The frozen lake cracked beneath his feet. He froze on the spot, another inch and he would be doomed. He looked for a way to save himself. No one else was around to help him. He had just wanted a spot to skate on in peace. The silent morning had turned to a moment so dire. His breath quickened and puffed out with the cold air of death lingering. His next move needed to be faster than lightning. He ran for it but it was short-lived. He fell through, the icy water a shock to his core. This was it, the end was near. He reached for the strength he didn't have to swim back up. He couldn't, the light was fading fast. He knew no one would miss him. His parents were gone. He was an only child and he had spent his life focused on nothing but work. His success meant everything to him. Now it all came crashing down in an instant.
Just as his breath began to fade from his lungs, the icy burn took over his chest. eyes closing for the last time, he awoke to the sound of his balcony door slamming open. The icy chill of the morning air chilled him, like the nightmare he had just dreamt. He got up to close it and clicked on the fireplace in his room. He stood by it for a moment to warm himself as he glanced at the clock. It was two hours before his business meeting. Seven in the morning and his alarm was set for 8:15 am. He thought over the dream. It felt so real to him. As if he had lived it. Dreams were so strange. He loved to skate and was always careful when he did so. He never had a fear of falling through the ice. He loved the small amount of time he got to relax in doing it. He knew the perfect little spot where no one would bother him. He found it odd that he had dreamt of something so disastrous happening there.
His business was successful and he'd been living a good life by far. He was missing something more. He knew it. He had recently been thinking of finding someone to settle down with. Never had the time, especially around this time of year. Christmas wasn't far off and everyone would be running to the stores to get all the gifts for their loved ones. He ran a decent franchise and made sure to stay up to date with all the new trends. Make sure each of his buildings was set with everything people could ever want. Some people liked to call him Saint Nick. He was popular and the public ate it up on just how much he kept things running smoothly. But especially how much he would give to charity and just help in general. He was kind and giving as much as he liked his wealth and fortune. He knew it shouldn't go to waste on himself. He didn't care for the fame that came with being so popular in his line of work. He hadn't set out to be that guy. The single bachelor who was generous and handsome as all the magazines and ads liked to say about him. He wanted to make items that would bring joy and inspire people to follow their dreams. It was hard being the face of the company and the boss. He never had much time to spend alone without someone finding him to ask him loads of questions. Or take tons of photos with or without his consent and post them everywhere. Every move he made was scrutinized.
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