As the holiday season approached, their time grew even more strained. Emma had a major photography assignment that would take her out of the city, and Lily had an art project to finish. They spent numerous late nights in the café, stealing quiet moments while they could, but it never felt like enough.

The night before Emma's departure, they found themselves sitting on a park bench, an uncharacteristic chill in the air. The city sparkled around them, yet the two girls felt the weight of impending distance.

“Promise me something,” Lily said, biting back tears. “Promise me we won’t forget this—what we have.”

Emma smiled sadly, her eyes glistening. “I could never forget. You’re a part of me now, Lily.”

They leaned closer, sharing a kiss that felt both electrifying and heartbreaking. When they pulled away, their hearts ached with the knowledge that this moment—this love—was both a gift and a curse.