“Dominic. That's a nice name. So tell me what has you convinced that we are soulmates destined to be together?” She asks him.
“Well because like how you have the power to interact with spiritual energy through your cards, I have dreams of the future.” He replies.
“So in the dreams you seek me out and tell me we are soul mates right off the bat without even getting to know me, or us meeting by chance?” She asks him.
He scratches his head shyly.
“ I may have jumped the gun a bit, I couldn’t wait to meet you. Especially after all you have been through lately. I wanted to take your pain away.” He whispers blushing and looking at the ground.
“How do you know what I have been through? Are all your visions about me and my life?” She asks.
“No of course not, but I have seen some things and I can feel things too. Every living thing on this planet is connected and I can see it in a dream and feel it in my mind. The world is not black and white my Spark.” He answers.
She looks at him curiously and places her hand down on the grass they are sitting on. “Sometimes I think I can feel the spiritual energy of the world in everything around me but not often. My brother always told me my gifts were in my head and that if I wanted to live a full life I needed to forget them and find something real to do with my life.
He nods at her with a thoughtful expression on his face. “ Most people ignore what they don’t understand because it scares them or they feel inferior to those who are open to the natural magic of life. So they force them to hide, or ignore it. Where I come from people accept everyone as they are and everyone is welcome. Would you like to go there with me?” He asks her earnestly.
“I don’t know. Perhaps we should get to know each other a little better before I just run away with you.” She replies.
“If nothing else you will be in a place where you are welcomed and where you belong. Even if we aren’t soulmates like I told you. You would get a fresh start somewhere safe where you could be yourself.” He says to her.
“When are you leaving?” She asks.
“In the morning. I don’t want to overstay my welcome and I don’t want to make you feel pressured. I just hope you choose to come. I’m staying at the inn. I’ll be leaving at sunrise. If you are there then I will know your answer. If not then we will see eachother again. I am sure of it. For you are my Spark and my life.” He declares before walking away.
Ember smiles walking back to her apartment, she can feel the energy around her now that she has opened herself up to possibilities again. She decided to go with this man and see the town he spoke to her about. She has nothing to lose and no one keeping her here. Why not see if there is somewhere she might actually belong and someone who might love her as she is?
She packs a small back and leaves it by the door, there's nothing here she really needs to take with her other than some clothes and food for the journey. She falls asleep and can almost imagine Dominic holding her in her sleep. She falls asleep with a smile on her face knowing there is hope for a brighter future ahead.
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