It hasn't stopped raining since the machines took over. Ironic, really, since the rust buckets can't go outside in the rain. But the drops feel different than they did before the dark days.

I sent Steve to Gwen over an hour ago and I have not heard anything since. I hope he makes it back soon; if at all.

"Captain Dillon," the radio hissed.

"Go ahead," I replied.

"Something is approaching the gate!"

I turned around and looked through my binoculars. A land speeder was racing in.

I tried to see the driver, but all I could see was wet camouflage tarp flapping in the wind and rain.

"Steve!" the soldier to my left cried out.

It was Steve's land speeder. But where was Steve?

"Falcon!" I hollered out. "Do not open the gate until you get the signal!"

Falcon gave me a thumbs up.

Steve's speeder was not slowing down. It went below the wall and I lost track of it. Falcon trained his weapon on Steve's speeder. It suddenly stopped. An infrared beam came out of the front of the speeder, activating the gates. Steve's speeder crept in. The sound of the gasoline engine was loud and ominous. It sounded different, however, and when I approached it, Steve let out a long 'Yee-Haw!!'

He didn't take off his helmet. His face was covered in blood. He was smiling. I walked closer and noticed three metal bars sticking out of his chest.

"Good evening, Matthew," Steve struggled to say.

"My God, Steve! What happened?"

"Gwen said hi. She wants you to come over next time. I gave her the plans, and she told me that the HKs may soon have rubber skin so they can come out in the rain."

"Were you injured coming back?" I timidly asked.

"Oh, this? It's nothing. Just my ticket out of here. I'm going to be hitching a ride from the grim reaper. Then I'll finally be able to sleep."

His face contorted as he coughed up some blood.

"We can get you to sick bay, Steve," I said. "They can fix this."

"No, Matt! Don't touch them! The mobile HKs purposely aimed at the engine. I have just enough fuel to get a safe distance away before I pull the bar out and explode. They booby trapped me!" Steve started coughing again.

Seven years Steve and I fought the global AI takeover. For two months we have lived under the control of the central computer. Many people were deemed unnecessary and were executed. AI was programed to allow a certain number of humans to live on this planet. The rest were rounded up and eliminated. I decided to fight against the machine. Steve and my platoon of military members formed a resistance against the AI machine. Now, it seems, the machine has taken another victim.

"Matt, it has been a lot of fun, brother. Captain Dillon, permission to retire and get some R and R?" Steve saluted me. I saluted him back.

"Permission granted," I said. "Open the gate!"

"Sir, we can't!" Falcon yelled back.

"Falcon!" Steve shouted. "Open the damn gate or we will all die!"

Falcon looked at me. I nodded. I could see the pain in his eyes. We heard the mechanical bang and the subsequent buzz of the gate. Steve smiled at me.

"See you on the other side, Matthew."

"See you on the other side."

Steve spun his speeder around and drove out of the camp. About 2 minutes later, the ground shook and a faint bang was heard. We saw the smoke rising from the plain. My brother, Steve Dillon, was at rest.

Damn those machines.