The frozen lake cracked beneath his feet. He gasped as the horror of his situation dawned on him, Alice's words would ring true tonight. She was always warning him about going out to lakes in Michigan. The depths held their secrets, just as they did their dead.

As the ice began to strangely crack, the sound reminiscent of a horrid 80's laser gun game, an odd and terrible smell erupted from the murky frozen depths. The man, more curious than intelligent, ignored his survival senses telling him to run. You see a fissure had opened in the ice a few days back, and it appeared as if the ice were smeared with blood.

With a frosty huff of air he carefully tecked across the ice directly towards the fissure, and his untimely doom. As he unsuccessfully attempted to peer into the dark depths of the ice, he heard what sounded like pained moans. Leaning dangerously close to the edge, he could just begin to make out the broken figure of his father. And as he began to turn and call for help he felt a rough shove. The last thing he saw and heard was his own sister, as she gleefully stated "this lake holds her dead.."