Laila Miller
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A short story written for the purpose of Novelos' February Challenge. After months of research, interviews, profiling and waiting, Lara is about to meet her carefully matched soul mate, but is the encounter what she expected?
An article in U.S. News & World Report on 9/10/21 is titled, "How 9/11 Triggered Two Decades of Global War." This manuscript took well over a year of research and development. All information is factually verified utilizing the Microsoft Bing Search Engine. I performed one hundred and seventy-seven re-edits and published four other times with different titles. The editing of the thirty-four opening pictures and four embedded videos was an immense task due to the file extensions required by numerous retail channels. The reason for opening with pictures and videos is they clearly show the truth of what exactly transpired on that fateful day of 9/11. Only five percent of Americans know that three buildings fell. World Trade Center 7 collapsed in its own footprint and no plane hit it. More than 590,000 tons of concrete were used to construct the World Trade Centers. It is absolutely impossible that 767 aircraft constructed with aluminum and composites and loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel could demolish the largest buildings in the world. This completely defies the laws of physics. Numerous seasoned pilots in flight simulators attempted to hit the Pentagon and none succeeded. The insurance companies did not pay one dime to the airlines because no verifiable debris was ever recovered. I decided to re-publish because once understood this will add validity to my eleven other spiritual manuscripts. Please read with an open mind and develop your own conclusions. The public needs informed. God Bless, Bob