She couldn’t remember how she got here.

She was just here.

Alone in these damp woods, next to the too-familiar mossy trees and the sound of the tumultuous creek in the distance.

She knew this place. But how had she gotten here?

This was a happy place, or at least it had been, that much she could remember.

But confusion was swarming her like excited bees to a hive.

Think! Think! She spoke without words, to herself.

Maybe, just maybe, if she could remember where she had been, she might figure it out. But wait! Did she even know who she was?

“Who am I?” She whispered, becoming startled at her own hushed voice.

“Calm down, Leslie, calm down…Leslie…my name is Leslie…that’s right, I’m Leslie…” Her normal talking voice had started taking the place of the crackling whisper that had come before it.

“But why am I here?” She looked around, uneasy.

Suddenly, a flash. A brief blip of a memory sped across her mind’s eye.

The crash.

Her car, careening off the narrow road and down into a ravine.

The hard hit to her head on her steering wheel.

“Oh, my God, I was in an accident!” She exclaimed loudly enough to startle some nearby birds into a frenzied flight.

Leslie glanced at her hands, looking for signs of injury. There were only a few little scrapes and a chipped fingernail. Nothing too alarming.

Next, she started feeling around for sore spots. Her neck was a little stiff, but that was it.

What she did notice, though, was how cold she was.

She wasn’t wearing a coat, and her arms were bare against the elements.

“Where did my coat go? Was I wearing a coat?” She was back to a whisper again.

She took a good long look around her. She knew these woods. Many a hike, picnic, and camping trip had happened in the same general area.

“Was I camping?” She said to herself as she started walking ahead on the path in front of her.

“I must have been…” she whispered, ambling straight ahead as if she had any idea where she was going.