshaken. "I am not the SledgeHammer any more. My name is Infinite Man , and I am beyond what I use to be"

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's laughter echoed through the air, a mockery of Infinite Man's defiance. "You have no concept of the nature of this place, nor of the nature of those who dwell here. Here, death is not an end, but merely a brief respite. Those you have slain shall rise again, and again, and again. You have fought bravely, yes, but you are but a fleeting gust of wind against the eternal storm." Infinite Man's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching in defiance. The Predator suit, with its intricate weave of ceramic and steel, glistened in the eerie light of the surrounding candles. It was his one comfort in the omnipresent chaos, his reminder that he was more than a man; he was a symbol of resistance, of hope even in the bleakest of places. While others would succumb to the madness that pervaded this realm, Infinite Man would not falter.



Valor and I, a pause in the eternal dance, as the trinity of Hells converge into a crescendo of primal hatred and irrepressible might. The suit, a living symbiosis of intergalactic origins and terrestrial vengeance, aligns seamlessly with my purpose—a surgical severance of Valor from the tenuous tyranny of his lineage. My claws, now instruments of infernal justice, rend flesh with a precision born of transcendent fury, my wife's visage a benediction amidst the carnage, and my unborn daughter's innocence a hymn to tomorrow, now safeguarded by the infinity of a man reborn under the skulking gaze of Hell's.

Despite the heaviness of Valor's words, the impending threat of their meeting did not deter Infinite Man. In the silence that followed Valor's pronouncement, he stood firm, his expression one of unwavering resolve. The suit's sensors were picking up on the presence of numerous demons, each lurking in the shadows, their eyes glinting with the promise of impending carnage. Valor's words had not deterred him, nor had they incited fear within his heart. Instead, they had ignited a fire, a burning desire to prove that even in the face of such overwhelming odds, he was more than a match for any adversary.


‎‎ ‎"Your words are empty, Valor. I have faced countless horrors, and each one has only served to fortify my resolve. I am Infinite Man, and I will not be cowed by the likes of you." Valor's laughter once again rang through the air, a discordant chord that seemed to resonate with the very core of Hell. "You say that, but what you mean is that you have faced countless horrors and now seek to challenge me. You have not understood the nature of this place, or the nature of the creatures that dwell here. I shall not be deterred, for the path I tread is the one paved by destiny."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's reply was swift, his voice a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had once again descended upon the space between them. "Destiny? Is that what you call this? A dance with death, a game played with souls as pawns? No, Valor, my path is not one of destiny, but of choice. I choose to fight, to reshape the very fabric of this place with my own hands, my own spirit." Infinite Man took a step forward, the Predator suit's boots sinking slightly into the ground, leaving a trail that was swallowed whole by the Earth's insatiable hunger. "And I shall do so until the last breath leaves my body."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As if to mark the finality of Infinite Man's declaration, a chorus of demonic growls rose from the shadows. Demons of every shape and size, their forms twisted and grotesque, began to pour forth from the crevices and caverns, their eyes glowing with the light of Hell's own flames. Infinite Man, unafraid, raised his Plasmacaster, a weapon crafted from the same alien alloy that comprised his suit. The weapon hummed with a sense of readiness, its power a beacon of hope in the midst of the encroaching darkness. Infinite Man knew that he was vastly outnumbered, but he also knew that he was the Infinite Man, and that meant something. The Song I will not bow by Breaking Benjamin starts playing loudly.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The demons approached, their movements like a swarm of locusts descending upon a field of ripe crops. Infinite Man's heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm of his life matching the rhythm of the suit's powerful armor. The demons were upon him, their combined strength formidable, their numbers overwhelming. But Infinite Man did not falter, his hands steady as he unleashed the Plasmacaster's searing projectiles, his aim true despite the chaos that enveloped him. Each shot was a testament to his spirit, a declaration that even in the face of insurmountable odds, he would prevail.

Infinite Man's resolve was unwavering as he faced the throngs of demons that converged upon him. The air was filled with the scent of ozone and sulfur, the ground beneath his feet trembling as the demons' cacophony of growls and roars reached a fever pitch. Infinite Man's eyes, set in his Predator-like helmet, did not flinch, his focus unyielding as he picked off demon after demon with calculated precision. It was not long before the demons began to retreat, their numbers diminishing as the relentless onslaught of the Plasmacaster claimed their lives.


‎‎ ‎But it was not just the demons that Infinite Man had to contend with; it was the very environment of Hell that sought to claim him. The ground beneath his boots began to shift, the Earth's writhing and twisting causing the landscape to ripple like a sheet of water. The air thickened, the stench of burning flesh and sulfur intensifying with each passing moment.


Infinite Man's breathing became labored, his body straining against the oppressive atmosphere. The suit's sensors picked up on the change, the readings indicating a sudden increase in the temperature of the surrounding air.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man could feel his strength waning, the suit's power supply struggling to keep up with the demands of his relentless assault. But he did not falter, his resolve stronger than the suit itself. The demons, sensing the weakening of their adversary, began to advance once more, their ranks swelling as if summoned by the very ground beneath their feet. Infinite Man raised the Plasmacaster, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to unleash another barrage of deadly shots.


The suit's power readings were critical, but Infinite Man knew that he had no choice but to continue.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The demons, sensing their opportunity, charged, their bodies a blur of movements as they converged upon Infinite Man. The ground beneath them shook with each impact, the air filled with the cacophony of their combined forces. Infinite Man fought back, his every action a testament to his unyielding spirit, his every strike a dance of death with the creatures of Hell. The Plasmacaster's shots found their mark, each one a symphony of destruction that tore through the demonic ranks with lethal efficiency. But even as he fought, the suit's power meter was plummeting, the light within his helmet dimming with each passing second.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor, however, remained a spectator to the battle, watching from the shadows as his minions fell like leaves before the relentless storm that was Infinite Man. His laughter once again filled the air, a mockery of Infinite Man's desperate struggle. "You are a fool, Infinite Man. You fight with all the fury of a mortal, but you are not a mortal. You are an anomaly, and your time is nigh." Infinite Man's head snapped in Valor's direction, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make out the shape of the one who called himself Valor. "I have faced worse, Valor. And I will face you."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's declaration was met with a thunderous roar as the demons, enraged by Valor's words, renewed their attack. The Plasmacaster's shots found their targets, but the power was dwindling rapidly. Infinite Man's breath was shallow, his body straining against the unbearable weight of the suit. The demons, sensing the weakness of their adversary, closed in, their claws and fangs poised for the killing strike. Infinite Man's eyes, rimmed with the fatigue of endless battles, locked onto Valor, his last hope resting upon the shoulders of the one known only as Valor.

As the demons closed in, their claws glinting in the flickering candlelight, Infinite Man's voice was a whisper against the thunder of Hell's denizens. "You speak of death as if it were a mere pause, but I have faced death, Valor, and I have come to understand its true nature. It is not an end, but a beginning. And I shall prove this to you." Infinite Man's hand tightened on the Plasmacaster, his fingers gripping the handle in a vice-like hold. The suit's energy readings were critically low, but he did not falter, his gaze locked onto Valor's form, his resolve unbroken.


‎‎ ‎A cacophony of growls and roars erupted as the demons unleashed their most ferocious attacks, their fury a reflection of the infernal landscape that surrounded them. Infinite Man, however, remained steadfast, his every movement a calculated strike, his every shot a hymn of defiance. The Plasmacaster's glow was dimming, each pulse of energy a dying star in the void of Hell's abyss. But Infinite Man's spirit was unyielding, his resolve the pulse of life that kept him standing amidst the chaos.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's eyes narrowed, his lips curled into a sneer as he watched the spectacle unfold before him. "You are a fool, Infinite Man. You have challenged me and lost. I shall claim your soul as my own, and you shall serve me for all eternity." The demons, emboldened by Valor's words, surged forward, their claws and fangs bared for the final strike. Infinite Man, his breath labored, knew that this was the moment of truth. His hands trembled, his grip on the Plasmacaster slipping as the last remnants of the suit's power drained away.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's eyes widened as the demons descended upon him, their claws and fangs poised to rend him asunder. His body, straining against the suit's armor, was no match for the combined strength of the demonic horde. The air around him was thick with the scent of burning flesh and sulfur, the ground beneath him trembling as if Hell itself was reacting to the imminent end of the Infinite Man's journey. But even as the demons' attacks rained down upon him, Infinite Man's spirit remained unbroken, his last act a leap of faith.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's body arced through the air, the Plasmacaster's glow extinguished, its power spent. The demons, unable to comprehend such an act of defiance, paused in their assault, their eyes wide in disbelief. Infinite Man's voice, though weakened by the tension and the toll of his relentless battle, rang out clear and true. "I am Infinite Man, and I shall not be defeated by the likes of you, Valor. My journey is not over, and neither is my fight. I am more than a fighter; I am a legend."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's eyes widened, his lips curling into a snarl of pure malice. "You fool! You think you can defy death and the will of Hell itself?" Infinite Man's eyes remained locked onto Valor's, his breath shallow but steady. "No, Valor. I am not defying death; I am embracing it. And in doing so, I am transcending it. I am Infinite Man, and I shall not be defeated." Infinite Man's gaze never wavered as his body plummeted towards the ground below, the air thick with the scent of brimstone and burning flesh. But even as the ground approached, the air around him shimmered with a light that defied the very nature of Hell itself.

In the heart of the inferno, amidst the howling winds and the cacophony of demonic roars, a single figure stood, his silhouette a stark contrast against the backdrop of eternal flame. His eyes were a blaze of defiance, his expression one of unwavering resolve. This was not the end for the Infinite Man; instead, it was the beginning of a new chapter in his eternal journey. His hands, though scarred and battered, clenched with a strength that belied his physical form, his spirit an indomitable force of nature.


‎‎ ‎The air was alive with the hum of power, the same power that had once filled the Predator suit and now flowed through the being that had become known as Infinite Man. The suit, once a shield against the horrors of Hell, was now a relic of a life that had been, its purpose fulfilled and its story complete. Infinite Man stood, his gaze locked onto the horizon, his heart pounding with the pulse of eternity. He was no longer just a man; he was an embodiment of the indomitable human spirit, a testament to the power of will and the strength of the soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In the distance, the figure of Valor loomed, his eyes filled with a mix of awe and fury. He had not expected such a resilience from the mortal that had dared to challenge him. Infinite Man, with a voice that resonated with the depth of the abyss, spoke. "You underestimated me, Valor. You thought to claim my soul, but you have instead given it new life. I am Infinite Man, and I shall not be bound by the chains of Hell. I am free."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's laugh was a twisted echo of his earlier declaration, a mockery of the Infinite Man's newfound freedom. "And what do you hope to accomplish with this newfound 'freedom' of yours? You have fought, and you have lost. Here, in the heart of Hell, there can be no victory, only submission." Infinite Man's eyes did not falter, his gaze unwavering as he took a step forward. "I have faced countless horrors, and I have emerged stronger with each challenge. I am Infinite Man, and I shall never submit."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's anger was a palpable force, his words a thunderous roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of Hell. "Enough of your bluster. You have shown your strength, and now it is time to face your end." With a swift motion, Valor raised his hand, his eyes glowing with the light of Hell's own flames. Infinite Man, sensing the impending attack, braced himself, his stance a silent testament to his unwavering resolve. He had fought too long, too hard, to submit now.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As Valor's hand descended, a flash of light enveloped Infinite Man's form, a blinding radiance that filled the air with a sense of hope, of redemption. The very fabric of Hell seemed to quake at the sight, the demons around him recoiling in fear. Infinite Man, his eyes closed against the brilliance, felt a warmth spread through him, a warmth that was not of this realm, but of a place beyond the reach of Hell's cold embrace. And then, as the light faded, Infinite Man stood, his armor gone, his form a beacon of pure, unfiltered human spirit.

In the heart of Hell, amidst the howling winds and the cacophony of demonic screams, a single figure stood alone, untouched by the infernal landscape that surrounded him. The air was thick with the scent of burning flesh and sulfur, the ground beneath his feet trembling as if the very Earth itself was acknowledging the presence of this singular entity. This was not the end of the Infinite Man; instead, it was the beginning of a new chapter in his eternal journey.


‎‎ ‎The figure's eyes, once a blaze of rage and defiance, now held a curious serenity, a stillness that seemed to defy the very nature of Hell. His form, though not adorned by the armor of the Predator suit or the weaponry of the Plasmacaster, was a testament to his indomitable spirit. The Infinite Man, who had faced countless horrors and emerged stronger with each challenge, had transcended the limitations of his physical form, his essence now a living embodiment of the human soul.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor, watching from a distance, was filled with a mixture of awe and fury. He had thought to claim the soul of this mortal, to bind him to his will and make him his own. But what he had encountered was not the weak, trembling creature he had expected, but a being of indomitable strength and will. Infinite Man had defied the laws of Hell, and in doing so, had proven himself a legend beyond the comprehension of the denizens of this accursed realm.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's voice, though barely a whisper against the backdrop of Hell's tempest, resonated with a clarity that pierced the chaos. "I am Infinite Man, and I shall not be confined by the boundaries of Hell or the will of its master. I am free, and I shall remain so for all eternity." Infinite Man's eyes locked onto Valor's, his gaze a challenge to the very essence of the infernal domain. Valor, with a snarl that echoed through the caverns, drew his sword, his intent clear. He would not be defeated by the likes of the Infinite Man.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The air around them crackled with the energy of their confrontation, the ground beneath them trembling as if the Earth itself were reacting to the display of power and will that emanated from both figures. Infinite Man stood his ground, his response a silent testament to his unyielding resolve. He had faced countless horrors, each one driving him to grow stronger, to become more than the sum of his parts. Now, he stood before Valor, his adversary, and he would not falter.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's sword swung, its blade a blur of light as it sliced through the air, a testament to his strength and his determination to claim the soul of the Infinite Man. Infinite Man, with a grace born of countless battles, dodged the blow, his movements a dance of defiance and survival. The two figures circled each other, their eyes locked in a silent duel of wills, each determined to prove their dominance over the other. The song Bow Down by I Prevail starting playing loudly.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's voice was a whisper against the din of battle, his words a challenge to the very nature of the infernal realm. "Do you truly believe that you can claim my soul, Valor? Or do you not see the truth? I am not bound by death, nor by the chains of Hell. I am Infinite Man, and my journey is not yet over." Valor's laughter echoed through the caverns, his voice a mockery of Infinite Man's defiance. "You speak of journeys and souls, but you are but a mortal, a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of Hell's design."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's response was swift and precise, his movements a blur as he darted towards Valor, his intentions clear. With a burst of speed beyond the comprehension of the demons that surrounded them, Infinite Man closed the distance between them, his hand outstretched. Valor's eyes widened in surprise, the realization dawning upon him that the Infinite Man was not just a fighter, but a force of nature, a being unbound by the rules of this cursed place.

Valor's eyes, dark and filled with a burning hatred, bore into Infinite Man's soul, as if he were examining the very essence of his being. "You shall serve me for all eternity, and your soul shall be mine."

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's response was immediate, his voice a whisper against the thunder of Hell's denizens. "You underestimate the nature of my soul, Valor. I am not bound by death, nor by the chains of Hell. I am Infinite Man, and my journey is not yet over." The words hung in the air, a challenge to the very fabric of the infernal plane, a declaration of his unyielding will. Despite the weight of Valor's words, Infinite Man felt a surge of strength, a resurgence of the determination that had carried him through countless battles and encounters with the unkillable demons.


As Valor's laughter faded into the distance, Infinite Man's eyes narrowed, his gaze unwavering as he took a step forward. "You challenge me, Valor, and I shall accept your challenge. I am not a mortal, nor am I a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of Hell's design. I am Infinite Man, and my soul shall remain untamed and unfettered by the likes of you." The air around them crackled with the energy of their confrontation, the ground beneath them trembling with the force of their resolve.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Valor's eyes widened with a mix of fury and awe, his mouth curling into a sneer as he raised his sword, its blade a blur of light that sliced through the air. The demonic forces around them roared, their presence a tangible force that threatened to engulf Infinite Man in an instant. But Infinite Man did not falter, his every movement a testament to his unwavering resolve. With a swift motion, he dodged the blow, his body a synchronicity of strength and agility.

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's response was swift, his words a challenge to the very essence of the infernal domain. "You underestimate the nature of the soul, Valor. It is not a thing to be claimed, but a force to be respected. I am Infinite Man, and my soul shall remain untamed and unfettered by the likes of you." Valor's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a snarl of pure malice as he raised his sword once more.

The air around them crackled with the energy of their confrontation, the ground beneath them trembling as if the very Earth itself were reacting to the display of power and will that emanated from both figures. Infinite Man stood his ground, his response a silent testament to his unwavering resolve. He had faced countless horrors, each one driving him to grow stronger, to become more than the sum of his parts.

As the infernal tempest rages around them, the ground trembles with each clash of their weapons, a testament to the sheer force of their battle. Valor's form, now a fusion of demonic and human elements, emanates a dark energy that seems to corrupt the very fabric of the infernal domain. Infinite Man, undaunted, stands firm, his resolve as solid as the stones of the caverns they fight within.

The air around Infinite Man crackles with an eerie energy as the dark tendrils continue their relentless pursuit, each one a whisper of a soul seeking redemption or damnation. But Infinite Man's will, fortified by the Predator suit, is as unyielding as the stones of the caverns in which they stand. His movements, a dance of survival and defiance, thwart the sinister advances of the shadows.

The air around Infinite Man crackles with the energy of the clash, the ground trembling as if the very Earth itself were reacting to the display of power and will that emanates from both figures. Infinite Man's movements, a blur of light and shadow, are a testament to his mastery over the Predator suit's formidable capabilities.

The Plasmacaster, a weapon of unmatched power, hums with a life of its own as Infinite Man focuses his will, channeling the energy of the Predator suit into each shot. The searing projectiles cut through the air, each one a harbinger of death that seeks to pierce the corrupted flesh of Valor. The demonic forces around them writhe in agony as the weapon's destructive force cleaves through their ranks.

Valor's eyes gleam with a malevolent light as he watches the dark tendrils recoil in the face of Infinite Man's relentless resistance. With a sneer of contempt, he raises his sword once more, commanding the unkillable demons to advance, their hellish forms a testament to the infernal strength they wield.

Valor's laughter, a mockery of Infinite Man's determination, echoes through the caverns as he leaps towards his adversary, his form now a blend of infernal and human, a silent testament to his transformation. Infinite Man's eyes narrow, his focus unwavering, as he braces for the impending impact of Valor's powerful assault.

The air crackles with the energy of their confrontation, the ground shaking with the force of their clash. Infinite Man, clad in the Predator suit, meets Valor's charge with a powerful thrust of his weapon, the searing projectiles of the Plasmacaster combining with the strength of his movements. The infernal landscape around them distorts as the sheer power of their battle reshapes reality.

The Predator suit's instincts, a network of instinctive reactions and survival strategies, activate in response to the encroaching doom. Infinite Man's movements become a blur as he dodges and weaves through the dark tendrils, each evasion a testament to his uncanny ability to adapt and fight.

The caverns resonate with the rhythm of their struggle, a dance of life and death that defies the very nature of the infernal realm. Valor's eyes burn with a fiery intensity, his soul corrupted by the dark power that courses through his veins. Infinite Man, with a voice that echoes through the caverns, speaks a challenge to his adversary. "You underestimate the nature of my soul, Valor. I am Infinite Man, and my soul shall remain untamed and unfettered by the likes of you.”

Valor's summoning of the unkillable demons is a display of infernal power that threatens to overwhelm even the Predator suit's defenses. But Infinite Man's spirit, fortified by centuries of battle and the very essence of life itself, is a force that cannot be subdued by such base tactics.

Valor, now a chimera of infernal power and malice, unleashes a demonic tempest, the very air around him warping with ethereal flames and malevolent aura. With lethal precision, Infinite Man evades the initial barrage, guided by the suit's instinct, and retaliates with a thundering assault of his own, the Plasmacaster's searing projectiles cutting through the hellfire with deadly precision.

Dark tendrils writhe from the coalescing shadows, seeking to ensnare Infinite Man in their ghastly grasp, yet the predator's instincts, an extension of his own fearsome will, repel the encroaching doom. Valor, undeterred, summons an army of the unkillable demons - a legion of nightmares rendered flesh. A twisted grin forms on Infinite Man's lips as he welcomes the impending chaos.

Within the tumult, Infinite Man advances, his pace unwavering amidst the sea of writhing monstrosities, toward Valor, the eponymous heart of this hellish storm. The demons, impervious to their own annihilation, press forward with relentless fervor, shrill cries punctuating the discord as Infinite Man and his nemesis become embroiled in the eye of an ever-widening maelstrom.

Infinite Man pulls his claws and ripped into Valor's chest and Valor looks at him and says I am Eternal You fucking Mutant and Infinite Man takes off his Predator's helmet and looks into Valor's eyes and headbutt him and says You should have Killed me instead of Rachel but since you didn't. I finished what you started. Infinite Man take off his wristband and locks it on Valor and press buttons on it and Valor says What the fuck is this and Infinite Man says and looks in Valor's demonic face “You Got Sixty seconds to determine the rest of your life and Infinite Man breaks his arm and slams his head up against the wall and Infinite Man flies away.


Valor says to himself as he looks at the countdown on his arm. You can't fucking kill me. I am a God. You fucking son of a bitch. Come Back here you motherfucking piece of shit. Valor and all the demons in the area vaporize.

With Valor naught but a lingering wisp, the air around Infinite Man was filled with a profound stillness, a moment of respite after the maelstrom that had consumed him. He stood, panting, the remnants of his battle with the demonic entity seared into his very being. It was a victory that had not come without cost, a cost that would be etched upon his soul forever. As he turned to leave the chamber, a presence caught his attention, a presence that was both familiar and yet unfathomable.


‎‎ ‎It was Raphael, an enigmatic figure cloaked in the dual mantles of divine retribution and mortal enigma. His presence was a harbinger of archaic power, a sanctified vendetta that sought to align with Infinite Man's quest. The Archangel's eyes, a swirling vortex of cosmic light, bore into Infinite Man, as if searching for the essence of his spirit. In that moment, a silent communion passed between them, a recognition of kindred purpose that transcended the boundaries of their respective realms.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Raphael stepped forth, his presence a testament to the infinite expanse of time and the myriad of worlds that lay beyond the scope of Infinite Man's own universe. His voice, when it came, was a resonant whisper that spoke of ages and of the unbroken chain of justice that had been his purview since before the dawn of creation. He spoke of a realm where the battles fought by mortal heroes were but echoes of the eternal struggle between light and dark, a realm that was as much a part of Infinite Man as the flesh and bone that composed his body.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The alliance that was forged in that moment was as much a union of scars as it was a convergence of celestial resolve. Infinite Man, the being he had become, felt a kinship with Raphael, a deep-seated understanding that the Archangel's own crusade was entwined with his own. The past shared twilight with the present, and amidst the snowfall of ash that had once been Valor's domain, the two avengers stood together, a testament to the enduring flame of justice that would not be extinguished by the darkness they had faced.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Their partnership was not one of mere convenience; it was a pact that spanned the vastness of the cosmos, a covenant that was as much a part of Infinite Man's journey as it was Raphael's eternal vigil. It was a union that would see them traverse the depths of despair and the heights of hope, a bond that would bear the weight of worlds as they sought to right the balance between good and evil.

The chamber that bore the brunt of Valor's tyranny stood as a testament to the spate of carnage wrought, its primal stone scarred by the maelstrom unleashed during the final, brutal altercation. Infinite Man's silhouette against the conflagrant aftermath was a paragon of the victory that cradled unspoken sorrows. Yet his triumph, while unequivocal, lay enmeshed with the ashen reminders of the cost still owed.


‎‎ ‎As he surveyed the wreckage, the remnants of the confrontation that had come to define his journey, Infinite Man felt a poignant sense of loss. It was not just the loss of Rachel, his guiding star, that weighed upon his heart, but the loss of innocence, the loss of the belief that the world could be a place of safety and solace. The chamber, once a cathedral of torment, now bore the scars of the final battle, a memento mori of the sacrifices made in the name of justice and vengeance.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The silence that followed the cessation of the battle was a palpable presence, a void that needed to be filled with the sound of life. Infinite Man's footsteps echoed off the scarred walls, each step a reverberation of the past that would be carried with him into the future. He knew that his journey was far from over, that the path of the Infinite Man was one that would be etched into the annals of time, a tale of heroism and sacrifice that would be told and retold for ages to come.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The chamber, now a monument to the clash of titans, was a stark reminder of the fragility of existence. It was a place where mortals had confronted the abyss and had emerged, bruised but unbowed. Infinite Man, the amalgam of heroic resolve and the indomitable will of countless souls, stood as a testament to the enduring resilience of the human spirit, a spirit that would not be broken by the fires of hell.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In the wake of Valor's defeat, Infinite Man felt a profound sense of solitude. The chamber, once a symbol of Valor's dominion, now stood as a marker of his own triumph. It was a triumph that was as much personal as it was universal, a victory that had cost him dearly but had also allowed him to emerge as a beacon of hope in a universe that was ever in need of such a guiding light.

In the penumbra of their triumph, a chilling revelation unfurled—a cosmic revelation that contended supernal will against an indignant cosmos. Raphael, the Archangel of divine retribution, was not just a harbinger but the estranged sibling of Lucifer, a prince in his own right turned renegade against the infernal tide. Firelight danced upon ancient tomes unearthed by the Archangel, sigils of a rebellion etched into each page, a silent requiem for a reality that could not be unmade.


‎‎ ‎Infinite Man, the being who had traversed the planes of being and had waged war for justice, now stood alongside Raphael, the being who had traversed the planes of eternity and had waged war for redemption. The two were kindred spirits, two halves of a cosmic duality that sought to balance the scales of existence. The contrast in their origins—one from the mortal coil, the other from the celestial realm—yet they shared a common purpose, a shared quest for justice and the righting of wrongs.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Their alliance was not one of convenience, but of shared destiny. Infinite Man, whose story was one of loss and redemption, now found himself standing beside Raphael, whose story was one of rebellion and redemption. Together, they stood as the embodiment of the eternal struggle between good and evil, their fates intertwined in a cosmic dance that spanned time and space.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As they surveyed the aftermath of their victory, they knew that their quest was far from over. The cosmos was vast, and filled with countless realities, each in need of their unique brand of justice. Infinite Man and Raphael would travel through the stars, through the realms of the living and the dead, seeking to mend the fractures in the fabric of existence that were caused by the malevolent forces that sought to undermine the natural order.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎It was a solemn promise that they made to each other, a vow that was as old as time itself. They would be the guardians of the cosmos, the keepers of balance, the enforcers of justice in a universe that was ever in need of their guidance. The chamber, once a symbol of Valor's dominion, now stood as a monument to their shared purpose, a beacon that would guide them on their endless journey.

Meanwhile, a cosmos away, 45-year-old Rachel's legacy breathed fire and grace into the skirmishes that festooned Samagel. Through the realms of the living and the dead, Infinite Man's journey had become a beacon that illuminated the hearts and minds of those who had been touched by his story. Rachel, the woman whom he had lost, now lived on in the spirit of the SledgeWomanHammer, a figure whose deeds and exploits were as legendary as those of her father.


‎‎ ‎The SledgeWomanHammer, with a visage that bore the indomitable essence of both her stalwart father and the woman she was named for, wielded a Uranium SledgeHammer that scorched the air with its presence. The weapon was a testament to the forge from which it had been born, crafted years ago by the hands of Rachel's father, a hands that were as nigh-indestructible as the love that flowed through them.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In a world that was as much of heroism as it was of heartbreak, Rachel's legacy was a beacon of hope, a guiding light that would lead countless others on their own crusades. Her suit, a triptych of Blue, Red, and Silver, resonated with the unflagging love of her father and the undying spirit of the woman she was named for. It was a legacy that would stand the test of time, a testament to the power of a single life to inspire and to endure.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Rachel's story was one of courage and conviction, of a life lived with the full knowledge of the risks it entailed. She had chosen the path of the hero, a path that had led her to a destiny that was as much a part of her essence as the air she breathed. And now, as Infinite Man stood as a testament to the power of her legacy, Rachel's spirit soared, a spirit that would always be a part of the cosmos, a spirit that would never be extinguished.

Rachel's presence within the infernal tapestry had not gone unnoticed. Her role as the SledgeWomanHammer was as much a part of the fabric of Samagel as the flames that consumed the souls of the damned. As she engaged the phalanxes of Lucifer, a discordant symphony weaved through the air, heralded by the laughter of devils and the whispered scorn of denizens long without hope.


‎‎ ‎Her journey, like that of Infinite Man, had been one of loss and redemption. The SledgeWomanHammer had been crafted not just as a weapon, but as a symbol of the indomitable will of her father, a man who had been a beacon of strength in her own life. And now, as she stood against the forces of darkness, the Uranium SledgeHammer bore the essence of both her father and the woman she was named for, a fusion of power and grace that was as much a part of her as the blood that coursed through her veins.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎The battles that SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael fought were not just against the physical manifestations of evil, but against the existential threat that such malevolence posed. The phalanxes of Lucifer were not just opponents to be vanquished, but symbols of the eternal struggle between good and evil. And as they fought, a fervor that was as much a part of Rachel's heart as the air she breathed began to burgeon, a fervor that was sown by both her father and the celestial descendant she had only just unearthed.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In the heart of the netherworld, amidst the dilapidated majesty of Samagel, the SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael forged a bond that was as much a part of their journey as the battles they fought. Their alliance was a testament to the power of unity, an alliance that was as much a part of the cosmic tapestry as the stars that graced the firmament. As they fought, they not only defended the innocent from the clutches of hell, but they also stood as a bulwark against the forces of darkness that sought to extinguish the light of hope.

The battleground was a cacophony of hellfire and the numbing cold of celestial steel, a place where the very air vibrated with the raw essence of existence. Lucifer weaved his malevolence with an unsettling grace, each gesture a dance of suffering that transcended pain into the realms of the deeply profane. His eyes, a kaleidoscope of sins unsung, bore the weight of ages, a testament to the depths of depravity that had been his domain for millennia.


‎‎ ‎In the midst of the infernal ballet, Lucifer put forth his infernal arsenal with an expertise that could only be that of a timeless maestro. Each note of his malice was a deftly-crafted evisceration, each crescendo an annihilation wrought with chilling serenity. It was a mastery that spanned the breadth of the cosmos, a mastery that had been honed over eons. But the SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael were not mere pawns in the game that Lucifer played; they were adversaries whose resolve was as indomitable as the forces they fought against.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As the battle raged, the SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael found their strength not just in their own prowess, but in the legacy that they bore. The SledgeWomanHammer bore the essence of her father, a man whose spirit was as indomitable as the metals that composed her weapon. Raphael, the Archangel of divine retribution, carried the weight of countless ages, a being whose purpose was as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Their alliance was not one of mere convenience, but of shared destiny. It was a bond that had been forged in the fires of their own personal journeys, a bond that now stood as a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit. Together, they sought to strike a blow against the darkness that had been Lucifer's domain, a domain that now trembled beneath the combined might of their resolve.

Amidst the bedlam of the infernal ballet, the SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael found themselves in a dance that was as much a testament to their individuality as it was to their alliance. Their battle strategies were a ballet of violent precision, a choreography that embraced both the carnage and the salvation threaded within each step. Each strike was a testament to the unyielding will of mankind and the divine providence that had seen fit to align their paths.


‎‎ ‎The SledgeWomanHammer's heart was a forge of unyielding purpose, a crucible that had been tempered by the fires of her own journey. She fought not just for herself, but for the countless souls that had been ensnared by the malevolent forces that she sought to vanquish. Her Uranium SledgeHammer was an extension of her very essence, a weapon that bore the indelible mark of the strength and resilience that had been her father's legacy.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Raphael, the Archangel, stood as a testament to the eternal struggle between good and evil, a being whose existence was as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament. His presence was a silent reminder of the vastness of the universe, a silent testament to the eternal balance that he sought to maintain. His strategies were a tapestry of divine tactics, a testament to the infinite wisdom and might that had been his realm.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Together, the SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael were a force that could not be underestimated. Their alliance was as much a part of the cosmic tapestry as the stars themselves, a testament to the power of unity in the face of the darkest adversities. As they fought, they did not just seek to defeat Lucifer; they sought to reaffirm the enduring strength of the human spirit, a spirit that was as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament.


While the battle raged in Samagel, Rachel intoned a mantra that had been passed through the ancient air, each syllable a prayer of transportation, each verse designed to unravel the very fabric of Lucifer's domain. Her voice, a beacon in the maelstrom of war, was as much a weapon as the Uranium SledgeHammer that she wielded. It was a voice that carried the weight of her father's legacy, a legacy that had become her own.


‎‎ ‎The SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael stood resolute, their alliance a bulwark against the onslaught of darkness that sought to engulf them. But it was Rachel's voice that became the focal point of their struggle, a focal point that held the potential to unravel the very threads that bound Lucifer's malevolent power. Her words, a melody of defiance and hope, were the incantation that sought to shatter the chains that bound the souls of the damned.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎With quintessential gall, Rachel seized her moment, a moment that was as much a part of her destiny as it was the destiny of those who had lost their way in the infernal mists. Her voice, a clarion call that resonated through the realms of existence, enfolds Lucifer in a vortex of energy and incantation. It was a vortex that was as much a part of her being as the Uranium SledgeHammer that she wielded.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As the moment of truth arrived, Rachel's voice crescendoed into a guttural cry that was as powerful as the strike of her weapon. It was not a baleful lance that she hurled, but the very essence of her father's indomitable form, a form that was now as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament. The SledgeWomanHammer and Raphael bore witness to the act that would change the course of the cosmos, an act that would reshape the very fabric of existence.

Reality warped around Infinite Man, a dizzying mosaic of distortion that flung him through the cosmic weft. The DC universe unfolded before him, a tapestry of heroism and villainy starkly different from the infernal stage he had previously inhabited. It was a universe where the skies were not stained with the sulfurous hues of Samagel, but where they were painted in the hues of the firmament, a universe where the battles were fought not with the malice of the damned, but with the fervor of the just.


‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's journey, from the depths of Samagel to the surface of the DC universe, was as much a journey of self-discovery as it was a crusade for justice. He had traversed the planes of existence, seeking to right the wrongs that had been done to those he loved and those who had been ensnared by the malevolent forces that sought to undermine the natural order. His travels had taken him through realms of wonder and horror, a journey that had made him a legend in his own right.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎As he landed with the grace of a myth, the gaze of the Justice League members locked upon him, bewildered by the sudden arrival of this elemental force from the beyond. Infinite Man was not just a hero in the DC universe; he was a symbol of the indomitable will that had carried him through the fires of Samagel and beyond. His story, his legacy, were as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's presence was a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit, a spirit that had been shaped by the fires of his journey. He was a beacon of hope in a universe that was ever in need of such a guiding light. As he stood amidst the Justice League, his eyes bore the weight of the countless souls he had sought to protect, a weight that was as much a part of him as the strength and resilience that had become his legacy.

In this universe untainted by the sulphurous taint of his recent crusade, Infinite Man confronted the bewildering thrall of a new dawn. The heroes around him, beacons of hope in their own right, regarded him with cautious awe, for even a creature such as he, wrenched from a mire of myth and mayhem, was a harbinger of uncertainty. His story, his legacy, were as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament, but in this new universe, they were as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament, but in this new universe, they were a story that was intertwined with the fates of countless others.


‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's presence was a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit, a spirit that had been shaped by the fires of his journey. He was a beacon of hope in a universe that was ever in need of such a guiding light. As he stood amidst the Justice League, his eyes bore the weight of the countless souls he had sought to protect, a weight that was as much a part of him as the strength and resilience that had become his legacy.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎In the heart of the DC universe, Infinite Man prepared anew. The undying fire within him yearned to forge a legacy of retribution, a saga that now intertwined with a universe far removed and yet as much a part of his own story as the fires of Samagel had been. His journey, his crusade, were not at an end, but had merely taken on a new form, a form that was as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament.

‎‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎Infinite Man's story, his legacy, were as much a part of the cosmos as the stars that graced the firmament. In the DC universe, he stood as a testament to the indomitable will that had carried him through the fires of Samagel and beyond. His journey, his crusade, were not just his own; they were the journey and crusade of countless others, a journey and crusade that would continue as long as the stars shone and the earth turned.

The End


Ending Credits Song: Don't Tell Me by Disturbed and a montage of the previous SledgeHammer's books are being shown including The Violent Ones.

2nd End Credits song: Anthem Of Angels By Breaking Benjamin.



Three Years Later

Superman has lost his mind after his wife Lois was killed by the Joker. Batman has Been at war with Superman's army. Wonder Woman, Aquaman and others have died.


Batman, The Flash, Cyborg and others have been looking for a weapon to kill Superman but all Kryptonite has been destroyed.


Superman has track down Batman and company and when all hope is lost. Infinite Man who has been living in Canada has come to take on Superman who gets Superman's attention by saying to Superman. The song Forfeit by Chervelle starts playing Look like you went Dark Side and Batman says Who the fuck is this guy and Superman says I guess I am going to have to kill you too. Infinite Man brands his Wolverine's claws and flies towards Superman slicing him up. Superman is bleeding badly and Batman and company cheer on. Infinite Man slams Superman on top of an abandoned truck. Superman shoots his heat seeking vision at him and Infinite Man walks towards him the heat vision doesn't work and Infinite Man use his Plasmacaster and blows up the truck and Superman comes flying at Infinite Man and Infinite Man cuts his arm and he bleeds on his claws and as Superman flies towards him Infinite Man catches him with his claws and jams through his chest throughout his back. Superman says "Who are you?" Infinite Man says I am Who you used to be and rips him in half.

Blood splatter all over Batman and Company. Infinite Man says No matter How much You lose it very important you don't lose yourself. Infinite Man Flies away.

Batman is confused and says Who the fuck was that

The End


Third End Credits song: Bugatti by Ace Hood and a recap of this whole book.


Wait for the last time


Black Adam shows up and sees Superman's followers burying his body and he asks who did this. They say he is from Canada and his name is Infinite Man. Black Adam says He will pay for this.


#downfallerstudios #sledgehammer #theviolentones




























































































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