Days passed, and the zombie outbreak was still fresh in everyone’s mind. When would it come to Rockford? Would it finally be enough to cancel school and shut everything down? These questions and more were in the back of everyone’s mind, and whispered among my classmates throughout the hallways, but nothing was said too loudly, as if something was said too loud, you’d get in trouble by specific teachers, Mr. Armant included. The entire student body, and some teachers, were wishing school would just shut down. But nobody did anything, as we were always threatened with disciplinary action if we attempted anything.

I was heading to my class, Pre-calculus, my books, and other supplies for my classes before lunch in my arms, when Claire jogged up to me, asking, “Wanna get lunch together later?”

“Sure, where do you wanna go?” I reply, turning my gaze to her.

She thinks for a while, chewing on her bottom lip, then asks, “How about Wendy’s on East Street? We haven’t been there in a while, and they’re usually good with their food.”

I think about it for a moment or two before nodding. “Sure, Wendy’s sounds good.”

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch. Have fun in Pre-Calc!" She waves at me, a smile on her face, then she turns around, and starts walking towards her class, Advanced Biology. She had told me, at one point, that she was going to go to school for something in the Biology field. I didn’t remember what, though, maybe a zoologist? That sounded right.

I had wanted to go to school to become a math teacher, since I loved math so much, but I knew it would never happen. Not with the way things were regarding the zombie outbreak, and it depressed me.

I sigh as I enter the classroom, and take my usual spot at the back of the classroom. I set my stuff up on my desk, with my Pre-Calculus book open, my notebook open on a blank page, and my pencil sitting on top of it. What was the point of even coming to class with the way things were? What was the point of even going to school? We were all going to turn into zombies eventually, anyway. Another sigh escapes me, and I rest my head on my hand, starting to gaze out the window. 

It was a dreary day outside, much like my mood. Gray clouds littered the horizon, making it look like it was going to rain. Or maybe snow. It was the beginning of November, after all, and living in Rockford, it was up in the air when we’d get our first snowfall. 

Probably any day now, though... I think to myself.

At some point, as I continue to gaze out the window, the teacher, Mrs. Kleinfelder, and the rest of the class file into the classroom, and class starts.

I don’t hear my teacher calling out my name until my desk mate, Riley, is tapping my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. I look over at him, my eyes wide.


“Mrs. Kleinfelder has been calling for you.” He says softly.

I look towards the front of the classroom, hearing snickers, and I already know who it’s coming from. The girl who absolutely hates my guts. Natalie Gremory. What I did to her, I have no idea, but she loves watching me embarrass myself. Mrs. Kleinfelder is looking at me, her hands on her hips, and a disappointed look on her face.

“Are you okay, Quinn? This isn’t like you. Class started 10 minutes ago, and you normally participate in class, not stare out the window.”

I shrug, looking down at my blank notebook. “What’s the point? We’re all going to become zombie food soon anyway. So why should I bother? Why should any of us bother?” As I speak the last few words, I look back up to meet her gaze, and mine hardens slightly as if I’m challenging her to tell me I’m wrong. Take that Natalie.

She sputters, flushing deeply, and I know I’ve won.

“Exactly.” A slight smirk tugs at the corner of my lips. “So if I don't feel like paying attention, then I shouldn't. In fact, none of us shouldn’t have to pay attention if we really don’t want to. It’s pointless. Nothing’s going to come out of this. None of our dreams are going to come true.”

Mrs. Kleinfelder doesn’t say anything, just stares at me, mouth agape, for a few moments, before she turns her back to the class, and continues teaching. I take it as that I’ve won, and I go back to staring out the window.

Time passes, and she doesn’t say anything to me for the rest of the class, and I spend the rest of it watching the clouds grow darker. Right before class ends, the clouds open up, and it starts down pouring. Lightning lights up the sky before thunder comes roaring through. To me, it’s peaceful. I love thunderstorms. I could stay here at this desk all day, watching the storm roll through. But I know I can’t, as class is ending, and I have to go to my next class.

Class ends, and I grab my book, notebook, and utensil. As I leave the classroom, I hear someone, my classmate, Travis, mutter to his twin, my other classmate, Trevor, “We should stay away from Quinn, she’s way too negative.”

Trevor looks at me as I come towards them, then back at his brother, “They may be negative, but they’re right, Travis.”

“You mean she’s right.”

I stop by them, sighing. Then I look at Travis, with a glare. “I know this is a hard concept for you, Travis, but I don’t go by “she.” It’s “they.”

“You look female to me, so it’s she to me.” Travis retorts, a sneer on his face.

I drop my books, notebooks, and utensils, grab him by his collar, and shove him into the nearest locker. His eyes go wide in terror, and I snarl out, “Listen here, you shithead. I am sick and tired of letting people like you walk all over me because I want to be called something different and outside the norm. So either use the correct fucking pronouns for me, or you being shoved into this locker will be the least of your problems. I’ve been asking for three fucking years to be called “they” and still people like you refuse to use the proper pronouns with me.”

Trevor grabs my arm, trying to pull me away from his brother, and I grit my teeth, before releasing my grip from Travis’ collar. I grab my dropped items, glare at Travis one final time, and storm away, stomping towards my next class, German. 

As I move towards my class, people avoid  me. They physically get out of my way, as most of them saw what I did to Travis. I didn’t care. Let people see me as a bully, maybe then they’d know how serious I was about not tolerating being called “she” anymore.

I get into my German class, and slam my book and notebook down onto my desk, startling my teacher, Ms. Langlois. She was honestly my favorite teacher. She didn't judge me, and she let me do most anything I wanted in class as long as I did my homework. And I felt like I could talk to her about anything. She looks up at me, a worried look on her face.

"What's up, Quinn?"

"I'm just at the point where it's like why bother going to class, or even school? The zombie outbreak is going to hit here soon enough. It's practically pointless." I sigh, putting my head in my hands. “Plus, I’m just sick and tired of people referring to me as “her” when I’ve repeatedly asked people to use they/them with me. Do I need a sticker on my forehead or something?”