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Robert Hall's Manuscripts

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# 1

Robert Hall is 72 and has written 11 manuscripts from 15 years of studies and writings. He is a dedicated student of “A Course In Miracles”, a 1333-page manuscript by Helen Schuman. God is all-powerful and can lift anything, yet if God is all-knowledge He can make something He cannot lift. The answer to this centuries old paradox is in our manuscripts and offers the most beautiful truths you’ll ever read. He uses the truth of logic to prove that Hell does not exist and it’s impossible to sin against God. Sin means wrongdoing and the human race certainly does that to one another 24/7. The way to break the circle of birth and death is by listening to the Holy Spirit, who is within every mind alive, and achieving perfection in forgiveness. Eventually we will all awaken from our dream in the magnificence of the Heaven we’ve never left. 

# 2



Robert Hall is 72 and has written 11 manuscripts from 15 years of studies and writings. He is a dedicated student of “A Course In Miracles”, a 1333-page manuscript by Helen Schuman. God is all-powerful and can lift anything, yet if God is all-knowledge He can make something He cannot lift. The answer to this centuries old paradox is in our manuscripts and offers the most beautiful truths you’ll ever read. He uses the truth of logic to prove that Hell does not exist and it’s impossible to sin against God. Sin means wrongdoing and the human race certainly does that to one another 24/7. The way to break the circle of birth and death is by listening to the Holy Spirit, who is within every mind alive, and achieving perfection in forgiveness. Eventually we will all awaken from our dream in the magnificence of the Heaven we’ve never left. 


Makes sense to me , could of wrote that myself , not sure if its shuman or the universe im alligning with ,but like a gentle tune to the ear ,can only imagine the delight when the words turn to rock and roll ,look forward to reading your thoughts and vibration in words ,write it into existance .i wounder if spelling mistakes cause little bumps in reality ,all for a good glitch ,

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