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Jontal Malone


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My name is Jontal and I love writing, singing, creating generated graphic art. I wrote my first book at the age of 11 it was over 200 pages long, it started out as a punishment assigned by my teacher and turned into something I loved. I love how I was created and designed by God I have been gifted with the ability to express myself in many different art forms because I am creative and was crafted this way.

Mount Vernon, New York

Wake Up by Jontalesmeraldem
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge

Have you ever had the a feeling that you were awake but you couldn't move? I did! I thought I was trapped in a never ending cycle with what I thought was just bad fortune but a very long time ago a young girl looking for love anywhere chose to love a desire rather than The Savior and Master, God. Watch how her life begins to change after lying dead in a hospital for 10 days and walk with her as God begins to drastically change her heart and mind back to the heart of The Father God.

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