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Broken  by JedArcher

Krisha, a half-breed, lives her life underneath the piercing gazes of those seeing her as filth. Claimed to be born out of pure love and a blessing, the girl finds herself disagreeing with her mother's words. On the way to find her missing father, Krisha is eager to find the one who loves her. Yet when the times get tough and the disdained-filled eyes multiply, will she be able to keep her spirit, or will she break trying?


Coming Of The Reaper by CamRoze

Steven is a young man about to be done with high school. He comes back from his school one day to discover his mother is not home yet. He soon discoveries he is to take after his forefathers and jump on board of the family business: Becoming a Grim Reaper. As Steven goes into the worlds events he had no idea of prior, he meets his partner for this job, Sylvie. 


Eden Eternia by Forever.Underdog

To become gods on earth, the world was split into two.

"Worthy" and "Unworthy" deserving of the world where the new regime would rule.


Extinction by CynicalCryptid

There aren't many places left that are zombie free, Quinn's hometown being one of them. Since the zombies haven't hit the town yet, school continues, much to the student's rage. One day, their classmate gets attacked. He doesn't know that he got bitten until he returns to school and starts craving human flesh. Next to go is someone close to Quinn. Then the whole town. How will they escape the flesh-eating monsters as the rest of their hometown is overrun by them?

The Draconus Wars: An Abrupt Incitement Book One by CamRoze
CompleteMaturePremium StoryPaid StoryFantasyAdventureHorrorParanormal
1.68K4/5 (1)00

Flamose, a newly formed being, King of the Draconus Ventures forth to create an army. when he realizes what his race is meant for, from Kisira, He vows to free them all. Can he actually pull it off?

Dark Witch by SM_Savage
1.45K5/5 (1)00



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