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Does anyone hold art and/or story exhibitions/shows?

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# 1

I have one on Sunday, in our favourite cafe/bar in West Didsbury, Manchester.

Wine & Wallop on their upstairs mezzanine floor.

I have plenty of space to lay out prints of my art work, blank greetings cards and the printed stories themselves.

Hoping to interact with potential clients who may choose to visit us at home to view originals.

If we pick up orders the plan is to fulfil them by Christmas.

# 2

Hey Peter,

Hope the exhibition went well. I don't live in Manchester so I can't comment but in Norfolk where I live there's always exhibitions happening held by the Sainsbury's Centre if you are ever around this way.

# 3

Thanks David, it was all a little quiet; but people we talk to mention the dire economic climate, so we shall live in hope for a later occasion.

# 4

Recently we were up in Kirkcudbright, the Dumfries and Galloway Artist’s town, to enjoy the 25th jazz festival that is always arranged and run in a fine manner. They also have an annual book festival and they have kindly invited me to a session in the local library reading one or more of my cat stories to sets of local schoolchildren. Roz and I are quite excited and are already planning what I should read and the best ways of displaying/projecting a slide show of associated illustrations. On our son’s advice I have invested in a neat connection device which fits into the SurfacePC’s USB-C socket and allows the considerable variety of output devices to be plugged in.

This will be early March 2025, so we are hoping that the imminent general election and next winter’s potential for inclement weather does not affect the plans.

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