She vanished as the year was ended..she totally disapeard this time, she had made this decision already, but she damn "returned" back for a last chance.. Even if she completed that cruise to find herself, to work with her inner self_on the way back, she was fallen again into her "mind gap" and into "his trap". From the one side she vanished like the ship which she got embarged. She thought that as she was getting distant from the shore, leaving behind the swallow waters, just like that this story will be ended eventually. She thought that as she was attenting the new waves on the open wide sea, this long, old story will be finished. But it was not. Nobody warned her that she was going to enter again on this "non ending cycle". When she realised that, she said to herself, " damn how stupid am i actually"? She continued "I guess, it is a part of this journey, of this journey that must be ended, a part of the healing journey, the point zero of the inner work i have to do with myself". Even thought this time, she returned to this kind of bond with a great belief that her twin decided to do the inner work too, unfortunately for her surpise, it wasn't like that. The twin just made a spuntaneous move to come closer again after the last running away, but not with faith and strong belief, with no intetions only for attention, convincement and self approval. "What a pity", she thought "this time i was pretty sure that he had the guts to face it, but well no, it was just the same roundabout". On her mind of course she had that "no time actually is wasted, and even if you think that you lose your time making cycles, you just have to watch this just from a diffirent perspective". And so did, she took another one lesson that propably it will make her understimate more herself and upgrate way more her self esteem and her true self. She is not going to accosiate with nothing less that she actually deserves this time, as she was spelling this wise phrase: "You need to live your life by three certain rules and for sure do not take the crumbs that someone would give you_ LOVE needs ACTION, TRUST needs PROOF and FORGIVNESS needs 360º CHANGE!

For generations, we've been told a story that seems beautiful on the surface. It's a story about love and transformation_ about how a person could change the dark spots of itself completely for the other "right" person. There is not the "right" person actually but the person you choose to do the "work" with. Even if she didn't want to believe it, she knew "that life isn't a fairytale, and real personal growth doesn't happen because of some external magic". The truth is much more complicated and in many ways, much more wiser and beautiful in the same time. As she was sitting nearby to the fireplace, we was writing down her thoughts to just empty a little her mind.."the truth is, a human being doesn't change for an another person, no matter how amazing this person could be. Real, lasting change comes only and foremost from within. It happens when the soul decides that is ready to grow, to heal, to become a better print on the entire universe. This kind of change is a journey, and it's not an easy one". She stopped for a few seconds but immediately she grapped the pen again and she continuing with the writing.. "this journey of personal growth isn't linear. It's more like a winding path with ups and downs. Some days, you might feel like you are making great progress. Other days, you might feel like you sliding backwards. But as long as you keeps moving forward, you keeps trying to grow and improve, you are on the right path". She had already decide that..she had already walking on this path, she had this fact on her mind before going to sleep, before her eyes were simply fallen down.. "When a soul embarks on this journey of self-improvement, it's not about becoming a different person, it's about becoming more fully itself, it's true self. With her eyes closed just thinking "this authentic, caring, strong person that you are always had the potential to be. This process takes time, it takes effort, it takes courage and most importantly, it has to come from within! Goodnight myself", she wispered and she closed her eyes smoothly faithfully with a great belief of what the life and universe will bring as she had already taken the path of true ambudance!!