The anger hit me like a supernova to the face. Her soul was gone, she had taken it before me. She hates me, she wants to hurt me, to destroy me, she’s pure evil, we are the only existing things left in this realm, there’s nothing else, how could she leave me.

I feel something, a tug I hadn’t felt since the great light ignited. A new life, a powerful life, a body full of power, an Impossible existence without a soul, without a world built for life . Did I get it wrong? Is this realm not on its deathbed just yet? How could life just appear with nothing to build a soul, could soulless life have evolved somewhere? Or was there new souls made of some other stuff I’ve never discovered, the confusion angered me further, I am the god of this place, I am here at the beginning, I will be here until the end, how dare someone come into this realm without my knowledge or understanding, i will rip this whole entire dessert apart until I have answers, I will cause pain like never felt before, to those with no respect for me

I will destroy everything