Every single nurse on that floor ran to the room as the bed bells went off. They looked in shock and awe as Nikki lay on the floor trying to stand up like some child whom just learn to stand. She had been medically induced into a coma for her own safety due to brain sweling. Once it went down to the point that she no longer needed to be induced her body was just to weak to want or have the will to come back to us as strong as she used to be. Doctor Connor stepped into the room slowly and bent down with hands extended to help her stand up again. She slowly let out a silent tear as it went down her cheek and landed in the Dr's hand. He felt so much sorrow and remorse for her that he grabbed her hands tighter and pulled her closer. He never wanted to have the plug pulled but every coworker thought it would be best. He thanked the Lord under his breath for her finally coming back to life. He saw such a beautiful woman standing in front of him. Nikkie even with a large scare across her right cheek didn't see the beauty she would hopefully one-day reclame. Connor knew her from when they where in a summer camp together he was a few years older but at the time her being 16 an him 18 it wasn't such a huge deal. He went off to medical school after that summer and got his starting career in the Hospital. He by passed half of the things needed to take because he is a literal genius with a IQ higher then anyone in his classes before him or to come. He looked up to Nikki as he did his super hero from childhood. He felt as strong as superman when he looked into her beautiful eyes. He could see the end and the begining of his life with her. She opened her eyes and slowly looked up to the man holding her. She didnt realize who it was gently caressing her and making her feel strong. His enegery alone emitting literal vibrational frequency. Inside a band was playing a melody so beautiful they both shed that tear. She fianlly opened her eyes wide enough and long enough to take in whom this celestial being was. Her swollen jaw would have dropped if the injury and pain would make her faint. even though she couldn't smile those beautiful shinning ocean blue eyes which sparkel like falkes of snow on a stunning snowy day.

She new who this gentel soul in standing before her. She tried to lick her lips and say hi but the words wouldn't form. He mouth empty of saliva. Connor saw this and asked the nurse charge to go get her a gallon of ice and cold water. He rushed and came back within almost the blink of an eye.

She reached for the glass of water like a man that had been lost in the Sahara Desert. She lapped at it like a gazzel in the wild returning to the only watering hole after a rare thunder storm. Feeling her lips finally start to come to life again and feel something of a tingle. She could hardly believe her eyes as she slowly started to take in the room of beeping machines and whining bells with lights.

Finally she managed to get enough courage to say " Where am I?"