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The Traveling Soulmate

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The Traveling Soulmate by marymcloughlin
3295/5 (1)00
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Judy is sitting on the train with a table seat traveling to Cornwall for her yoga retreat, when a tall dark brown-eyed man sits opposite her and says I am your soulmate



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6 mins

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About Author


After retiring early and taking voluntary redundancy as a Senior Lecturer at St Helen's College, I took on a care role looking after my elderly mother after my mother passed away I then looked after my granddaughter until she started school, early last year I undertook a creative writing programme with Halton Adult Learning and produced a short story called "The Tulip Vase" available on kindle or paperback.  Then a series of early years children's books," Megan the Magical Mermaid," The Three Little Aliens, and eight more picture books including "The Very First Christmas" which raised funds for a local charity, they are all now published on Amazon. 
I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all who follow me. and inform you that my Memoir, "Finding Faith",  A Memoir," My Journey to Fulfil My Father's Dream," is now published in paperback and on Kindle. I hope you like it. Any feedback would be welcome. Best wishes keep reading. 

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