The alarm wasn’t supposed to go off yet , however Carol sat there on the edge of the bed having been awake for the last thirty minutes , carols mind was racing with every taught in the world, looking behind her to see her husband Jacob soundly sleeping . Today was the big day . Today they where going to the orphanage to finally meet the child they hope to adopt. Carol and Jacob couldn’t have children of there own due to a condition that Jacob had that caused him to be infertile. But that didn’t stop them wanting children. Carol nudged Jacob impatiently “ come on sleepy head , it’s time to get up now , it’s time to go to happy faces orphanage. I haven’t slept a wink all night , I’m going to hop into the shower , meet you downstairs soon “. Jacob crawled out of bed and put on he’s nicest shirt and panths along with he’s Finley polished shoes . Jacob ran down the stairs to wait for Carol . Shortly after Carol came running down the stairs “ you ready honey”? . “ Sure am , let’s go , are you nervous? “. Carol looked happy but Jacob could tell that she was as nervous as she was on there wedding day . “ Oh I’m fine “. It was only a twenty minute drive to the orphanage . They pulled up outside, both looking at the building, probably thinking the same thing ‘ will it be ok , what will our child be like , what colour eyes will he or she have . “ Hey , you know what , I kinda hope we end up with a girl “ Carol said enthusiastically. “ AHH I don’t mind as long as he or she is happy with us , hey honey , I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a child of our own , I’m so sorry “ . “ Oh Jacob, how many times are you going to say sorry, it doesn’t matter does it , honestly, we’re here now aren’t we , so let’s go inside. With that they both clamboured into the building, pressing the little bell on the desk , seeing all the children running around in the background, waiting for someone to answer the bell . Jacob caught something out of the corner of his eye , a little girl sitting on her own looking out of the window, black hair shoulder length, wearing a White shirt and a brown panths , she turned her head to look right at Jacob , Jacob got a bit startled , he wasn’t expecting her to look over . “ What is it Hun “ , over there , look by the back window “ , Jay , there’s nothing or nobody over there “ , Jacob looked confused he was certain he had seen a girl looking out the window. Eventually a lady came to the front desk “ hi I’m Miriam, I’m the owner here , I believe you two are Mr and Mrs brannigan, it’s so nice to meet you, we received your papers and everything else last week and are very happy with your application and will take pleasure in helping you two chose an orphan” . Carol smiled with relief “ oh thank you so kindly mamm “ , “ hey Jacob let’s have a look around “ . Looking back at Miriam carol winked. Carol and Jacob had a long look around at the little orphans playing on the floor , Jacob all the while keeping an eye out for the little girl he had seen , he decided to ask Miriam about that little girl but Miriam had never seen a girl of that description. Jacob looked shocked “ really , but I seen her over there by the window” Miriam replied “ Mr brannigan, sometimes the mind plays tricks , it shows you what you want to see “ . “ Oh , I suppose so “ and shrugged it off . Meanwhile Carol took a liking to one of the young girls playing by the sandpit, she bent down to say hello smiling all the time, the little girl smiled back and handed Carol a bucket to play the sand . Carol looked over at Jacob smiling. “ Yeah isn’t she a doll “ . “ Yes I like her , what do you think Jay “ . “ Yeah she is happy with you so why not “ . Carol and Jacob had decided right there and than to go with this little girl , calling over Miriam . “ Can we please go with this little girl “?. Miriam looked at the little girl and than looked up at the parents” why yes of course , this little one is called Isabelle, but the thing is she has a sister here too , hey julianne come out here “. Both Carol and Jacob looked around to see where this Julianne girl was coming from, than out from behind a pillar stepped this young girl with black hair , Jacobs heart stopped in shock . “ That’s her , that’s the girl by the window I was telling you about “ . Miriam was over at the front desk and looked at Jacob with a squint in her eye without him noticing. “ Now Mr and Mrs brannigan you are all set we will send there bags to your house tomorrow once we’ve finished packing there things. The new parents proudly walked behind the two girls both beaming and looking at there new children, Julianne whispered to Isabelle “ don’t worry I’ll look after them , you just keep quiet” Jacob taught he heard Julianne say something but just brushed it off . Shortly they pulled up outside there house and got the children out “ welcome to your new home kids , head on in . Carol and Jacob stood there and watched both kids run inside, carol hugged Jacob” we did it Jay , we did it , were finally a mom and dad “ . Once inside Carol showed the girls where they would be sleeping” this will do “ commented Julianne” sorry Julianne did you say something “ ? . “Oh no never mind “ shrugging it off . Once inside there room Julianna closed the door “ Isabelle, let’s not take this slowly, tonight is the night , don’t worry, tomorrow we will be back in happy faces orphanage to wait for the next people to collect us . “ Ok “ replied Isabelle, always frightened to say anything else . Later that evening after dinner it was time to go to bed Carol brought both girls to bed for a bedtime story sitting on the edge of the big bed Carol began to read nursery rhymes, Julianne raising her eyes out of sheer boredom “ oh thank you my new mommy were both tired now , can we go to sleep now please thank you” . “ Oh of course darlings , will I love this little light on for you both “? . “ No mom it’s ok , we like the dark , dont we sis “ , Isabelle nodded . “Ok girls see you in the morning” ,” night night mommy sweet dreams, don’t let the bed bugs bite you” . Soon as Carol closed the door , julianne sat in motion her immediate plan to kill Carol and Jacob. “ You ready sis” ? . “ Ok “ replied Isabelle. “ We wait til there asleep than we do it replied Julianne. A couple of hours passed before the two girls made there move , “ how will we do it this time juli “ , “ same as last time, fast and easy , one knife each , you pretend to want to get into bed with mommy and daddy and when there both asleep again I’ll get up and give you your blade and I’ll have mine and than when I say slit, we both slit at the same time , got it “ . “ Yes boss “ , “ ok go go go , I’ll follow you in in a while. Isabelle claimed up onto the bed where mom and dad were sleeping without disturbing them she waited for her sister to join her. Soon after in stepped Julianne with blades in hand , climed up quitley on the bed also without disturbing the sleeping parents. “ Here’s your blade , they both got bedside each parent in a perfect position, “ ready isa “ ? 1 , 2 , 3 , Slit . At that the job was done both girls climbing down off the bed without even looking back , went to there room changed there clothes and carefully binned the blood stained clothes and scrubbed there hands and face . Putting on the new pyjamas that were in the drawers for them . “ Right let’s go “ , “ but it’s dark outside “ said Isabelle . “ But we can’t be seen outside somebody might see us isa” . At that they made there quick escape out the back door . Julianne made sure to remember the route back to the orphanage so they eventually found there way back , both were very tired by the time they got there “ can we stop doing this Juli please” , “ but we can’t isa, master makes us , so we have to”. They both tapped on one of the windows of the orphanage to which Miriam opened , “ come in girls , “ looking at Julianne quizzically “ well did ye do it “? . “ Yes miss hawkins, all is done perfectly as usual” , did you leave the note “? Asked Miriam. “ Of course I left the note ,I left it on the bed and it read ‘It wasn’t me ‘ .