Wielkopolskie 29 December 2005

Little Philip rests his body on his knees and pulls grass from his garden with force. He stands up and goes to the cot next to him and sits on his red saddle. With his feet he pushes the cradle back. A wind has begun to blow in the village. 

The antenna of the house makes two circles and stops. The window of his room opens and closes and bangs on the glass. But Philip looks up to the sky and sees the clouds leaving the sky. Aldonia sets the table in the kitchen. She spreads a red tablecloth on the table and passes out plates in front of each chair which are all adorned on her arms. She smooths her dress with her hand.

Alexi sits in his armchair and clutches a pink ball of wool with his hands. He turns his head to the right and his throat cracks. He turns off his TV and sits with his back leaning forward. 

Franciszek comes out of his office holding a file in his hands. He pulls the string and closes the envelope. He takes his glasses off his head, folds them up and puts them in the pocket of his knitted cardigan. He goes behind Joanna and kisses her neck. He pats her on the shoulder and walks over to the window behind the sofa and looks out. He goes to the entrance of the house and opens the door.