The full moon was rising above the island, the sun finally resting beneath the horizon. The hues of purple, pink, and orange were replaced by the inky black of the night sky, lit up by the blaze of stars blanketed over the sky. The moon was luminous, impossibly bright over the island. 

Ceara stood on the shoreline, mentally preparing herself to perform a ritual she hadn’t performed in almost a year. She reached her hands up to the moon, soaking in the brightness of the orb hanging above her, seeking connection to her Goddess before she entered the circle. She faced her palm to the moon, allowing the moonlight to charge her to her center, soaking in the energy. She crouched down, placing her hands palm down in the water, the light waves lapping over her hands and wrists. Ceara took a deep breath, then let her knees down into the water. She sat straight, staring out at the shore of Jade Cliffs. 

What Nida was asking of her was no minor task. In effect, Ceara was being asked to put her own life on the line so that she could protect her people. She should feel honored to do so, she thought, but was she ready, equipped, for any of this? Daire crossed her mind. She had grown infatuated with him, yes. There was a possibility of love there. She couldn’t be distracted by a human if she had any hope in figuring out the next steps for the Selkie people’s survival. 

“You better not be thinking about swimming away,” spoke a voice behind Ceara. She turned to see Nida walking toward her. “I’ll tell the keeper to hide your coat if I have to.” Nida gave Ceara a wide grin before stepping past her, getting into the water. As she laid back, she let out a sigh of relief. 

“I will never understand why human women put themselves through this for nine months, only to have their child depend on them for decades.” Nida floated in the water, shaking her head slightly in disbelief. Ceara chuckled from the shoreline. 

“Why does any species reproduce? Instinct, I’m guessing,” she said. Nida gave her a scowl, lifting her head from the water. 

“Well, clearly humans have no instincts regarding comfort. This pregnancy is far more comfortable as a seal.” Ceara snickered, watching Nida splash water over her rounded belly. As she watched, she could see small signs of movement inside her belly. Ceara was mesmerized, tiny limbs pushing against the skin, showing just the slightest signs of little elbows and hands. Nida dipped her hips under the water, treading water. 

“Are you ready for the ceremony tonight?” she asked. Ceara nodded. 

“As ready as I’ll ever get.” Nida smirked, then slowly swam to the shore. She extended her hand to Ceara to help her stand. 

“You better be. You’re the best we’ve got available to us at the moment.”

“No pressure or anything, right?” Ceara asked. Nida scoffed. 

“Oh, please. All the pressure. And when you think you have enough, add an extra scoop!” she said with a devilish grin. The women entwined their fingers together, walking back to the main hall. 

The passed the great hall, following the flickering glow of the bonfire that was already lit. As they rounded the corner, Ceara lovingly watched as the Selkie people danced nude around the fire, drums and harmonizing voices filling the air, mead being poured for everyone to enjoy. The logs of the fire had been anointed in floral oils, the smell creating a perfumed smoke that was almost intoxicating. A Selkie man poured a glass of mead, offering it to Ceara with a bowed head. She gratefully accepted it, sipping as she walked with Nida to a large stone at the head of the ceremony space. 

Ceara stood on the slanted stone, standing at the highest point to look over the selkies that were present. Her heart hurt as she looked at how small the group had become. The pain eased as they recognized their noble standing on the stone, preparing for the ritual. Smiles lit the space brighter than the blazing flames. She smiled down at them, waving for their attention so that they could begin. 

Before she spoke, Ceara looked around the stone. Buckets of rose water had been prepared, petals floating in the water. There were two large pieces of sea sponge sitting next to the buckets. Behind the buckets were large bottle of oils that would be used in the ceremony. Ceara smirked to herself; the puritanical humans of the shores would be stunned by all that she was looking at right now. They’d faint if they knew what was about to happen.

“Welcome to the full moon, my lovely family!” she called out. The voices and music hushed, all faces turning toward her. Nida and Sain positioned themselves on either side of the stone. She recognized some faces from her youth, as well as others who had come from other islands and kingdoms. So many faces were missing as well. Ceara waited for the whooping and clapping to settle before continuing. She could feel butterflies in her stomach; the energy of the gathering was infectious. 

“Tonight, the moon calls us to gather to cleanse and manifest in the name of Rhiannon. Our Goddess calls us to find rest, to break the ties of pain and loss, and to plead to her for fruitful lands and waters. May we call onto her for protection, that we may be fertile in our rebuilding of our homes, families, and our kingdom.” There was a solemn silence hanging in the air as she finished speaking. As she looked around at the Selkie who had gathered, Ceara could see the pain of loss written across every face present; they’d all lost someone special to them, someone they’d loved to the very core of their being, to the threat and actions of the Finfolk. She turned her face to the moon, raising her hands to face her palms to the moon. 

“Rhiannon. Join us and rejoice with us. For all that we have lost, so much good remains. We accept your guidance on the path of rebuilding, rebirth, and reconnection.” Ceara stepped down the slope of the large stone, standing now at the bottom of the slope, her toes curling over the edge. Beside her, Nida and Sain gathered their sponges, soaking them in the rose water in the buckets. 

“Divine Queen of the Faerie Folk, join us in cleansing the pains of loss and mistrust from our bodies and minds, so we may rebuild our foundations.” Sain and Nida each pulled the sponges from the water, beginning to wash her, working over her feet. 

“Join us in creating a prosperous environment where our people can bloom, and guide us to the path of strength. Goddess, we will follow where you lead.” Sain and Nida continued, dipping their sponges before each washing up her legs. 

“May our roots never be forgotten as we create a new world for ourselves. We rise, with Rhiannon at our core, our hearts speaking for us as we reach for her.” The sponges traveled up and over Ceara’s body and back. The energy of the circle was buzzing now. The Selkie were raising their hands up to the moon, swaying slightly around the blazing fire. 

“Our voices carry to you, Rhiannon, crying out in a symphony to be heard. Our thoughts carry to you, your voice echoing in our minds as we listen for your voice.” Nida carefully washed Ceara’s face, while Sain began soaking the lengths of her hair. The cool water dripped down Ceara’s body, while giddy anticipation rippled through the circle in front of her. Sain and Nida picked up the buckets and the waters that remained, lifting it high above her head. Ceara lowered her arms, turning her face to the glowing moon shining above her. 

“We cleanse the pain of the past in thy name, Divine Queen of the Faerie Folk, Rhiannon. We are open to your voice, your blessings, and your guidance. As above, so below, so mote it be.” The circle echoed her final sentence as she closed her eyes. Sain and Nida slowly poured the remaining water over her face, head, and body to the whooping and hollering of the circle. 

“Let the cleansing begin!” she shouted. In moments, the selkie people had sprinted down a path leading to the water’s edge. They threw themselves into the water, dancing and playing, pouring and splashing the waters at each other in a joyful pod. Ceara wiped her face, squeezing the water from her hair before watching her people. She could see the pure ecstasy across each face; some of these people hadn’t experienced a proper full moon ceremony in months, maybe even a year. She sat at the edge of the stone slab, staring up at the moon. 

“Rhiannon… what do I do? I can’t guide these people. Not like my father could,” she whispered. She felt the wind shift, the flames of the bonfire dancing. She watched the smoke drift away from her the flames taking on the shapes of dancing bodies. She smiled, just barely seeing the dull lighting of the Royal Otter Tavern at the hilltop. She chuckled, picturing Daire experiencing a full moon ceremony. 

Sain and Nida made their way back up the path, other Selkies following them. Nida combed her fingers through Ceara’s hair, then braided it back as they waited for the others to make their way back to the fire. Sain walked around to those who were warming by the fire, giving each of them a small bottle of anointing oil. 

“Are you ready?” asked Nida. Ceara smirked. 

“Are you kidding? This is the easiest part.” 

Sain returned to Ceara’s side, the knelt down to pick up an ornate oil bottle that had been tucked beneath the edge of the large slab stone. He offered a hand to Ceara, helping her stand on the large stone once more. He then helped Nida cautiously clamber onto the stone, her large, pregnant belly proving to be an obstacle, before standing on the other side of Ceara. The trio faced the circle.

The voices around the circle were beginning to hush. Some of those with longer hair were finishing braiding it back, while others let their hair hang free, strands sticking to their bodies in beautiful branching patterns. Standing just behind Ceara, Sain and Nida stood with their hands held low, their palms facing the circle. As the circle came to be ready, Ceara raised her arms above her head, facing her palms to the circle. A complete silence fell over the group. The only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire, and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. 

“Let us anoint one another as we would the Goddess herself.” There were a series of small pops as the bottles of oils were opened. Sain and Nida led the group through positioning the symbols drawn onto the face, body, and limbs. Ceara smiled, listening to the giggles and whispers of the group as they drew the symbols. There was a sense of joy building through the atmosphere. As her symbols were completed, Nida and Sain traced each others symbols. Ceara watched the group finish, some of them sifting sand over the oiled symbols, making them visible. The anointing oils were closed, the soft scent of flowers lifting through the air. 

Another selkie woman stepped forward with a basket. She lifted the basket over her head to Ceara, bowing her head. Ceara accepted the basket, and placed a gentle kiss at the top of the woman’s head. Within the basket were three pomegranates, three large, ornate knives, and a large chalice. Ceara passed the chalice down to the woman who had brought her the basket. She lifted it up, holding the chalice with reverence. Ceara, Nida, and Sain each gathered a pomegranate and a knife, raising their hands in unison to slice the pomegranates in unison. The knives were placed carefully back in the basket. They each pulled the pomegranates apart, squeezing the juices into the chalice. The scarlet fluids ran up their arms slightly, staining their skin. They dropped the rinds to the ground, and Ceara took the chalice from the woman. Another man approached with a jar of infused honey. When opened, the scent of lavender and honey floated up to Ceara. She leaned forward, and the man poured some of the honey into the chalice. Ceara stood, stirring the concoction with her finger. She raised the chalice to the moon, bowing her head, before taking a sip from the chalice. The chalice was passed hand to hand to each member of the Selkies, each taking a sip before passing it to the next. 

The chalice returned to Ceara, and she placed it at the head of the stone slab. The group tightened into a clustered circle, taking one another’s hands around the fire. Others moved to the outside of the circle, picking up the instruments they’d left at the beginning of the ceremony. They watched for Ceara’s signal to begin as the circle closed tightly around the dancing flames. Everyone in the circle raised their hands, everyone uniting with a sense of peace and ease. Ceara glanced in Nida’s direction, watching as she began to sink into a trance. Ceara placed a light kiss onto Nida’s cheek, signaling for the music to begin. 

As the melodies lifted into the air, Nida danced around the circle. The Selkie began to sing and chant, harmonizing together like an otherworldly symphony. When Ceara looked to Sain, he’d begun to sink into the trance himself, stepping off the stone to dance around the circle in the opposite direction, meeting Nida and continuing the dance. The tempo began to climb, and Ceara found herself taken by the melody. The circle opened to allow her to dance between the pod and the flames. 

Fingertips brushed over her skin as she danced through the center of the circle, sometimes feeling her braid lift and fling with her. The tie slipped from her braid, her silky hair releasing the plait. Her dancing grew more intense with the rising tempos, swaying and drifting along her path. The circle began to break, a cloud of beautiful selkie folk joining her in rejoicing and dancing together. 

Through the dancing flames, Ceara’s eyes landed on Nida. Her eyes were glossed over, almost glowing as she turned her face away from the moon, locking directly onto Ceara. She summoned her forward, and Ceara found her body obeying before her mind had even processed the moment. She met Nida, who placed her hands on either side of Ceara’s face. Her eyes didn’t appear to be looking at her, but instead, through her. She spoke, her voice sounding like a series of harmonies of the Selkie people. 

“You know what you must do,” she spoke, a gentle smile crossing her face. “Guide the people away from this land. Protect them.” Ceara froze, fear beginning to role in her stomach. 

“Where should I take them? What if I fail?” she asked. Nida’s finger brushed over Ceara’s lips. 

“You know where to go. And I will protect you just as you protect them. There’s nothing to fear.” Ceara watched as Nida’s eyes began to clear. Ceara began to panic. 

“No, wait! Come back!” she shouted. The Selkie around her continued to dance, completely unbothered, while Nida gave her a concerned, confused look. She took in the panic on Ceara’s face, then pulled her into a hug. 

“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered into Ceara’s ear. Ceara buried her face in Nida’s hair, breathing her in as she settled herself. When she pulled back, Nida looked at her, reassuring her. 

“She wants so much from me,” Ceara whispered. Nida nodded, pushing the hair behind Ceara’s ear. 

“I know. But you know that Rhiannon wouldn’t expect this from you if you couldn’t do it.” 

All around them, bodies were beginning to connect in passion and reverence. They honored one another in the bonds of pleasure. Ceara watched as men and women pressed into one another’s flesh, lowering themselves into the sands and grasses surrounding the fire. There was no discrimination between the bodily connections made; Ceara smiled as she watched a man pull his lips from his female partner, only to turn to kiss the man who had approached him from behind, fingers wandering through the southern regions. The man groaned as the wandering fingers found their target, pushing inside of him. The woman turned to another, her hands moving up the curves of the other woman, falling into the grasses together while a third man approached where she was bent over, inserting himself into her. The ecstasy of the moment could be heard throughout the circle as bodies came together, trading partners, joining others, and moving through the throws of passionate unity. 

From behind her, Sain approached. His hands rested on her hips, nudging her head to the side and gently biting her neck. Ceara gasped, grinning slightly as his fingers cupped the rounded curves of her cheeks, his long fingers grazing past one curious hole to find another dripping in need. His fingers pushed inside her, and she found herself leaning forward onto Nida’s shoulder. Nida lifted Ceara’s face to her own, kissing her deeply until the trio knelt into the grass. Ceara laid back in the grass, Nida and Sain on either side of her. They ran their hands up her inner thighs, their fingers exploring the softness of her skin before separating the lips between, and together pushing their fingers inside of her. She moaned, her back arching in pleasure as they moved in sync with one another. They each ran their other hand over her body, cupping and carressing her before lowering their faces to her body. While Nida went higher, twirling her tongue around Ceara’s nipple, Sain lowered his face between her legs. 

Voices grew louder, each of the Selkie folk giving into the waves of pleasure that were ringing through the circle of bodies around the fire. Groans, moans, and screams of pleasure echoed through the night sky for hours, until finally, they collapsed next to a dwindling fire, panting and tired from the power of the ritual ceremony. Two by two, the Selkie raised themselves to go into the main hall, dropping themselves into soft, plush beds to rest. Ceara stood, helping Nida to stand, and joined the others to finally get some rest.