A stranger sat at her table, claiming to be her soulmate. 

 Tory never took the time to look for love in her life, much less believe that she was worthy of love. She stared at the gentleman sitting across from her, still stunned that this complete stranger would just come and sit at her table. "I'm sorry", she said as she was getting up, " but I think you need to look for someone else." She picked up her coat and purse, and as she rushed towards the door, the stranger quickly got up and gently grabbed her arm. "I know this seems weird", he said, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. "When I came into the restaurant tonight, and I saw you for the first time, I knew I was your soulmate." Tori just stared at this man, taken back by his boldness, but also mesmerized by how handsome he was. But Tori shook her head, looked at him and said "well, that's impossible because I'm nobody's soulmate."

She said goodnight, and as she turned to go out the door, he said, "that's not true because you're mine." Starting to get annoyed, Tori quickly turned around to look at him."you're very persistent" she curtly let out. "But what makes you think I'm going to trust a complete stranger's words when they say that we're supposed to be together? And believe me, if you really knew who I was, you would quickly change your mind about me."

"Why would you say that?"he started walking towards Tory, and she could feel her heart racing. "It's really complicated and I'm sure you wouldn't care about it". "Try me," he said with a side smile , staring at her with his jade green eyes. The look he was giving her was making her melt, and she was surprised by the fact that any guy would give her that much attention. 

"How about coffee?" He said. " My treat, and then we can talk and get to know each other."

With all that Tori had been through, she knew better than to just give in to him, but there was something about him that made her feel very comfortable and at ease. "Okay", she couldnt think of anything else to say.

The man passed by her to open the door. When he opened it, he backed up into it to let her out. "I'm Gavin", he said. "Tory". 

 As they were at the coffee house, Tory became very relaxed as she listened to Gavin speak about his life, likes and dislikes, and his family. She never expected for her night to go like this, but as she stared into Gavin's eyes , she became very grateful to him for having interrupted her lonely dinner. Then she began to wonder about what her life would be like with him. She knew she just met him, but the way he talked made her feel as if she had known him her whole life.

 "What about you?" Gavin's words forced Tory out of her cloud and back into reality.

"There's not much to know about me," she said. " It's just me and my dog. I work 40 hours a week and come home, and my life is boring." Gavin couldn't help but notice Tory's lips as she was speaking. All he wanted to do was kiss her.

Then he cleared his throat and asked, "what about your family?"

"Estranged." She said. "They have nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with them." 

Tory wished Gavin hadn't asked about her family. They were the last thing she wanted to talk about, and Gavin could tell she didn't want to. He quickly changed the subject and asked her what she was doing tomorrow night.

"I get off work at 5, but I'm not doing anything after that. Just going home to Jiffy." Tory told him. "Why?" She asked him , but already knew and hoped Gavin would ask her out.

" I wanted to take you to dinner. I want to get to know you. " He smiled as he said that, and his eyes were warm as he gazed at Tory. Tory's heart started beating faster than usual while he was looking at her. She was fixed on his strong features and she loved how his voice sounded when he talked to her. Then she asked, "you really think you're my soulmate? Do you think we're soulmates?"

Gavin gently put his strong but soft hand on Tory's. "Yes and yes," he said. Tory chuckled. 

"Then I would like to find out," she told him as she smiled. Then she took out a piece of paper and a pen she had in her purse and wrote down her address. As she slid it across the table she said, "pick me up at 7."


5 yrs. later, Gavin walked in his house, where Tory, Jiffy and two little children were waiting for him. The two kids, a boy and a girl, ran up to hug their Daddy. Tory smiled as she watched Gavin scoop them up in his arms. Jiffy ran over and barked, happy to see Gavin too. 

Then Tory started thinking about the first night she met Gavin. She thought about how awkward it was that a stranger took the time to talk to her, and how sure he was of her. As she was reminiscing of the past, Gavin's eyes met hers. He put the kids down, walked over to Tory, and kissed her passionately like he always did. Tory put her head on his chest as they hugged.

She was happy that Gavin was right- he was her soulmate and she was his, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.