An unexpected gift from a secret Santa arrived. It was a normal day at school, as normal as days at school can be. I woke up early to go for a morning run, ate breakfast, got dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my bag, hanging it as always over my shoulder and on my way I was.

Ruby and I never explicitly decided that we would walk together to school. Every morning, though, I made sure to wait at the same place, the same time, waiting for him to come. I knew he was always late, so late i was. But today, he didn't show up.

Later, of course, I realised that this day he had gone to school early, curious as it might sound. I saw him when I got to class, late, since I had stayed to wait. We shared a knowing smile and I sat in the front, the lesson starting.

The day passed smoothly. I took a test, sat with my friends, ate lunch, and on my way i was again. Only at home i noticed the surprise.

It was a small gift, carefully wrapped and put in my bag with a small, simple note. "Your secret santa, XO", it wrote. I took it out, carefully ripping the packaging open, confused, although somewhat excited. It was too early for secret Santas yet, just the 1st of December, and none had been organised.

Of course, I immediately recognised the handwriting. I also recognised, with some pride, the effort put to it. Ruby and I had spent months sitting on the floor at his mama's home, books spread across it, as I was helping him practice his reading and writing that the teachers wouldn't bother to help him with.

I smiled fondly, seeing the effort my friend put in the gift. I remember, even now, how my hands trembled as I opened it. Inside was a simple chain, with my name custom made on it.

I went to school wearing it, of course. I saw him, sitting across the table, his eyes lighting up when I walked in. I walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and leaned onto the bigger boy.

"Thank you", I whispered into his ear.

You should have seen the red colouring his cheeks.