“You look a lot better than in the hospital, I must say. How do you feel?” Francisco Ribera was looking at Angelika dressed in an elegant jacket, from under which a delicate blouse with a floral pattern peeked out. Her jeans, which used to fit her perfectly, now only held in the waist thanks to the understated belt, and a shoe in the blouse color poked out from under the table.

“I feel very well, thanks to you.” Angelika looked around the patio garden of the elegant restaurant and perceived a pleasant jazz melody sounding from invisible speakers. Oliver looked up when she spoke and settled between Angelica and Francisco's legs as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

“I hope you do not mind me asking,” Francisco said softly.

Angelika stopped stroking Oliver and shook her head barely noticeably. "Sure, just ask."

“Who are you?”

She laughed and quickly reacted, "I was just about to ask you the same thing."

Before Francisco could say anything, she added: "But I don't have to, because I know all I need to know about you."

“Really? What is that?”

“Francisco Ribera is a very caring, helpful, and nice man who likes dogs. And he has good taste too," Angelika looked around again and took a small sip of white wine. “An angel, if I may say.”

“Ohhh… I did not expect that,” Francisco said in surprise. “People are usually interested in different things in me. Thank you, that is genuinely nice.”

Francisco paused in thought and then said aloud what was on his mind: “And now about you. After all, I asked first. What brought you to Barcelona? Perhaps Love?”

“Not at all.” Angelika looked at Oliver who was now sleeping, moving his paws as if he were running in his dream. “I needed a change of scenery. Then I got a job opportunity, so I gladly accepted it.”

“How cool! I knew you were a brave woman. In fact, I saw it with my own eyes yesterday," Francisco winked mischievously.

“I didn't know I was good at catching thieves. Maybe I should put this skill on my resume,” she laughed.

“I would hire you without hesitation then. There are never enough thief catchers.”

“In that case I have my next career step! What progress! From zero to hero.”

“Isn't that said the other way around? From hero to zero?”

“It may be, who cares. I will soon have no job, and a thief catcher is kind of a hero, isn't he?”

Angelica got distracted by the sight of a woman about her age approaching them. She was obviously a very affluent lady judging by her style and understated but valuable jewelry. Francisco did not see her and continued:

“It's none of my business, but why would you be out of a job?”

Meanwhile, the unknown woman came up to their table. Oliver pricked up his ears.

“Paco dear, I'm sorry to disturb you.” She looked apologetically at Angelika. "I'm just coming to say hello."

“Ahh… what a nice surprise!" Francisco jumped up, hugged the woman, and kissed her on each cheek. “Angelika, may I introduce you to Isabel? Isabel, this is Angelika, Oliver's owner. And you know the boy."

Oliver wagged his tail and crawled under the table to greet Isabel. “Isabel Ribera, very nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you. I am so pleased to see you are doing well. I will be missing Oliver to be honest. We all love dogs, is that right, my dear?”

Isabel stroked Oliver and said, "I would love to join you, but I have a meeting in a minute. It was a real pleasure to meet you, “she said to Angelika. “And I'll see you later," Isabel added towards Francisco.

Angelika felt confused. She was not thinking about Francisco like a woman usually thinks about a man, but now she was surprised that he had a wife. After all, there was nothing strange about it.

“Francisco, I think I've kept you longer than is appropriate. You certainly have a lot of work to do. Thank you for everything, especially for Oliver.”

“Are you in a hurry? I thought we could have a cup of coffee or a dessert. You owe me the answer. I did not forget.”

“What answer? Can you remind me?”

“The one about your job.”

“Oh, that one. Well, the company I work for has been acquired and the new owners are changing the structure. Just another hurdle, nothing else, I have experienced it before. Do not worry.”

Francisco thought about it, but did not say anything until he ordered coffee from the waiter. “I do not mean to offend you, but I'd like to make you an offer and I would be honored if you accepted. No obligation though.”

Angelika looked baffled. “What kind of offer? You have already done everything possible for me.”

“Are you available tomorrow?”

“I think yes. For what?”

Francisco pulled his phone out of the jacket pocket, with a wink he asked for her permission and called someone.

“Hola Luis, I have an important task for you. Angelika Hoggett is coming to see you tomorrow. I want you to find her a management position in one of our companies. And do not be shy. I will call you later.”