A stranger sat at her table, claiming to be her soulmate. Opposite him sat his kindred spirit, the one meant for him and him for her. The saxophone played softly in the background, embellishing his words, singing depth and profoundness into them that she knew he lacked. She raised her eyes slowly from the dark oak and her motionless hand. Into his face.
He looked at her with tearful eyes, with the crumpled letter in his hand. The letter that had arrived too late, in accordance with him. If only it had arrived a day earlier, he swore, if only, I would have never looked at another!
She looked behind him at the saxophonist, and as he came to an end, she shook her head.
Suddenly a half-empty soda can was flung across the scene.
“Good for you girl, they are all liars!” my sister bellowed at the screen. Clearly not projecting.
I picked up her drink from the floor, ignoring the stain it had left on my creamy walls, giving her a quick glance from the corner of my eyes. It’s only been two days, I thought. Let it pass.
I looked at my usually pristine apartment and pushed down the urge to carry my sweatpant-clad sister and throw her out of the window. Take-away boxes, soda cans and empty ice-cream containers were all competing for most ground on my floor. The winner seemed to be greasy take-away from the Chinese restaurant around the corner. I tried not to think of possible left-overs, hiding away under closed lids and damp pizza-boxes. Attracting cockroaches, or worse rats..
“I am sorry” I looked up from the floor, staring blankly at her. “I am such a mess right n-” her voice faltered. She attempted a half-hearted smile, but it looked more like a grimace. A rush of emotions passed through me and I forced my face to be neutral. That shithead. My sister, half laying on the bed, all life lust drained from her body. Her hair, matted, was going in all directions, and her (my) shirt was stained with three kinds of condiments.
“Get up” her eyes widened. I knew what she was thinking. But I was not throwing her out. “We are going on a trip”.
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