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George Gentle


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As a seasoned professional who has enjoyed a successful career in the NHS, I have recently retired and am now dedicating my time to a new passion: writing children's stories. Inspired by my own grandchildren, I am crafting imaginative and educational tales that captivate their young minds and nurture their love for reading.



It’s Just a Dream. by Geo1960

Clara blinked awake, her heart racing, as the remnants of the dream faded like morning mist. She lay still for a moment, the sunlight filtering through the lace curtains, casting intricate patterns on her quilt. The dream had felt so real—so vivid. In it, she had stood at the edge of an endless ocean, waves crashing against the shore, each swell a whisper of secrets and forgotten memories. 

She sat up, brushing her hair back from her face, recalling the details. A distant figure had beckoned her from the water, their face obscured by shadows, yet the weight of their presence lingered, pulling Clara into an emotional whirlpool. It was an ache she couldn’t quite name, neither joy nor sorrow—an unresolved feeling that had plagued her for as long as she could remember.


George and the Draconian by Geo1960
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
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With a heavy thud, the Draco Star crash-landed its metallic hull tearing through the dense forest of 13th century Earth. The impact sent debris flying in all directions, causing the surrounding wildlife to scatter in fear. Zara, dazed and disoriented, struggled to regain her senses as smoke billowed from the damaged vessel.

Lorelei’s Awakening  by Geo1960

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the ancient city of New Orleans. Lorelei Devereaux, a young woman of extraordinary beauty, found herself drawn to the heart of the French Quarter. She had always been captivated by the enigmatic charm of the city, its rich history and the whispers of the supernatural that lingered in the air. 

Echoes of Sorrow by Geo1960

Nestled amidst rolling hills and ancient forests, Barkley had always borne a mysterious air, harboring secrets within its weathered walls. Its once-thriving communities now lay deserted, an eerie hush settling upon each empty home and forgotten street. Some whispered that an otherworldly presence had driven the townsfolk away, while others believed it was simply the work of time and an encroaching modern world.

Shadows of Deception  by Geo1960

Agent Michael Sterling latest assignment had taken him deep within an international criminal syndicate known as the Black Iris. Led by the enigmatic Dimitri Vasilyev, the Black Iris held Europe in its iron grip, a formidable force with arms reaching into every major city. But Mike, as he was known to his fellow agents, was trained to dismantle such organizations from the inside out.

"Eternal Algorithms: A Love Story for the Digital Age" by Geo1960

Mark was a busy man, running his own business and overseeing a

 team of employees. With so much on his plate, he found it difficult to


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