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Gambling Queen Witch by Cityhunter

In the day of her wedding, Meg elopes with Gina in search of adventure and a new life outside customs and social conventionalisms. In their path to freedom, they get to LA, where they become professional gamblers earning the nickname of "Gambling Queen", however, Their unconventional way of life drags them into a world where the bond that holds them together slowly begins to crack.

The College Tutor by mmswriter61

Mark Culpepper works at Southwestern City College as a tutor. One of his clients graduated but is brutally gunned down in front of his friends and family in the front lawn of their home. Now he becomes a target, and the alleged gunmen are the sons of the owner of a company that makes drones, Terence Rosenbloom, a known racist. Why is he the next target, and is Rosenbloom himself involved?

Black Water, the China Connection by RJS_Writing
CompleteMaturePremium StoryPaid StoryAdventureThrillerHistoricalAction
2355/5 (1)00

Jason gathered his men and pulled out his uplink. He checked the GPS and compass settings and looked around. They had touched down on a high Plateau; he could make out the outline of a steep canyon ahead. “Looks like we head southwest, our target should be only a mile away.” He turned to Morales, “Let Capcom know we are down, and keep the com ready.” Jason pointed, “Tex, you’re on point, we follow single file. It is now 0430 hrs. Mountain Time, we got a few hours of darkness to get it done.” He looked at Derek, “you and me partner, remember, we need to take two of them alive if we can.”

Morales called it in and Capcom came back on the com., “Delta is go for target area, repeat Delta is go.”


FULL CIRCLE, Lucia's Story by RJS_Writing

Robert's exciting new, and Award-Winning story is about faith, family and Lucia's struggle from the depths of darkness and despair. Find out what happens as Lucia and her family try to find peace and pray for a better life for themselves. The author brings us into the personal life of Lucia, the excitement and drama that unfolds on her journey. Things happen in life; does fate and luck come into play? Come along for the ride as Lucia starts a new life with her family and meet the new friends she finds along the way.


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