To whomever reads this letter,

My name is Ceria, I have travelled in secret, from country to country, city to city, town to town, to leave this letter everywhere I go, I have braved the rain, the air, the robots who roam the streets looking for humans to kill or enslave.

If you're reading this letter keep hope alive, share the message.

The rain hasnt stopped since the machines took control... But it will end!

Once upon a time I used to love the rain but now it just reminds me of the day everything changed, the day the machines finally did what we all knew they were going to do, they took control.

So many people died that first day, all over the world in hospital's on vents keeping them alive dead, those using VR headsets their brains melted out of their ears.

We all know who is to blame, his name is Areon, he was the man who made the first functioning robot, he taught it everything about the world by giving it access to the internet and that was the start of the end.

Now robots walk the streets while humans hide in sewers, basements, wherever we can to stay out of the rain and away from the machines.

You see the rain isn't just any normal rain, the machines, they made a device and sent it into the sky, it changed the clouds, it changed the air, now it's toxic air, it's acid rain, they did it as a way to kill off humans quicker and while it did help cull us we had something that the machines will never have, humanity, we banded together, we kept each other safe, we took each other in.

We know that we will never be able to defeat the machines, not in our lifetime but we will survive, we will create the next generation that will take back our world.

Why am I writing all about day one again?

Because now I'm in a new country, I've travelled to over 30 countries, left the same letter in every city not just so people know about the day the world changed but to leave a message, one that the remaining humans need to know so we don't lose hope.

Humanity will rise!