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Misty diggs


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Single full time mom of 3 beautiful children two are grown and a 12 yr old also a beautiful baby boy grandson ,I'm a creative writer from Oklahoma,I am a domestic abuse survivor and writing is my outlet but now also my passion I'm an independent contractor I work for myself I love making others smile cause it makes me smile 😁

Neosho Missouri

October challenge --The Alarm Wasn't Supposed To Go Off Yet... by Mdiggs39
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The alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet because time doesn't stand still ,it's not in our power but it is God's will ,ur story isn't over yet it's just begun so stop sitting around go out and have some fun ,it continues to go off it continues to beep ,that means u need to stand up get up on ur feet ,start living today because tomorrow may not come get ur life in order and stop trying to run,the alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet because u weren't ready ,put one foot in front of the other and go slow and steady...we're goin slow and steady were gonna win this race but I forgot if we wanna win gotta pick up the pace ,ur slowin down ur slowin down ur fallin far behind ur gonna fall ur gonna fall and get stuck inside ur mind ,ur legs give out so u stop and u find yourself on the ground u try to get up u reach out then u look around, a stranger comes and grabs ur hand to help u find ur place she wraps her arms around u to help u win the race ,u look at her u smile u give her a great big hug u say to her thank u ,thank u fir showin me love ,I can't thank u enough then I realized she was me, now u know the reason now u see that this is about u ur very own tell it good tell it right continue and fight fight fight ,the alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet because it wasn't even set, the clock is tickin tick tock tick tock but don't u forget ,time is running out u better work fast start looking forward and forget about the past ,the future stands before u so beautiful and bright stand tall head up and just enjoy the light , remember u got this, this story is about u nothing has ever been more true ,the alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet because it wasnt set, ur still sleeping so soundly layin in ur bed ,no more monsters up in ur head ,so peaceful and quiet I think I'll leave u be I turned that alarm off just u wait and see, that the day will still be there waiting no matter what time u wake don't stress don't worry it's all gonna be ok ,the alarm is finally set it goes off and we're gonna get it right as the light shines thru the window u roll over and open ur eyes u get up with a smile another day another surprise ,u get ready to head out with ur head held high u say to yourself we can do this we're gonna live life , the alarm is set to forever now this I know is true its me the man upstairs and of course always u

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